


1. 我可以请您帮个忙吗?

Do you mind if I ask you a favor?

【注】回答“yes”的时候表示不可以,回答“no”的时候表示可以噢~ 如,若回答为:No, not at all. 则表示“没问题,完全可以”

Can I ask a favor?

May I ask you a favor?


2. 能帮把手吗?

Would you give me a hand?

Would you please help me?

Would you mind giving me a hand?

Could you help me out?

3. 对不起……

I’m sorry to bother you, but……

I’m sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一下吗?)

回答:It’s no bother.(没问题。)

4. 我可不可以……/可不可以让我……

Could I possibly…?

Could I possibly use your bathroom? (我能用一下您的洗手间吗?)

回答:Of course.(当然。)

5. 请您把…拿过来行么?

Could you pass the salt, please? 请您把盐拿过来行吗?(用于吃饭时等请别人拿自己够不到的东西时。)

回答:Sure. Here you are. 好的,给你。

Could I have the salt, please?

Could you hand me the salt, please?

Could you give me the salt, please?

Salt, please. (比较随便的说法。)

6. 请做这个。

Please do this.

Please take care of this.

Would you please do this (for me)? 您能为我做这个吗?

7. 您能开车送我到……么?

Would you drive me to the store?

Would you take me to the store?

Would you drop me off at the store? 能让我在那家店下车吗?

8. 您能帮我找到ABC饭店的电话号码吗?

Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel?

回答:My pleasure。可以啊

9. 我不知道怎么填这张表。

I don’t know how to fill out this form.

How do I fill out this form?

Can you help me with this form?

10. 告诉我为什么?

Tell me why。

What’s the reason? 理由是什么呢?

Why do you think that? 你为什么那么想?

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