
如何刷存在感?霍格华兹大佬特此建议Hagrid的出现是最明显的,也最为声势浩大:A low rumbling sound had broken the silence aroun


【写在前面】从哈利波特第一本书开始,每章我会节选一些主题,联上英文(Scholastic出版社)原版文段跟大小哈迷们分享字面上的知识,魔法世界的常识和文字后面的伏线暗涌,帮助更好地阅读Harry Potter英文原版。欢迎大家留言多提建议,感谢关注!


罗琳在访谈中曾提到,在书出版之前她经常会推翻重写(rewrite),第一本书的开头章节她就重写了十遍之多!( “For”Sorcerer’s Stone I wrote 10 different opening chapters,”)。回过头来看,这一章确实出现了后面屡次闪回的重要线索。本文重点讨论的大神出现方式,罗琳是花了一些心思去设计的,值得需要塑造大咖氛围的同学借鉴。


Inside, just visible, was a baby boy, fast asleep. Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning. (para.3, page 15)

fast asleep 熟睡的

a tuft of 一丛

jet-black 乌黑的

a bolt of lightning 一道闪电

罗琳用了介词前置下的倒装句式(Inside, just visible, was a baby boy, fast asleep.)和状语提前(Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see……),突出渐进移入,特别具有镜头感。


第一章除了Harry Potter,还有校长Dumbledore、副校长Professor McGonagall为强大阵容的霍格沃兹官方代表和VIP绿叶Hagrid,都给人留下深刻且神秘的印象:深刻乃因这是读者第一次看到魔法,神秘则在于罗琳并没有尽现后面的玄机。


1. 到达与离开


A low rumbling sound had broken the silence around them. It grew steadily louder as they looked up and down the street for some sign of a headlight; it swelled to a roar as they both looked up at the sky — and a huge motorcycle fell out of the airand landed on the road in front of them. (para.6, page 14)

rumble [ˈrʌmbl] vi. 隆隆响

up and down 来回,上下地

headlight [ˈhedlaɪt] n.(汽车等)的前灯;大灯

swell [swel] vt.& vi. 声音渐强,增强

roar [rɔː(r)] vi. 吼叫; 咆哮; 叫喊

声响由远及近,a low rumbling sound和a roar呈现对比。从they looked up and down the street for some sign of a headlight来看,Dumbledore也不知道Hagrid原来是骑flying motorcycle到达。这辆小天狼星(Young Sirius)借出的motorcycle是不是最好护送小baby的方法?至少还是比较保险的——对于Hagrid来说,选择比较有限,毕竟Apparition快是快,可是巨人阿海不一定有执照。


虽然魔力不高强,Hagrid是比较靠谱的人选:脚蹬摩托车,还时不时回头看小哈利:He fell asleep as we was flyin’ over Bristol(布里斯托,英国西南部城市)。

不出意外,Hagrid的离开方式也是飞摩托回去: “I’ll be takin’ Sirius his bike back. G’night, Professor McGonagall — Professor Dumbledore, sir.”

再来看天亮就出发的Professor McGonagall,她最早出现在文字里就已经是变形后的tabby cat:

It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar — a cat reading a map. (para.5, page 2)

peculiar [pɪˈkju:liə(r)] adj. 奇怪的,古怪的;异常的

一大早(Mr. Dursley上班前)出现在4 Privet Drive,可以猜测她是用最快的Apparition(幻影移形),对Potter一家的关切和女性与生俱来的母性,从Hagrid处得到接下来的动向之后,她迫不及待最快出现,并成功吓到Vernon Dursley:


A man appeared on the corner the cat hadbeen watching, appeared so suddenly and silently you’d have thought he’d just popped out of the ground. (para.5, page 8)

pop out of (突然)冒出

注意appeared suddenly, popped out of the ground,都是apparition的重要特征——Dumbledore的消失也同样迅速和迅雷不及掩耳:

“Good luck, Harry,” he murmured. He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone. (para.7, page 16)

turn on one’s heel 转身

swish [swɪʃ] vi. 嗖地挥动;发嗖嗖声

可见,想要塑造大佬感,除了迟到,刷存在感的要诀还在于:越不动声色为最佳;声势浩大,虽大,却往往有虚张之感。此外,Apparition和Flying motorcycle在难度上不能同日而语:Apparition需要考执照,motorcycle仅为技术赋能。这一轮评比,Dumbledore和McGonagall并列第一,Hagrid再获绿叶奖。


由魔法交通部门(Department of Magical Transportation)发出的apparition执照。

2. 魔法展示

由于flying motorcycle是借来的,大海Hagrid直接失去评选资格,魔法展示部分将在Hogwarts正副校长之间分胜负。

先来看副校长(deputy headmistress)McGonagall,毫无疑问她启用了变形术(Transfiguration)中的高级模式Animagus ,这一点罗琳有确凿描写:

He turned to smile at the tabby, but it had gone. Instead he was smiling at a rather severe-looking woman who was wearing square glasses exactly the shape of the markings the cat had had around its eyes. (para.4, page 9)

tabby [ˈtæbi] 斑猫(毛皮上有深色条纹)

severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)] adj. 严峻的;严厉的

marking [‘mɑːkɪŋ] n. 斑纹;标志

同样一个smile给到the tabby cat和a rather severe-looking woman——因为它们是一体的(同样的严厉!),注意animagi的重要特点已经有所显现:人形和动物形共享某一特征,McGonagal的眼镜和猫形眼睛周围的印记都是方形。


And he could make out a tabby cat slinking around the corner at the other end of the street. (para.6, page 16)

make out 分辨,辨认出

slink [slɪŋk] vi. 潜逃;溜走


Professor McGonagall,鼎鼎有名的animagus,她的patronus (守护神)也是猫。


He found what he was looking for in his inside pocket. It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. He clicked it again — the next lamp flickeredinto darkness. (para.2, page 9)

cigarette lighter 打火机

flick [flɪk] v. 轻弹,轻击

click [klɪk] vt. 点击;使发咔哒声

go out 熄灭

pop [pɒp] n.(短促清脆的爆裂声)砰

flicker [‘flɪkɚ] vi. 闪烁;摇曳;颤动

这个看起来像打火机的put-outer很有意思,它的字面意思“熄灯”(put out),刚好跟打火机相反。不过这熄灯器也有开灯功能,相比灭灯时一下接一下去按,开灯时能一下就点亮所有路灯,炫技功能强大:

He clicked it once, and twelve balls of light sped back to their street lamps so that Privet Drive glowed suddenly orange. (para.6, page 16)

glow [ɡləʊ] vi. 发光; 发出微弱而稳定的光



魔法才艺比拼这一轮,鉴于animagus难度极高,登记在册的animagi不超过10人,Professor McGonagall看起来在这回合占上风。不过,McGonagall和罗琳充分照顾到我们对Dumbledore的期望,不忘从侧面暗示Dumbledore魔法高能:

“……Everyone knows you’re the only one You-Know- oh, all right, Voldemort, was frightened of.”


“You flatter me,” said Dumbledore calmly. “Voldemort had powers I will never have.” (para.4, page 11)

fatter [‘flætə] vt. 奉承;谄媚

You flatter me.是英语中常见的谦语,可以理解为“过奖,不敢当“,也可以用“I’m (so) flattered”来表达。Voldemort had powers I will never have,这难道是说Dumbledore魔力比Voldemort差?


“Only because you’re too — well — noble to use them.” (para.5, page 11)

noble [‘nəʊb(ə)l] adj. 高尚的;贵族的

注意well在这里是语气词,插入在前后部分之间,在语法意义上可以忽略。真相大白了:不是Dumbledore不懂那些魔法(主要是黑魔法),而是因为他年纪大讲巫德,因为巫德高尚而不去使用(too noble to use them)。有能力而因为敬畏心而不去使用,这是智慧。


“Could I — could I say good-bye to him, sir?” asked Hagrid. He bent his great, shaggy head over Harry and gave him what must have been a very scratchy, whiskery kiss. (para.9, page 15)

shaggy [‘ʃægi] adj. 蓬松的;表面粗糙的

scratchy [ˈskrætʃi] adj. 使人发痒的

whiskery [‘wɪskərɪ] adj.长胡须的,年长的



Hagrid从Godric‘s Hollow (a western country )路经Bristol,到达伦敦西南边的Little Whing


罗琳1999年访谈:1999:Accio Quote!, the largest archive of J.K. Rowling interviews on the web(accio-quote.org)

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