Pjsip conference分析

Pjsip conference分析Pjsip的Conference会议桥,主要的功能是抽象media的输入输出为port,并把port中的PCM数据进行混音,已达到多方通话的混音功能。对conference感兴趣的主要是两点:怎么抽象port 怎么混音conference的代码位置:pjmedia/src/pjmedia/conference.cconference在Pjsip的me…




  • 怎么抽象port
  • 怎么混音



Pjsip conference分析

1. 抽象Port




 * Port interface.
typedef struct pjmedia_port
    pjmedia_port_info    info;              /**< Port information.  */

    /** Port data can be used by the port creator to attach arbitrary
     *  value to be associated with the port.
    struct port_data {
        void            *pdata;             /**< Pointer data.      */
        long             ldata;             /**< Long data.         */
    } port_data;

     * Get clock source.
     * This should only be called by #pjmedia_port_get_clock_src().
    pjmedia_clock_src* (*get_clock_src)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port,
                                        pjmedia_dir dir);

     * Sink interface. 
     * This should only be called by #pjmedia_port_put_frame().
    pj_status_t (*put_frame)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
                             pjmedia_frame *frame);

     * Source interface. 
     * This should only be called by #pjmedia_port_get_frame().
    pj_status_t (*get_frame)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, 
                             pjmedia_frame *frame);

     * Called to destroy this port.
    pj_status_t (*on_destroy)(struct pjmedia_port *this_port);

} pjmedia_port;


    其中,put_frame,是把sound port产生的数据(即mic的录音数据)一步步的传输到网络中。






 * This is a port connected to conference bridge.
struct conf_port
    pj_str_t             name;          /**< Port name.                     */
    pjmedia_port        *port;          /**< get_frame() and put_frame()    */
    pjmedia_port_op      rx_setting;    /**< Can we receive from this port  */
    pjmedia_port_op      tx_setting;    /**< Can we transmit to this port   */
    unsigned             listener_cnt;  /**< Number of listeners.           */
    SLOT_TYPE           *listener_slots;/**< Array of listeners.            */
    unsigned             transmitter_cnt;/**<Number of transmitters.        */

    /* Shortcut for port info. */
    unsigned             clock_rate;    /**< Port's clock rate.             */
    unsigned             samples_per_frame; /**< Port's samples per frame.  */
    unsigned             channel_count; /**< Port's channel count.          */

    /* Calculated signal levels: */
    unsigned             tx_level;      /**< Last tx level to this port.    */
    unsigned             rx_level;      /**< Last rx level from this port.  */

    /* The normalized signal level adjustment.
     * A value of 128 (NORMAL_LEVEL) means there's no adjustment.
    unsigned             tx_adj_level;  /**< Adjustment for TX.             */
    unsigned             rx_adj_level;  /**< Adjustment for RX.             */

    /* Resample, for converting clock rate, if they're different. */
    pjmedia_resample    *rx_resample;
    pjmedia_resample    *tx_resample;

    /* RX buffer is temporary buffer to be used when there is mismatch
     * between port's sample rate or ptime with conference's sample rate
     * or ptime. The buffer is used for sampling rate conversion AND/OR to
     * buffer the samples until there are enough samples to fulfill a 
     * complete frame to be processed by the bridge.
     * When both sample rate AND ptime of the port match the conference 
     * settings, this buffer will not be created.
     * This buffer contains samples at port's clock rate.
     * The size of this buffer is the sum between port's samples per frame
     * and bridge's samples per frame.
    pj_int16_t          *rx_buf;        /**< The RX buffer.                 */
    unsigned             rx_buf_cap;    /**< Max size, in samples           */
    unsigned             rx_buf_count;  /**< # of samples in the buf.       */

    /* Mix buf is a temporary buffer used to mix all signal received
     * by this port from all other ports. The mixed signal will be 
     * automatically adjusted to the appropriate level whenever
     * there is possibility of clipping.
     * This buffer contains samples at bridge's clock rate.
     * The size of this buffer is equal to samples per frame of the bridge.

    int                  mix_adj;       /**< Adjustment level for mix_buf.  */
    int                  last_mix_adj;  /**< Last adjustment level.         */
    pj_int32_t          *mix_buf;       /**< Total sum of signal.           */

    /* Tx buffer is a temporary buffer to be used when there's mismatch 
     * between port's clock rate or ptime with conference's sample rate
     * or ptime. This buffer is used as the source of the sampling rate
     * conversion AND/OR to buffer the samples until there are enough
     * samples to fulfill a complete frame to be transmitted to the port.
     * When both sample rate and ptime of the port match the bridge's 
     * settings, this buffer will not be created.
     * This buffer contains samples at port's clock rate.
     * The size of this buffer is the sum between port's samples per frame
     * and bridge's samples per frame.
    pj_int16_t          *tx_buf;        /**< Tx buffer.                     */
    unsigned             tx_buf_cap;    /**< Max size, in samples.          */
    unsigned             tx_buf_count;  /**< # of samples in the buffer.    */

    /* When the port is not receiving signal from any other ports (e.g. when
     * no other ports is transmitting to this port), the bridge periodically
     * transmit NULL frame to the port to keep the port "alive" (for example,
     * a stream port needs this heart-beat to periodically transmit silence
     * frame to keep NAT binding alive).
     * This NULL frame should be sent to the port at the port's ptime rate.
     * So if the port's ptime is greater than the bridge's ptime, the bridge
     * needs to delay the NULL frame until it's the right time to do so.
     * This variable keeps track of how many pending NULL samples are being
     * "held" for this port. Once this value reaches samples_per_frame
     * value of the port, a NULL frame is sent. The samples value on this
     * variable is clocked at the port's clock rate.
    unsigned             tx_heart_beat;

    /* Delay buffer is a special buffer for sound device port (port 0, master
     * port) and other passive ports (sound device port is also passive port).
     * We need the delay buffer because we can not expect the mic and speaker 
     * thread to run equally after one another. In most systems, each thread 
     * will run multiple times before the other thread gains execution time. 
     * For example, in my system, mic thread is called three times, then 
     * speaker thread is called three times, and so on. This we call burst.
     * There is also possibility of drift, unbalanced rate between put_frame
     * and get_frame operation, in passive ports. If drift happens, snd_buf
     * needs to be expanded or shrinked. 
     * Burst and drift are handled by delay buffer.
    pjmedia_delay_buf   *delay_buf;


  • port 所有的port都公有的数据结构,Port操作的数据的接口在这定义
  • listener_cnt 监听这个port的其他port总数
  • listener_slots 保存listener port的port id,这个和listener_cnt一起使用,记录本port需要把本port的数据给多少个port传输
  • transmitter_cnt 往本port传输数据的port数。
  • mix_buf 混音buf,主要定义的类型为int32位的数组,而Pcm的数据定义的是int16位的。
  • delay_buf 缓冲buf。



/* Delay buffer is a special buffer for sound device port (port 0, master
     * port) and other passive ports (sound device port is also passive port).
     * We need the delay buffer because we can not expect the mic and speaker 
     * thread to run equally after one another. In most systems, each thread 
     * will run multiple times before the other thread gains execution time. 
     * For example, in my system, mic thread is called three times, then 
     * speaker thread is called three times, and so on. This we call burst.
     * There is also possibility of drift, unbalanced rate between put_frame
     * and get_frame operation, in passive ports. If drift happens, snd_buf
     * needs to be expanded or shrinked. 
     * Burst and drift are handled by delay buffer.



 * Conference bridge.
struct pjmedia_conf
    unsigned              options;      /**< Bitmask options.               */
    unsigned              max_ports;    /**< Maximum ports.                 */
    unsigned              port_cnt;     /**< Current number of ports.       */
    unsigned              connect_cnt;  /**< Total number of connections    */
    pjmedia_snd_port     *snd_dev_port; /**< Sound device port.             */
    pjmedia_port         *master_port;  /**< Port zero's port.              */
    char                  master_name_buf[80]; /**< Port0 name buffer.      */
    pj_mutex_t           *mutex;        /**< Conference mutex.              */
    struct conf_port    **ports;        /**< Array of ports.                */
    unsigned              clock_rate;   /**< Sampling rate.                 */
    unsigned              channel_count;/**< Number of channels (1=mono).   */
    unsigned              samples_per_frame;    /**< Samples per frame.     */
    unsigned              bits_per_sample;      /**< Bits per sample.       */

其实pjmedia_conf就是一个conf_port的管理器,其中,master_port是sound 设备抽象的port定义,snd_dev_port才是真正的sound设备。snd_dev_port通过master_port驱动conference的运行。

ports是一个二维数组,用于保存conference中所有的conf_port,其中数组的第一个元素0,是给master_port的。也就是sound port。


在pjmedia_conf_create 函数中,有一段这样代码:

    conf->master_port->port_data.pdata = conf;
    conf->master_port->port_data.ldata = 0;




     /* Add the port to the bridge */
    conf->ports[0] = conf_port;






Pjsip conference分析

  • pjmedia_conf_connect_port( pjmedia_conf *conf, unsigned src_slot, unsigned sink_slot, int level )接口把两个Port连接在一起,如图所示
  • connect的时候,sink_slot就是src_slot的listener 
  • 混音就是把src_slot的frame依次和listener的mix_buf混音,混音的实质,是把本port的所有输入PCM数据混音,然后输出。如图中,Port0把get_frame中的PCM数据和Port1的mix_buf中的PCM数据混音,其实就是Port1把Port0的输入混音。


  Pjsip conference分析


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