Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 全面认识全人类共同价值的伟大意义

Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 全面认识全人类共同价值的伟大意义全人类共同价值凝聚了人类不同文明的价值共识,反映了世界各国人民普遍认同的价值理念的最大公约数,超越了意识形态、社会制度和发展水平差异,顺应历史潮


(Excerpts from Upholding and Advancing Shared Human Values by Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, Qiushi Journal, No. 05, 2021)


Recognizing the great significance of the shared human values


The shared human values are the crystallization of consensus between different civilizations, and reflect the greatest common denominator of values universally recognized among the people of countries around the world. They transcend differences in terms of ideology, social system, and level of development, move with the tide of history, and accord with the needs of the times. This concept reflects yet another major theoretical achievement of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.





From a high-level strategic perspective on the course of human history, the shared human values have provided powerful drive to human progress on a conceptual level.

The shared human values reflect the deep historical background of the best elements of China’s traditional culture and have injected new energy into the cultural development of the world.

The shared human values highlight a broad-minded appreciation of diversity, and offer powerful motivation for achieving great unity between the people of the world.

The shared human values reflect the deep thought behind the vision of building a global community with a shared future, and make the values at the core of this important vision explicit.


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