探究 LightHouse 工作流程

探究 LightHouse 工作流程Lighthouse analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performanc


本文为来自 字节教育-智能学习-前端团队 的文章,已授权 ELab 发布。

智能学习前端团队 自创立以来,团队专注于打破大众对教育的刻板印象,突破固有的教学思维,攻破各类教学屏障。旨在为每一位学生制定最合适的学习方案,予以因材施教,使优质教育随‘触’可达。

什么是 Lighthouse

Lighthouse analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on developer best practices.

探究 LightHouse 工作流程


  • Chrome 浏览器插件。Chrome 插件的形式提供了更加友好的用户界面,方便读取报告。
  • Chrome DevTools。该工具集成在最新版本的 Chrome 浏览器中,无需安装即可使用。
  • Lighthouse CLI 命令行工具。方便将 Lighthouse 集成到持续集成系统中。
  • 代码中引用。我们也能通过 Node.js 模块引入 Lighthouse 工具包。


探究 LightHouse 工作流程
探究 LightHouse 工作流程


Driver 驱动

通过 Chrome Debugging Protocol 和 Puppeteer[2] (提供无头浏览器环境模拟页面操作) /进行交互。

Chrome Debugging Protocol(CDP)

Chrome DevTools 协议允许使用工具来检测、检查、调试和分析 Chromium、Chrome 和其他基于 Blink 的浏览器。 在Chrome扩展中,Chrome protocol 利用 chrome.debugger Api 通过 WebSocket[3] 来建立连接。

Instrumentation 分为多个 Domains(DOM, Debugger, Network 等)。每个 Domain 定义了许多它支持的命令和它生成的事件。命令和事件都是固定结构的序列化 JSON 对象。

探究 LightHouse 工作流程

CDP Domains,红色为实验性

Domain 必须 enable() 后才可以发出事件。一旦启用enable,它们将刷新表示状态的所有事件。因此,网络事件仅在 enable() 后才会发出。所有协议代理解析 enable() 的回调。比如:

// will NOT work
driver.defaultSession.sendCommand('Security.enable').then(_ => {
driver.defaultSession.on('Security.securityStateChanged', state => { /* ... */ });

// WILL work! happy happy. :)
driver.defaultSession.on('Security.securityStateChanged', state => { /* ... */ }); // event binding is synchronous
  • 调试协议:阅读更好地调试协议
    Better debugging of the Protocol



passes 属性控制如何加载请求的 URL,以及在加载时收集哪些关于页面的信息。pass 数组中的每个条目代表页面的一次加载,

每个 pass 都定义了基本设置,例如等待页面加载多长时间、是否记录 trace 文件。此外,每次传递都定义了要使用的 gatherer 列表。gatherer 可以从页面中读取信息以生成 artifacts,稍后 Audits 使用这些artifacts提供 Lighthouse 报告。

具体的 pass 配置示例:

passes: [{
passName: 'fastPass',
atherers: ['fast-gatherer'],
passName: 'slowPass',
recordTrace: true,
useThrottling: true,
networkQuietThresholdMs: 5000,
gatherers: ['slow-gatherer'],

Gatherers 采集器

决定在页面加载过程中采集哪些信息,将采集的信息输出为 artifacts。使用 Driver 采集页面信息。用 --gather-mode 指令运行可以获得3个采集产物:

  1. artifacts.json: 所有采集器的输出。
  1. defaultPass.trace.json: 大多数性能指标。可以在DevTools性能面板中查看。
  1. defaultPass.devtoolslog.json:
    DevTools Protocol
    [5] 事件的日志。

每一个 gatherer继承自相同的基类 Gatherer,基类 Gatherer定义了传递生命周期的n个方法。 gathererartifacts是生命周期方法返回的最后一个未定义值,所有方法都可以直接返回artifacts或返回解析为该值的 Promise。子类只需实现生命周期方法即可。

比如用于js覆盖率的 gatherer:

该实例实现了 startInstrumentation 、stopInstrumentation、getArtifact 3个生命周期方法,其

class JsUsage extends FRGatherer {
meta = {
supportedModes: ['snapshot', 'timespan', 'navigation'],

constructor() {
this._scriptUsages = [];
async startInstrumentation(context) {
const session = context.driver.defaultSession;
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.enable');
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.startPreciseCoverage', {detailed: false});

async stopInstrumentation(context) {
const session = context.driver.defaultSession;
const coverageResponse = await session.sendCommand('Profiler.takePreciseCoverage');
this._scriptUsages = coverageResponse.result;
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage');
await session.sendCommand('Profiler.disable');

async getArtifact() {
const usageByScriptId = {};
for (const scriptUsage of this._scriptUsages) {
if (scriptUsage.url === '' || scriptUsage.url === '_lighthouse-eval.js') {
usageByScriptId[scriptUsage.scriptId] = scriptUsage;
return usageByScriptId;

class FRGatherer { meta = { supportedModes : []}; //在任意时间段内开始观察页面 startInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //Sensitive开始观察页面 startSensitiveInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //Sensitive停止观察页面的方法 stopSensitiveInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //在任意时间段内结束观察页面 stopInstrumentation ( passContext ) { } //收集有关页面的结果 getArtifact ( passContext ) { } /** * Legacy */ get name () {} async beforePass ( passContext ) {} pass ( passContext ) { } async afterPass ( passContext, loadData ) {}

当 pass 中定义的所有 gatherers 运行完后,就会生成一个中间产物 artifacts,此后 Lighthouse 就可以断开与浏览器的连接,只使用 artifacts 进行后续的分析。

Trace 链路追踪

core/lib/tracehouse/trace-processor.js提供了链路到更有意义对象的转换。每个原始trace event[6] 都具有以微秒为单位增长的时间戳、线程ID、进程ID、持续时间以及其他适用的元数据属性(比如事件类型、任务名称、帧等)

Example Trace Event

'pid': 41904, // process ID
'tid': 1295, // thread ID
'ts': , // timestamp in microseconds
'ph': 'X', // trace event type
'cat': 'toplevel', // trace category from which this event came
'name': 'MessageLoop::RunTask', // relatively human-readable description of the trace event
'dur': 64, // duration of the task in microseconds
'args': {}, // contains additional data such as frame when applicable
探究 LightHouse 工作流程

Processed trace

Processed trace 可识别关键时刻的 trace 事件((navigation start, FCP, LCP, DCL, trace end 等),并过滤出主进程和主线程事件的视图。

processEvents: [/* all trace events in the main process */],
mainThreadEvents: [/* all trace events on the main thread */],
timings: {
timeOrigin: 0, // timeOrigin is always 0
msfirstContentfulPaint: 150, // firstContentfulPaint time in ms after time origin
/* other key moments */
traceEnd: 16420, // traceEnd time in ms after time origin
timestamps: {
timeOrigin: , // timeOrigin timestamp in microseconds, marks the start of the navigation of interest
firstContentfulPaint: , // firstContentfulPaint timestamp in microseconds
/* other key moments */
traceEnd: , // traceEnd timestamp in microseconds


  1. Connecting to browser
  1. Resetting state with about:blank
  1. Navigate to about:blank
  1. Benchmarking machine
  1. Initializing…
  1. Preparing target for navigation mode
  1. Running defaultPass pass
  1. Resetting state with about:blank
  1. Navigate to about:blank
  1. Preparing target for navigation
  1. Cleaning origin data
  1. Cleaning browser cache
  1. Preparing network conditions
  1. Beginning devtoolsLog and trace
  1. Loading page & waiting for onload
  1. Navigating to https:XXX
  1. Gathering in-page: XXXXXXXX. (xN)
  1. Gathering trace
  1. Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
  1. Gathering XXX (xN)
→ runLighthouse();
→ legacyNavigation();

async function legacyNavigation(url, flags = {}, configJSON, userConnection) {
const connection = userConnection || new CriConnection(flags.port, flags.hostname);
const artifacts = await Runner.gather(() => {
const requestedUrl = UrlUtils.normalizeUrl(url);
return Runner._gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, options, connection);
}, options);
return Runner.audit(artifacts, options);

static async _gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, runnerOpts, connection) {
const driver = runnerOpts.driverMock || new Driver(connection);
const gatherOpts = {
settings: runnerOpts.config.settings,
computedCache: runnerOpts.computedCache,
const artifacts = await GatherRunner.run(runnerOpts.config.passes, gatherOpts);
return artifacts;
/****** GatherRunner ****/
static async run(passConfigs, options) {

//1.Connecting to browser
//通过 Websocket 建立连接, 基于 Chrome Debugging Protocol 通信
// CDPSession 实例用于与 Chrome Devtools 协议的原生通信
await driver.connect();
// 在 devtools/extension 案例中,我们在尝试清除状态时仍不能在站点上
// 所以我们首先导航到 about:blank,然后应用我们的仿真和设置
// 2.Resetting state with about:blank & 3.Navigating to blankPage
await GatherRunner.loadBlank(driver);
// 4. Benchmarking machine
const baseArtifacts = await GatherRunner.initializeBaseArtifacts(options);

// ...processing benchmarkIndex

// 5. Initializing…
await GatherRunner.setupDriver(driver, options);

let isFirstPass = true;
// each pass
for (const passConfig of passConfigs) {
const passContext = {
gatherMode: 'navigation',
url: options.requestedUrl,
settings: options.settings,
computedCache: options.computedCache,
LighthouseRunWarnings: baseArtifacts.LighthouseRunWarnings,
//Starting from about:blank, load the page and run gatherers for this pass.
const passResults = await GatherRunner.runPass(passContext);
Object.assign(artifacts, passResults.artifacts);

// If we encountered a pageLoadError, don't try to keep loading the page in future passes.
if (passResults.pageLoadError && passConfig.loadFailureMode === '
fatal') {
baseArtifacts.PageLoadError = passResults.pageLoadError;

if (isFirstPass) {
await GatherRunner.populateBaseArtifacts(passContext);
isFirstPass = false;

await GatherRunner.disposeDriver(driver, options);
return finalizeArtifacts(baseArtifacts, artifacts);
} catch (err) {
// Clean up on error. Don'
t await so that the root error, not a disposal error, is shown.
GatherRunner.disposeDriver(driver, options);

throw err;

_connectToSocket(response) {
const url = response.webSocketDebuggerUrl;
this._pageId = response.id;

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ws = new WebSocket(url, {
perMessageDeflate: false,
ws.on('open', () => {
this._ws = ws;
ws.on('message', data => this.handleRawMessage(/** @type {string} */ (data)));
ws.on('close', this.dispose.bind(this));
ws.on('error', reject);

static async setupDriver(driver, options) {
await GatherRunner.assertNoSameOriginServiceWorkerClients(session, options.requestedUrl);
// 6. Preparing target for navigation mode,通过为全局 API 或错误处理启用协议域、仿真和新文档处理程序,准备在导航模式下分析的目标。
await prepare.prepareTargetForNavigationMode(driver, options.settings);

static async runPass(passContext) {
//7. Running defaultPass pass

const gathererResults = {};
const {driver, passConfig} = passContext;

// 8.Resetting state with about:blank 9.Navigating to about:blankGo to about:blank
// set up

await GatherRunner.loadBlank(driver, passConfig.blankPage);
// 10.Preparing target for navigation ~ 13.Preparing network conditions
const {warnings} = await prepare.prepareTargetForIndividualNavigation(
requestor: passContext.url,
disableStorageReset: !passConfig.useThrottling,
disableThrottling: !passConfig.useThrottling,
blockedUrlPatterns: passConfig.blockedUrlPatterns,
// run `startInstrumentation() /beforePass()` on gatherers.
await GatherRunner.beforePass(passContext, gathererResults);

// 14.Beginning devtoolsLog and trace,
// await driver.beginDevtoolsLog(); await driver.beginTrace(settings);
await GatherRunner.beginRecording(passContext);
//15.Loading page & waiting for onload ,16.Navigating to https:XXX
const {navigationError: possibleNavError} = await GatherRunner.loadPage(driver, passContext);
//17.Gathering in-page: XXXXXXXX,run `pass()` on gatherers.
await GatherRunner.pass(passContext, gathererResults);
const loadData = await GatherRunner.endRecording(passContext);

//18.Gathering trace 19.Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
await emulation.clearThrottling(driver.defaultSession);

//process page error

// If no error, save devtoolsLog and trace.
GatherRunner._addLoadDataToBaseArtifacts(passContext, loadData, passConfig.passName);

// 20.Gathering XXX. Run `afterPass()(stopInstrumentation -> getArtifact )` on gatherers and return collected artifacts.
await GatherRunner.afterPass(passContext, loadData, gathererResults);
const artifacts = GatherRunner.collectArtifacts(gathererResults);

return artifacts;


Audits 审查器

    • Audits是对单个功能/优化/指标的测试,Gatherer 采集的 artifacts 作为输入,审查器会对其测试,然后得出相应的测评分数结果。

    • Computed Artifacts :根据 artifacts 的需求生成,有额外的含义,经常在在多个 audits 中共享。

    • 测评结果结构:

探究 LightHouse 工作流程


    • audits

    • audits 属性控制要运行和包含在 Lighthouse 报告中的审计。 查看更多示例以了解如何将自定义审核添加到您的配置中。
    • 具体的 audits 配置示例:
    • {
      audits: [


  1. Analyzing and running audits
  1. Auditing: XXX
  1. Generating results…
 async function legacyNavigation(url, flags = {}, configJSON, userConnection) {
return Runner.audit(artifacts, options);
static async audit(artifacts, options) {

//1. Analyzing and running audits &2.Auditing: XXX
const auditResultsById = await Runner._runAudits(settings, config.audits, artifacts,
lighthouseRunWarnings, computedCache);

//3.Generating results...
if (artifacts.LighthouseRunWarnings) {



Report 报告

客户端根据生成 Audit 结果的 LHR.json (Lighthouse Result) 生成结果报告页。评分报告,它包含了性能(Performance),访问无障碍(Accessibility),最佳实践(Best Practice),搜索引擎优化(SEO),PWA(Progressive Web App)5 个部分,每一项下面又有若干小项(audit),还有详细诊断结果和优化建议,帮助开发者有针对性地进行优化。

例如:在 Lighthouse 8 中,性能得分由以下几项的得分按不同的权重相加而得:

探究 LightHouse 工作流程

Lighthouse 8 中性能指标权重


性能评分[7]为例,一旦 Lighthouse 收集完性能指标(主要以毫秒为单位报告),它会通过查看指标值在其 Lighthouse 评分分布中的位置,将每个原始指标值转换为从 0 到 100 的指标分数。评分分布是从 HTTP Archive[8] 上真实网站性能数据的性能指标得出的对数正态分布。

探究 LightHouse 工作流程

FCP in HTTP Archive

Lighthouse 评分曲线模型使用 HTTPArchive 数据来确定两个控制点,然后设置对数正态曲线的形状。HTTPArchive 数据的第 25 个百分位数变为 50 分(中值控制点),第 8 个百分位数变为 90 分(良好/绿色控制点)。在探索下面的评分曲线图时,请注意在 0.50 和 0.92 之间,度量值和分数之间存在近乎线性的关系。0.96 左右的分数是上面的“收益递减点”,曲线拉开,需要越来越多的指标改进来提高已经很高的分数。

探究 LightHouse 工作流程

探索 TTI 的评分曲线[9]







static async audit(artifacts, options) {

//conclusion of the lighthouse result object
const axeVersion = artifacts.Accessibility?.version;
const credits = {
'axe-core': axeVersion,
let categories = {};
if (config.categories) {
categories = ReportScoring.scoreAllCategories(config.categories, auditResultsById);
// Replace ICU message references with localized strings; save replaced paths in lhr.
i18nLhr.i18n.icuMessagePaths = format.replaceIcuMessages(i18nLhr, settings.locale);
// LHR has now been localized.
const lhr = /** @type {LH.Result} */ (i18nLhr);
if (settings.auditMode) {
const path = Runner._getDataSavePath(settings);
assetSaver.saveLhr(lhr, path);
// 生成报告
const report = ReportGenerator.generateReport(lhr, settings.output);
return {lhr, artifacts, report};

❤️ 谢谢支持


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智能学习前端团队 自创立以来,团队专注于打破大众对教育的刻板印象,突破固有的教学思维,攻破各类教学屏障。旨在为每一位学生制定最合适的学习方案,予以因材施教,使优质教育随‘触’可达。

  • 字节跳动校/社招内推码:
  • 投递链接:

可凭内推码投递 字节教育 – 智能学习前端团队 相关岗位哦~



原理结构: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/docs/architecture.md


Puppeteer: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer


WebSocket: https://github.com/websockets/ws


Better debugging of the Protocol: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/184


DevTools Protocol: https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/


trace event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvAClvFfyA5R-PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/preview


性能评分: https://web.dev/performance-scoring/


HTTP Archive: https://httparchive.org/reports/state-of-the-web


探索 TTI 的评分曲线: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/o98tbeyt1t

– END –

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