
看选秀节目却被导师圈了粉BLACKPINK’s Lisa Receives Both Praises and Criticism for Being a “Strict


BLACKPINK’s Lisa Receives Both Praises and Criticism for Being a “Strict” Mentor


BLACKPINK’s Lisa, who is currently a dance mentor in the Chinese produce show “Youth with You,” is gaining either praises or criticism as viewers notice that Lisa is becoming “strict” and “harsh” to the trainees when giving comments.

Harsh adj. 严酷的;严厉的

= cruel, severe and unkind

The minister received some harsh criticism .


He regretted his harsh words.


In the recent episode of the show, online users debate on the impact of Lisa’s attitude towards the trainees. According to the group that performed their dance, they have practiced the dance several times before their showcase with Lisa. However, it seemed like the idol wasn’t impressed and stopped the dance mid-way.

Trainee n. 接受培训者;实习生;见习生

a management trainee


a trainee teacher


Showcase n. ~ (for sb/sth) 展示(本领、才华或优良品质)的场合

The festival was a showcase for young musicians.



Lisa, with her straight face, said, “I do not have any comments. You did not do this right.” She was pertaining to the dance move that Lisa pointed out to be an easy one. Also, from the past episodes, netizens claimed that Lisa is too straightforward on trainees who made mistakes, and remained strict even though they already apologized.

straight face绷着的脸;忍着不笑的脸

pertain to sth./ sb. 与…相关;关于

the laws pertaining to adoption


Straightforward adj. (人或行为) 坦诚的;坦率的;率直的

She is very blunt, very straightforward and very honest.


This has been a trending topic online, with some saying Lisa is being nice to the trainees and being professional. At the same time, some pointed out that her “harsh” comments don’t sit well.

sit comfortably/easily/well (with sth) (在某位置或某场合)显得合适,显得自然,如鱼得水

His views did not sit comfortably with the management line.


BLINKs are responding to the haters that Lisa is way kinder and sweeter compared to the other dance mentors of the produce show in Korea. Also, they are claiming that Lisa is just doing her job as a mentor, but in reality, Lisa is doing more than that, and her “strict” personality is a way to show that she cares for the trainees.

Way adv. (与介词或副词连用) 很远;大量

The price is way above what we can afford.


Lisa has been keen even with the smallest details of the girls’ dance, teaching the trainees not to slack and continue to practice with discipline. Some netizens think that people are overhyping Lisa’s skills and that her way of teaching is too technical, taking away the chance for the trainee to showcase their style of dancing. For multiple times, Lisa has made comments even to the slightest mistake, and others claimed that she is blocking the trainees to have the performance their own way.

Slack v. 懈怠;怠惰;偷懒

He had never let a foreman see him slacking.


hype v. 夸张地宣传(某事物)

This week his much hyped new movie opens in London.


Showcase v. 展示(优点)

Jack found a film role that showcased all his talents.



On the other hand, Lisa won’t be unreasonably strict. She previously explained on the show as well that she’s doing it for the trainees. “I think if we don’t give attention to the details from the start, we’d be practicing the wrong moves continuously, so every trainee should pay attention to the details, and they can’t do things as they please,” she said.

Please v. (常用在as或what、 where等词后)想,选择,喜欢

You may stay as long as you please.


She always does exactly as she pleases.



Lisa trained for five years before debuting with BLACKPINK, making her the fittest mentor for the show. People know how Lisa has was criticized as a Thai K-pop idol, and the language barrier from flying to Korea from Thailand was also one of the hardships she faced when she was just starting.

Debut |ˈdeɪbju: deɪˈbju:| (演员、运动员)首次亮相;初次登台(或上场)

He will make his debut for the first team this week.


Through her experience, Lisa has been showing to the trainees that the path that they are taking is not a world full of sugar-coated words and praises. A tough heart, strong mindset, and accepting criticisms are a way to make one better and to succeed in the music industry.

sugar-coated adj. 巧加粉饰的;使表面吸引的

a sugar-coated promise




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