- 按所研究的对象的多少分,有一元时间序列和多元时间序列.
- 按时间的连续性可将时间序列分为离散时间序列和连续时间序列两种.
- 按序列的统计特性分,有平稳时间序列和非平稳时间序列.如果一个时间序列的概率分布与时间t无关,则称该序列为严格的(狭义的)平稳时间序列。如果序列的一、二阶矩存在,而且对任意时刻t满足:
- 均值为常数;
- 协方差为时间间隔τ的函数
- 按时间序列的分布规律来分,有高斯型时间序列和非高斯型时间序列。
M t ( 1 ) ( N ) = 1 N ( y t + y t − 1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + y t − N + 1 ) = 1 N ∑ i = 0 N − 1 y t − i M_t^{(1)}(N)=\frac{1}{N}(y_t+y_{t-1}+···+y_{t-N+1})=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}y_{t-i} Mt(1)(N)=N1(yt+yt−1+⋅⋅⋅+yt−N+1)=N1i=0∑N−1yt−i
M t ( 1 ) ( N ) = 1 N ( y t − 1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + y t − N ) + 1 N ( y t − y t − N ) = M t − 1 ( 1 ) ( N ) + 1 N ( y t − y t − N ) M_t^{(1)}(N)=\frac{1}{N}(y_{t-1}+···+y_{t-N})+\frac{1}{N}(y_t-y_{t-N)}=M_{t-1}^{(1)}(N)+\frac{1}{N}(y_t-y_{t-N}) Mt(1)(N)=N1(yt−1+⋅⋅⋅+yt−N)+N1(yt−yt−N)=Mt−1(1)(N)+N1(yt−yt−N)
t+1期的预测值为 y t + 1 ^ = M t ( 1 ) ( N ) \hat{y_{t+1}}=M_t^{(1)}(N) yt+1^=Mt(1)(N)
S = ∑ t = N + 1 T ( y t ^ − y t ) 2 T − N S=\sqrt{\frac{\sum_{t=N+1}^{T}(\hat{y_t}-y_t)^2}{T-N}} S=T−N∑t=N+1T(yt^−yt)2
如 果 将 y t + 1 ^ 作 为 t + 1 期 的 实 际 值 , 那 么 就 可 以 用 y t + 1 ^ = M t ( 1 ) ( N ) 计 算 第 t + 2 期 预 测 值 y t + 2 ^ . 一 般 地 , 也 可 响 应 地 求 得 以 后 各 期 的 预 测 值 。 但 由 于 越 远 时 期 的 预 测 , 误 差 越 大 , 因 此 ∗ ∗ 一 次 移 动 平 均 法 一 般 仅 应 用 于 一 个 时 期 后 的 预 测 值 ( 即 预 测 第 t + 1 期 ) ∗ ∗ 如果将\hat{y_{t+1}}作为t+1期的实际值,那么就可以用\hat{y_{t+1}}=M_t^{(1)}(N)计算第t+2期预测值\hat{y_{t+2}}.一般地,也可响应地求得以后各期的预测值。但由于越远时期的预测,误差越大,因此一次移动平均法一般仅应用于一个时期后的预测值(即预测第t+1期) 如果将yt+1^作为t+1期的实际值,那么就可以用yt+1^=Mt(1)(N)计算第t+2期预测值yt+2^.一般地,也可响应地求得以后各期的预测值。但由于越远时期的预测,误差越大,因此∗∗一次移动平均法一般仅应用于一个时期后的预测值(即预测第t+1期)∗∗
月份 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 预测 |
yi | 423 | 358 | 434 | 445 | 527 | 429 | 502 | 480 | 384 | 427 | 446 | ||
N=3 | 405 | 412 | 469 | 467 | 461 | 452 | 469 | 455 | 430 | 419 | |||
N=5 | 437 | 439 | 452 | 466 | 473 | 444 | 444 | 448 |
y t + 1 ^ ( 3 ) = M t 1 ( 3 ) = y t + y t − 1 + y t − 2 3 , t = 3 , 4 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 12 \hat{y_{t+1}}(3)=M_t^{1}(3)=\frac{y_t+{y_{t-1}}+y_{t-2}}{3},t=3,4,···,12 yt+1^(3)=Mt1(3)=3yt+yt−1+yt−2,t=3,4,⋅⋅⋅,12
y t + 1 ^ ( 5 ) = M t 1 ( 3 ) = y t + y t − 1 + y t − 2 + y t − 3 + y t − 4 3 , t = 5 , 6 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 12 \hat{y_{t+1}}(5)=M_t^{1}(3)=\frac{y_t+{y_{t-1}}+y_{t-2}+y_{t-3}+y_{t-4}}{3},t=5,6,···,12 yt+1^(5)=Mt1(3)=3yt+yt−1+yt−2+yt−3+yt−4,t=5,6,⋅⋅⋅,12
import numpy as np y=np.array([423,358,434,445,527,429,426,502,480,384,427,446]) def MoveAverage(y,N): Mt=['*']*N for i in range(N+1,len(y)+2): M=y[i-(N+1):i-1].mean() Mt.append(M) return Mt yt3=MoveAverage(y,3) s3=np.sqrt(((y[3:]-yt3[3:-1])2).mean()) yt5=MoveAverage(y,5) s5=np.sqrt(((y[5:]-yt5[5:-1])2).mean()) print('N=3时,预测值:',yt3,',预测的标准误差:',s3) print('N=5时,预测值:',yt5,',预测的标准误差:',s5)
def sma(arr,n): weights=np.ones(n)/n return np.convolve(weights,arr)[n-1:-n+1]
import numpy as np y=np.array([423,358,434,445,527,429,426,502,480,384,427,446]) n1=3; yt1=np.convolve(np.ones(n1)/n1,y)[n1-1:-n1+1] 左开右闭 np.convolve(np.ones(n1)/n1,y,mode='valid') 同样适用-且更加具有普适性 s1=np.sqrt(((y[n1:]-yt1[:-1])2).mean()) n2=5; yt2=np.convolve(np.ones(n2)/n2,y)[n2-1:-n2+1] s2=np.sqrt(((y[n2:]-yt2[:-1])2).mean()) print('N=3时,预测值:',yt1,',预测的标准误差:',s1) print('N=5时,预测值:',yt2,',预测的标准误差:',s2)
np.convolve(a, v, mode='full'): Returns the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences. The convolution operator is often seen in signal processing, where it models the effect of a linear time-invariant system on a signal [1]_. In probability theory, the sum of two independent random variables is distributed according to the convolution of their individual distributions. If `v` is longer than `a`, the arrays are swapped before computation. Parameters ---------- a : (N,) array_like First one-dimensional input array. v : (M,) array_like Second one-dimensional input array. mode : {
'full', 'valid', 'same'}, optional 'full': By default, mode is 'full'. This returns the convolution at each point of overlap, with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the convolution, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen. 'same': Mode 'same' returns output of length ``max(M, N)``. Boundary effects are still visible. 'valid': Mode 'valid' returns output of length ``max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1``. The convolution product is only given for points where the signals overlap completely. Values outside the signal boundary have no effect. Returns ------- out : ndarray Discrete, linear convolution of `a` and `v`. See Also -------- scipy.signal.fftconvolve : Convolve two arrays using the Fast Fourier Transform. scipy.linalg.toeplitz : Used to construct the convolution operator. polymul : Polynomial multiplication. Same output as convolve, but also accepts poly1d objects as input. By default, mode is 'full'. This returns the convolution at each point of overlap, with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the convolution, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen. 默认情况下,模式为“完整”。 这将返回卷积 在每个重叠点,总的输出形状为(N + M-1,)。 在 卷积的端点,信号不重叠 完全可以看到边界效应。 使用栗子: Examples -------- Note how the convolution operator flips the second array before "sliding" the two across one another: >>> np.convolve([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 0.5]) array([0. , 1. , 2.5, 4. , 1.5]) Only return the middle values of the convolution. Contains boundary effects, where zeros are taken into account: >>> np.convolve([1,2,3],[0,1,0.5], 'same') array([1. , 2.5, 4. ]) The two arrays are of the same length, so there is only one position where they completely overlap: >>> np.convolve([1,2,3],[0,1,0.5], 'valid') array([2.5]) 了解什么是卷积: References ---------- .. [1] Wikipedia, "Convolution", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution 卷积公式可以描述为在时刻t处函数f(τ)的加权平均值,其中权重由g(–τ)给出,仅移动量t即可。随着t的变化,加权函数会强调输入函数的不同部分。
M t ( 2 ) = 1 N ( M t ( 1 ) + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + M t − N + 1 ( 1 ) ) = M t − 1 ( 2 ) + 1 N ( M t ( 1 ) − M t − N ( 1 ) ) M_t^{(2)}=\frac{1}{N}(M_t^{(1)}+···+M_{t-N+1}^{(1)})=M_{t-1}^{(2)}+\frac{1}{N}(M_t^{(1)}-M_{t-N}^{(1)}) Mt(2)=N1(Mt(1)+⋅⋅⋅+Mt−N+1(1))=Mt−1(2)+N1(Mt(1)−Mt−N(1))
y T + m ^ = a T + b T m , m = 1 , 2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , \hat{y_{T+m}}=a_T+b_T^{m},m=1,2,···, yT+m^=aT+bTm,m=1,2,⋅⋅⋅,
其 中 a T = 2 M T ( 1 ) − M T ( 2 ) , b T = 2 N − 1 ( M T ( 1 ) − M T ( 2 ) ) . 其中a_T=2M_T^{(1)}-M_T^{(2)},b_T=\frac{2}{N-1}(M_T^{(1)}-M_T^{(2)}). 其中aT=2MT(1)−MT(2),bT=N−12(MT(1)−MT(2)).
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