




1.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

2.So when you eat Western food,do as Westerner do.当你吃西餐时,像西方人那样去做。as 正如,像,连词,引导方式状语从句。As what I said yesterday, I’ll come back next week.

3….you may need to know about eating together in the West.你或许需要了解西方共同进餐的一些常识。(1)need需要,实义动词,We need to find that map.主语人need to do sth.;The flowers need watering.主语物need doing sth.(2)know about了解(3)eat together 共同进餐(4)in the West在西方

4.At the start of a meal,the French say…开始就餐时,法国人说……at the start of…在……开始时

5.But there is nothing similar to say in English.但没有什么类似的英语说法。(1)nothing 不定代词,similar 形容词,形容词要放在不定代词/不定副词后面(2)in English用英语(3)be similar to …与……相似 His book is similar to yours.

6.Knives and forks are used for most Western food.刀和叉被用于大多数西餐中。be used for sth./doing sth.被用于某事/(做某事)This machine is used for cutting grass.

7.The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right,and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife.左手拿叉,右手拿刀,用叉子按住食物,用刀切。knife 刀,名词。knives 是复数。

8.During the meal,you may be invited to serve yourself(usually ladies before the gentlemen )by someone who says “Help yourself.”用餐期间,说“随便吃”的那个人能会让你自己随便吃(通常是女士优先于男士)。(1)be invited to do sth.被邀请去做某事(2)serve/help yourself/yourselves (to+名词)随便吃……Help yourselves to some apples, children.

9.Would you like some…?你想要点……?句型表示礼貌地请求、建议或邀请,要用some,不能用any。肯定回答是Yes,please.否定回答是No,thanks.Would you like some bananas?

10.No one will be cross.没有人会生气的。be cross with sb.=be angry with sb.对……生气;cross 穿过,动词。

11.If you are offered more food but cannot eat any more…如果你被提供更多的食物,但你不能再吃了……(1)offer主动提供offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.为某人提供某物He offered us some tea.=He offered some tea to us.offer to do sth.主动去做某事She offered to take us there.(2)not…any more=no more(放在动词前)不再,not要与助动词be,do,does等连用,any more 放在句尾。I won’t do that again.=I will no more do that again.

12.If you are invited to dinner by Western friends,you will be expected to stay and talk around the table long after the last dish is served,and it is not polite if you leave as soon as you finish eating.如果你被西方朋友邀请,最后一道菜上来后,你将被期待待在餐桌上谈论很久,如果你一吃完就离开是不礼貌的。(1)be invited to do sth.被邀请去做某事(2)as soon as 一……就……,引导时间状语从句(3)expect预料;盼望,动词。expect+名词We expect his visit.expect to do sth.期待去做某事She expected to visit the Great Wall.expect sb.to do sth.期待某人去做某事They expected us to arrive early.expect+句子,预料……盼望……(和think用法相同,有否定前移功能)We don’t expect that she will come back tomorrow.

13.Watch the other people. Do as they do.看着其他人。按照他们做的去做。


1.You may find it difficult to use chopsticks if you haven’t tried before.你可能会发现使用筷子很难,如果 你以前没有尝试过。(1)主语人+find+it+形容词+to do sth.人发现做某事……They find it interesting to learn English.(2)before 以前,常用于现在完成时态

2.The plates will be placed in he middle of the table for everyone to share.盘子将被放在桌子中间供大家享用。in he middle of…在……中间

3.Preparation of a big meal takes a long time and everything will look beautiful, so it’s a good topic of conversation.准备一顿大餐需要花费很长时间,一切看上去都将很漂亮,所以它是一个谈话的好话题。(1)preparation准备,名词。prepare 准备,动词。(2)take 花费 It takes/took sb. 时间to do sth. 花费某人多长时间去做某事It took me ten days to finish reading this book. spend 花费,人 spend 钱/时间on sth./doing sth.人花费时间/钱做某事She spent 50 yuan on/buying a book./He spent ten days reading a book. pay 付款;付费,人pay for sth./人pay money for sth.人花钱买某物The boy paid 20 yuan for a pen. cost花费,物cost人钱,This book cost me 55 yuan.

4.You’d better join in the conversation and say how much you like it.你最好加入这个谈话,说说你有多么喜欢它。(1)had better do/not do sth.最好做某事/最好不做某事(2)join in the conversation 加入这个谈话,join in 加入(小型活动)

5.I hope this is helpful.我希望这是有帮助的。helpful,有帮助的,形容词。be helpful to…对……有帮助This book is helpful to everyone.

6.Email me if you have any other questions.如果你有任何其他问题,请给我发邮件。(1)email sb. 给某人发邮件(2)any用于if引导的条件状语从句中或者否定句、疑问句中

7.That’s because the sixteenth birthday is their first step towards being an adult.那是因为16岁生日是他们迈向成年的第一步。(1)That’s because…那是因为……(2)sixteenth birthday 16岁生日,用序数词在生日前(3)towards朝;向;对着,强调过程。He is walking towards the window.

8.Everyone dresses up and looks beautiful. 大家都乔装打扮,看起来很漂亮。(1)dress up 化妆;乔装打扮(2)look beautiful 看起来漂亮

9.People give gifts to the sixteen-year-olds.人们送礼物给16岁的青少年。(1)give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.把某物给某人(2)the sixteen-year-olds=the sixteen-year-old teenagers,16岁的青少年,sixteen-year-old合成形容词,放在名词前。

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