一、虽然need、require 都可以表达“需要”,但它们的主体及其用法在科技论文写作中是不一样的。
We need to do sth.
To achieve this goal (objective), we need to overcome a problem that……(为了实现这个目标,我们需要解决一个问题。)
We need to explore/investigate/study/review/……
The user first needs to obtain the address of the server.(用户首先需要得到服务器地址。)
可以看出,need to 与should可以认为是同义,他们在写作可以互换。
三、require 表达客观需要,一般用于算法、协议等描述中,主体是某个实体(包括人)。注意不要写We require……因为作者的工作时不会是客观需要,而是科学探索,属于主观愿望(注意理解好这一点)。
require 在写作中常见的用法:
to require sth.
to require sb./sth. to do sth.
Sth. is required.
The protocol requires users to register their accounts in the server.(该协议需要用户在服务器上注册账号。)
An ad hoc network doesn’t require a central node.(ad hoc网络不需要中心节点。)
A huge amount of data is required to train the model.(大量的数据需要来训练模型。)
The model of deep learning may involve millions of nodes and accordingly requires tremendous capability of computation. GPU can meet this requirement, for it works in parallel.(深度学习模型可能会包含数百万个节点,所以需要巨大的计算能力。GPU以并行方式工作,能满足这个计算能力需求。)
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