used to 、 be used to doing和be used to do的区别和用法

used to 、 be used to doing和be used to do的区别和用法use [juz] n. 使用,用途,发挥;vt. 利用,耗费;vi. 使用,运用。used [juzd] adj.使用过的,二手的,习惯的;


use [juz] n. 使用,用途,发挥;vt. 利用,耗费;vi. 使用,运用。

used [juzd] adj.使用过的,二手的,习惯的; v. 使用; 利用。

used to do

过去常常做某事。used to do 过去经常的动作或状态,但现在已经不是了。


He used to smoke. 他过去经常抽烟。(现在不抽了)

He used to be so shy and quiet. 他过去是文静、内向的。

1.否定形式:主语+didn’t+use to+动词原形。

You didn’t use to like pop songs. 你过去常常不喜欢流行歌曲。

2.一般疑问句形式:Did+主语+use to+动词原形+其他?

Did your sister use to be quiet? 以前你的妹妹常常是很安静的吗?

3.used to可以用在there be结构中表示“过去经常有”的意思。

There used to be a lot of fish in this river. 过去这条小河常常有许多鱼。

be used to doing sth.

be used to doing sth.结构中,used为形容词“习惯的”,意为“习惯于做某事”。be可以用become, get等来代替,在意义上相当于accustomed to“习惯于”。同时结构中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。

例如:Lucy got used to living in the countryside.他们已习惯于住在城市。


be used to表示“习惯于某事”的状态,而get used to则表示由“不习惯”到“习惯于”这一动态的过程,意思是:“(变得)习惯于”;“开始习惯于”。


be used to do sth.

be used to do sth.意为“被用于做某事”,其中used为动词use的过去分词,to为不定式符号,应接动词原形。

例如:The knife is used to cut grass.



A. I used to drink tea.

B. I am used to drinking tea.

used to 、 be used to doing和be used to do的区别和用法


1.___________ work in Microsoft?

A. Did you used to B. Did you use to

C. Do you used to D. Do you use to

2. My mother ________ us stories when we were children.

A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling

3. __________ used to_________ an old bookshelf in my room.

A. There; be B. There; have C. It; be D. There; having

4.My father is used to _______at weekends.

A. fish B. fishing C. fishes D. fished

5.A pen _______ write articles.

A. was used to B. is used to C. used to D. used to telling


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