惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约项目标签设计公司:Heatherwick studio位置:美国类型:建筑 设计材料:金属 钢 混凝土分类:公共空间 装置Vessel是一个16



设计公司:Heatherwick studio


类型:建筑 设计

材料:金属 钢 混凝土


公共空间 装置

Vessel是一个16层高的圆形攀爬结构,拥有2,465级台阶和80个楼梯平台,俯瞰着哈德逊河(Hudson River)和曼哈顿,是一座新型的公共地标。它位于哈德逊园区(Hudson Yards)开发项目的主要公共广场上,是该广场的核心特征,值得一提的是,哈德逊园区是美国历史上最大的房地产项目之一,旨在将曼哈顿上西区的一个前火车站改造成一个全新的社区,并打造一系列总面积超过5英亩的新型公共空间和花园。

Vessel is a new type of public landmark – a 16-storey circular climbing frame, with 2,465 steps, 80 landings and views across the Hudson River and Manhattan. It is the central feature of the main public square in the Hudson Yards development, one of the largest real estate projects in American history, which is transforming a former rail yard in Manhattan’s Upper West Side into a completely new neighbourhood, with more than five acres of new public spaces and gardens.

▼项目外观,exterior view ©Michael Moran for Related-Oxford

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

建筑事务所Heatherwick Studio受到委托,为哈德逊园区设计一个地标性的结构,不仅能将游客们吸引过来,同时还能在曼哈顿中创造一个全新的聚会场所。建筑师所面临的一部分挑战是如何创造出一个既令人难忘、又不会被周围大尺度的高层建筑群或火车站台上方的新型公共空间所淹没的东西。因此,通过多角度多方位的多种探索,建筑师首先将本项目限定在一个较小的框架内:它应该是一个令人难忘的单体建筑,而不是一系列分散在整个大空间内的建筑体量;它不应该是一个死板的静态雕塑,而应该是一个充满乐趣的社交场所,从而鼓励人们参与其中,进行各式各样的活动。

Heatherwick Studio was asked to design a centrepiece for Hudson Yards, something that would welcome visitors into the heart of the district and create a new place to meet in Manhattan. Part of the challenge was to create something memorable that would not be overwhelmed by the surrounding cluster of towers, or the scale of the new public space above the train platform. Exploring different possibilities, the team started to narrow the parameters: it should be a memorable single object, not a series of objects dispersed throughout the space; rather than an inert, static sculpture, it should be a social encounter, which encourages activity and participation – it should be fun.

▼项目外观局部,深铜色金属表面将其与周边环境区分开来,partial exterior view, the deep copper-toned metal sets the structure apart from the surrounding architecture ©Francis Dzikowski for Related-Oxford

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

观察城市中人们自然聚集的地方,最基础的公共设施通常都是非常简单的结构——楼梯,比如罗马著名的西班牙阶梯。为了对楼梯这种简单的公共结构类型进行进一步的探索,建筑事务所Heatherwick Studio专门研究了传统的印度阶梯井;这个阶梯井结构由一个错综复杂的石阶网络组成,因此,即使水库中的水位发生变化,人们仍然可以到达它的表面。然而,就像圆形剧场一样,印度阶梯井的焦点在于其井状的结构形式,但在本项目中,建筑师希望创造一种既外向又内向的空间体验。

▼爆炸轴测图,将台阶之间的虚空间打开,创建一个三维的格架,将公共广场在垂直方向上向上拉伸,the exploded axon, opening up voids between the steps to create a three- dimensional lattice, stretching the public square upwards ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

Looking at the places in cities where people naturally congregate, the underlying infrastructure is often simple – a staircase, for example, such as the famous Spanish Steps in Rome. Researching this typology further, the studio explored traditional Indian stepwells; these have an intricate network of stone stairs, so that as the water level in the reservoir changes, the surface is still accessible. However, like an amphitheatre, the focus of a well is its centre, and the studio wanted to create an experience that was outward as well as inward-looking.

▼项目局部,楼梯被竖向拉伸,创造出一个连续的几何图案,提供朝向哈德逊河的景观视野,partial view, the stairs are stretched upwards to create the continuous geometric pattern, offering the view towards the Hudson River ©Michael Moran for Related-Oxford

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼项目局部,采用一系列楼梯,从而创造一种既外向又内向的空间体验,partial exterior view, creating an experience that is outward as well as inward-looking through stairs ©Getty Images

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约


▼楼梯下钢脊细部,dogbone details ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

By opening up voids between the steps to create a three- dimensional lattice, the public square could be stretched upwards, creating more than a mile of routes that could be explored in different ways. To create the continuous geometric pattern of the stepwell, with 154 interconnecting flights of stairs, the object had to be self-supporting – a discreet structural solution was required, which did not need additional columns and beams. This was resolved by inserting a steel spine between each pair of staircases, creating a natural division between ‘up’ and ‘down’. The raw welded steel of this structure is exposed to give the object clarity and integrity, and the underside of the staircases is clad in a deep copper-toned metal, setting them apart from the surrounding architecture.

▼从项目内部仰视,仿佛置身于一个楼梯井中,looking up from the interior space, as if staying in a stair well ©Michael Moran for Related-Oxford

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼项目局部,楼梯下方的空间采用深铜色调的金属饰面,partial view, the underside of the staircases is clad in a deep copper-toned metal ©Getty Images

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼项目局部,深铜色的金属饰面与玻璃栏杆扶手相辅相成,partial view, deep copper-tone metal veneers complement the glass handrails ©Michael Moran for Related-Oxford

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约


▼栏杆扶手细部,details of the balustrade ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

Every element of the Vessel is bespoke, from the joints to the handrails. The 75 huge steel com- ponents were produced in Venice by specialist fabricator Cimolai, before being brought from Italy in six shipments, carried across the Hudson River by barge, and assembled on site in a process that took three years. Yet despite the size of the Vessel, it has been designed at a human scale, to be climbed, explored and enjoyed by New Yorkers and visitors – a simple structure, animated by people and the reflections of the square beneath.

▼楼梯和扶手局部,partial view of the stairs and the balustrade ©Getty Images

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼总平面图,site plan ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼屋顶平面图,ground floor plan ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼北立面图,north elevation ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼南立面图,south elevation ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼西立面图,west elevation ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼剖面图,section ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

▼电梯构造剖面细节,the lift section ©Heatherwick Studio

惊!赞!楼梯打造的地标性构筑物—Vessel城市公共空间 纽约

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