
pedantic「迂腐的;卖弄学问的」的运用及起源Word of the Day:January 12, 2021pedantic迂腐的;卖弄学问的adjective pih-DAN-tikDe


Word of the Day:January 12, 2021



adjective pih-DAN-tik


1 : of, relating to, or being a pedant


2 : narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned


3 : unimaginative, dull



“It is always very difficult to know how to pronounce [the name Van Gogh]—it’s not easy for someone English or American, we just don’t have that sound. Then it sounds pedantic if you insist on the Dutch pronunciation.” — Martin Bailey, quoted on CNN, 7 Feb. 2020

“很难知道 Van Gogh 这个名字的发音,这对于英语或美国的人来说并不容易,我们没有那种声音。如果您坚持使用荷兰语的发音,那听起来很 pendantic。「ps:荷兰文gh的音听起来像我们咳痰的声音—呼噜噜的声音」”

“The trouble is that listening is a skill few diligently practice even in the best of times…. Family members, friends and colleagues may retreat into themselves, become easily distracted or maybe get too analytical, critical or pedantic in a subconscious attempt to control the conversation when all else is uncontrollable.” — Kate Murphy, The New York Times, 5 May 2020

麻烦的是,即使在最好的时候,听力是很少有人会刻意训练的一项技能。 在家庭成员,朋友和同事对话时可能会无意避开听力练习,因为在其他一切都无法控制时潜意识中会试图控制谈话,变得容易分神或转变成刻意思索,批评变得过于迂腐的样子。

Did You Know?

In William Shakespeare’s day, a pedant was a male schoolteacher. The word’s meaning was close to that of the Italian pedante, from which the English word was adapted. Someone who was pedantic was simply a tutor or teacher. But some instructional pedants of the day must have been pompous and dull because by the early 1600s both pedant and pedantic had gained extended senses referring to anyone who was obnoxiously and tediously devoted to their own academic acumen. When describing arguments, pedantic can be used for instances where one relies too heavily on minor details as a way to show off one’s intelligence.

在威廉莎士比亚时代,a pedant是指一名老师, 该词的含义与意大利 pedante的含义相近,后者改成了英语的单词 adapted。 pedantic 仅作为导师或老师使用。 但是,在当时某些学者很可能是自负的、而且刻板的人,直到1600年初期pedant和pedantic才有了更广泛的意义,指的是那些厌烦的、枯燥地致力于钻研他们自己的学术的人。在描述论点时,pedantic表示人们过分的依据小细节来炫耀自己的才智。

Name That Synonym

Unscramble the letters to create a synonym of pedantic: NNRIHKO.

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