









/* * Definition for LZW coding * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 cindent nowrap */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bitio.h"
#define MAX_CODE 65535
struct { 
 int suffix;
 int parent, firstchild, nextsibling;
} dictionary[MAX_CODE+1];
int next_code;
int d_stack[MAX_CODE]; // stack for decoding a phrase
#define input(f) ((int)BitsInput( f, 16))
#define output(f, x) BitsOutput( f, (unsigned long)(x), 16
int DecodeString( int start, int code);
void InitDictionary( void);
void PrintDictionary( void){ 
 int n;
 int count;
 for( n=256; n<next_code; n++){ 
  count = DecodeString( 0, n);
  printf( "%4d->", n);
  while( 0<count--) printf("%c", (char)(d_stack[count]));
  printf( "\n");
int DecodeString( int start, int code){ 
 int count;
 count = start;
 while( 0<=code){ 
  d_stack[ count] = dictionary[code].suffix;
  code = dictionary[code].parent;
  count ++;
 return count;
void InitDictionary( void){ 
 int i;
 for( i=0; i<256; i++){ 
  dictionary[i].suffix = i;//码字的ASCII码
  dictionary[i].parent = -1;//因为是256以内所以没有parent
  dictionary[i].firstchild = -1;//因为是256以内所以没有firstchild
  dictionary[i].nextsibling = i+1;//nextsibling即是下一个ASCII码
 dictionary[255].nextsibling = -1;
 next_code = 256;
/* * Input: string represented by string_code in dictionary, * Output: the index of character+string in the dictionary * index = -1 if not found */
int InDictionary( int character, int string_code){ 
 int sibling;
 if( 0>string_code) return character;//第一个逻辑符号的情况,没有P
 sibling = dictionary[string_code].firstchild;
 while( -1<sibling){ 
  if( character == dictionary[sibling].suffix) return sibling;//如果找到了表中有PC则返回PC
  sibling = dictionary[sibling].nextsibling;//一个一个找
 return -1;//表中没有PC返回-1
void AddToDictionary( int character, int string_code){ 
 int firstsibling, nextsibling;
 if( 0>string_code) return;
 dictionary[next_code].suffix = character;//C
 dictionary[next_code].parent = string_code;//P
 dictionary[next_code].nextsibling = -1;//新加入还没nextsibling
 dictionary[next_code].firstchild = -1;//新加入还没有firstchild
 firstsibling = dictionary[string_code].firstchild;//找到P的第一个child
 if( -1<firstsibling){ 
    // the parent has child
  nextsibling = firstsibling;
  while( -1<dictionary[nextsibling].nextsibling )
   nextsibling = dictionary[nextsibling].nextsibling;//顺着从第一个child一个一个找兄弟
  dictionary[nextsibling].nextsibling = next_code;//找到最后一个,将nextcode放到最后一位
   // no child before, modify it to be the first
  dictionary[string_code].firstchild = next_code;//若没找到firstchild,nextcode就是firstchild
 next_code ++;
void LZWEncode( FILE *fp, BITFILE *bf){ 
 int character;//C
 int string_code;//P
 int index;//PC
 unsigned long file_length;
 fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END);
 file_length = ftell( fp);//文件长度
 fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
 BitsOutput( bf, file_length, 4*8);
 string_code = -1;
 while( EOF!=(character=fgetc( fp))){ 
  index = InDictionary( character, string_code);
  if( 0<=index){ 
    // string+character in dictionary
   string_code = index;//P = PC
    // string+character not in dictionary
   output( bf, string_code);
   if( MAX_CODE > next_code){ 
    // free space in dictionary
    // add string+character to dictionary
    AddToDictionary( character, string_code);//将PC添加到字典中
   string_code = character;//设置P = C
 output( bf, string_code);
void LZWDecode( BITFILE *bf, FILE *fp){ 
 int character;
 int new_code, last_code;
 int phrase_length;
 unsigned long file_length;
 file_length = BitsInput( bf, 4*8);
 if( -1 == file_length) file_length = 0;
 last_code = -1;
 while( 0<file_length){ 
  new_code = input( bf);
  if( new_code >= next_code){ 
    // this is the case CSCSC( not in dict)
   d_stack[0] = character;//将前一个逻辑符号赋给d_stack[0]
   phrase_length = DecodeString( 1, last_code);//返回Pw长度+1
   phrase_length = DecodeString( 0, new_code);//返回当前长度
  character = d_stack[phrase_length-1];
  while( 0<phrase_length){ 
   phrase_length --;
   fputc( d_stack[ phrase_length], fp);
  if( MAX_CODE>next_code){ 
    // add the new phrase to dictionary
   AddToDictionary( character, last_code);
  last_code = new_code;
int main( int argc, char **argv){ 
 FILE *fp;
 if( 4>argc){ 
  fprintf( stdout, "usage: \n%s <o> <ifile> <ofile>\n", argv[0]);
  fprintf( stdout, "\t<o>: E or D reffers encode or decode\n");
  fprintf( stdout, "\t<ifile>: input file name\n");
  fprintf( stdout, "\t<ofile>: output file name\n");
  return -1;
 if( 'E' == argv[1][0]){ 
    // do encoding
  fp = fopen( argv[2], "rb");
  bf = OpenBitFileOutput( argv[3]);
  if( NULL!=fp && NULL!=bf){ 
   LZWEncode( fp, bf);
   fclose( fp);
   CloseBitFileOutput( bf);
   fprintf( stdout, "encoding done\n");
 }else if( 'D' == argv[1][0]){ 
    // do decoding
  bf = OpenBitFileInput( argv[2]);
  fp = fopen( argv[3], "wb");
  if( NULL!=fp && NULL!=bf){ 
   LZWDecode( bf, fp);
   fclose( fp);
   CloseBitFileInput( bf);
   fprintf( stdout, "decoding done\n");
    // otherwise
  fprintf( stderr, "not supported operation\n");
 return 0;


/* * Definitions for bitwise IO * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 cindent */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bitio.h"
BITFILE *OpenBitFileInput( char *filename){ 
 bf = (BITFILE *)malloc( sizeof(BITFILE));
 if( NULL == bf) return NULL;
 if( NULL == filename) bf->fp = stdin;
 else bf->fp = fopen( filename, "rb");
 if( NULL == bf->fp) return NULL;
 bf->mask = 0x80;
 bf->rack = 0;
 return bf;
BITFILE *OpenBitFileOutput( char *filename){ 
 bf = (BITFILE *)malloc( sizeof(BITFILE));
 if( NULL == bf) return NULL;
 if( NULL == filename) bf->fp = stdout;
 else bf->fp = fopen( filename, "wb");
 if( NULL == bf->fp) return NULL;
 bf->mask = 0x80;
 bf->rack = 0;
 return bf;
void CloseBitFileInput( BITFILE *bf){ 
 fclose( bf->fp);
 free( bf);
void CloseBitFileOutput( BITFILE *bf){ 
 // Output the remaining bits
 if( 0x80 != bf->mask) fputc( bf->rack, bf->fp);
 fclose( bf->fp);
 free( bf);
int BitInput( BITFILE *bf){ 
 int value;
 if( 0x80 == bf->mask){ 
  bf->rack = fgetc( bf->fp);
  if( EOF == bf->rack){ 
   fprintf(stderr, "Read after the end of file reached\n");
   exit( -1);
 value = bf->mask & bf->rack;
 bf->mask >>= 1;
 if( 0==bf->mask) bf->mask = 0x80;
 return( (0==value)?0:1);
unsigned long BitsInput( BITFILE *bf, int count){ 
 unsigned long mask;
 unsigned long value;
 mask = 1L << (count-1);
 value = 0L;
 while( 0!=mask){ 
  if( 1 == BitInput( bf))
   value |= mask;
  mask >>= 1;
 return value;
void BitOutput( BITFILE *bf, int bit){ 
 if( 0 != bit) bf->rack |= bf->mask;
 bf->mask >>= 1;
 if( 0 == bf->mask){ 
    // eight bits in rack
  fputc( bf->rack, bf->fp);
  bf->rack = 0;
  bf->mask = 0x80;
void BitsOutput( BITFILE *bf, unsigned long code, int count){ 
 unsigned long mask;
 mask = 1L << (count-1);
 while( 0 != mask){ 
  BitOutput( bf, (int)(0==(code&mask)?0:1));
  mask >>= 1;


/* * Declaration for bitwise IO * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 cindent */
#ifndef __BITIO__
#define __BITIO__
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct{ 
 FILE *fp;
 unsigned char mask;
 int rack;
BITFILE *OpenBitFileInput( char *filename);
BITFILE *OpenBitFileOutput( char *filename);
void CloseBitFileInput( BITFILE *bf);
void CloseBitFileOutput( BITFILE *bf);
int BitInput( BITFILE *bf);
unsigned long BitsInput( BITFILE *bf, int count);
void BitOutput( BITFILE *bf, int bit);
void BitsOutput( BITFILE *bf, unsigned long code, int count);
#endif // __BITIO__



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