光线追踪7 – 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)

光线追踪7 – 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)那是因为我们的眼睛自然而然地完成了我们希望光线追踪完成的任务 将落在所渲染图像的特定 离散的 区域上的 连续函数的 光线进行积分





我们将采用最简单的模型:采样以像素为中心、向四个相邻像素各自延伸一半距离的正方形区域。这并不是最优的方法,但它是最直接的方法。(请参阅 A Pixel is Not a Little Square  以深入了解此主题。)
光线追踪7 - 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)
Figure 8: Pixel samples

Some Random Number Utilities


实现这个的一个简单方法是使用在 <cstdlib> 中找到的 rand() 函数,它返回0到RAND_MAX 之间的随机整数。因此,我们可以使用以下代码片段将其转换为所需的真正随机数,并将其添加到 rtweekend.h 中:

#include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <limits> #include <memory> ... // Utility Functions inline double degrees_to_radians(double degrees) { return degrees * pi / 180.0; } inline double random_double() { // Returns a random real in [0,1). return rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0); } inline double random_double(double min, double max) { // Returns a random real in [min,max). return min + (max-min)*random_double(); }

 Listing 36: [rtweekend.h] random_double() functions

传统上,C++ 并没有一个标准的随机数生成器,但是较新版本的 C++ 通过 <random> 头文件解决了这个问题(尽管根据一些专家的说法,它并不完美)。如果你想使用它,你可以按照以下方式获取满足我们需求的随机数:

#include <random> inline double random_double() { static std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0); static std::mt19937 generator; return distribution(generator); }

Listing 37: [rtweekend.h] random_double(), alternate implemenation

8.2 Generating Pixels with Multiple Samples



class interval { public: ... bool surrounds(double x) const { return min < x && x < max; } double clamp(double x) const { if (x < min) return min; if (x > max) return max; return x; } ... };

Listing 38: [interval.h] The interval::clamp() utility function


void write_color(std::ostream &out, color pixel_color, int samples_per_pixel) { auto r = pixel_color.x(); auto g = pixel_color.y(); auto b = pixel_color.z(); // Divide the color by the number of samples. auto scale = 1.0 / samples_per_pixel; r *= scale; g *= scale; b *= scale; // Write the translated [0,255] value of each color component. static const interval intensity(0.000, 0.999); out << static_cast<int>(256 * intensity.clamp(r))<<' ' << static_cast<int>(256 * intensity.clamp(g))<<' ' <<static_cast<int>(256 * intensity.clamp(b))<<'\n'; }

Listing 39: [color.h] The multi-sample write_color() function


class camera { public: double aspect_ratio = 1.0; // Ratio of image width over height int image_width = 100; // Rendered image width in pixel count int samples_per_pixel = 10; // Count of random samples for each pixel void render(const hittable& world) { initialize(); std::cout << "P3\n" << image_width << ' ' << image_height << "\n255\n"; for (int j = 0; j < image_height; ++j) { std::clog << "\rScanlines remaining: " << (image_height - j) << ' ' << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < image_width; ++i) { color pixel_color(0,0,0); for (int sample = 0; sample < samples_per_pixel; ++sample){ ray r = get_ray(i, j); pixel_color += ray_color(r, world); } write_color(std::cout, pixel_color, samples_per_pixel ); } } std::clog << "\rDone. \n"; } ... private: ... void initialize() { ... } ray get_ray(int i, int j) const { // Get a randomly sampled camera ray for the pixel at location i,j. auto pixel_center = pixel00_loc + (i * pixel_delta_u) + (j * pixel_delta_v); auto pixel_sample = pixel_center + pixel_sample_square(); auto ray_origin = center; auto ray_direction = pixel_sample - ray_origin; return ray(ray_origin, ray_direction); } vec3 pixel_sample_square() const { // Returns a random point in the square surrounding a pixel at the origin. auto px = -0.5 + random_double(); auto py = -0.5 + random_double(); return (px * pixel_delta_u) + (py * pixel_delta_v); } ... }; #endif

Listing 40: [camera.h] Camera with samples-per-pixel parameter




int main() { ... camera cam; cam.aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0; cam.image_width = 400; cam.samples_per_pixel = 100; cam.render(world); }

Listing 41: [main.cc] Setting the new samples-per-pixel parameter

光线追踪7 - 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)
     Image 6:抗锯齿前后对比。


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