Rasa NLU-自然语言处理工具

Rasa NLU-自然语言处理工具RasaNLUWhatisRasa?TheRasaStackisasetofopensourcemachinelearningtoolsfordeveloperstocreatecontextualAIassistantsandchatbots:Core=achatbotframeworkwithmachinelearning-ba…


Rasa NLU

What is Rasa?

The Rasa Stack is a set of open source machine learning tools for developers to create contextual AI assistants and chatbots:
Core = a chatbot framework with machine learning-based dialogue management
NLU = a library for natural language understanding with intent classification and entity extraction
NLU and Core are independent. You can use NLU without Core, and vice versa. We recommend using both.


Core = 基于机器学习的对话管理聊天机器人框架
NLU = 意图分类和实体提取的自然语言理解库
NLU 和 Core模块是独立的,你可以使用没有Core的NLU模块,反之亦然。推荐两者同时使用。

  1. NLU understands the user’s message based on your previous training data:
  • Intent classification: Interpreting meaning based on predefined intents (Example: Please send the confirmation to amy@example.com is a provide_email intent with 93% confidence)
  • Entity extraction: Recognizing structured data (Example: amy@example.com is an email)
  1. Core decides what happens next in this conversation. It’s machine learning-based dialogue management predicts the next best action based on the input from NLU, the conversation history and your training data. (Example: Core has a confidence of 87% that ask_primary_change is the next best action to confirm with the user if they want to change their primary contact information.)

rasa 训练过程

  • Prepare your NLU Training Data
  • Define your Machine Learning Model
  • Train your Machine Learning NLU model
  • Use your model

There are two ways to use your model, directly from python, or by starting a http server.


pipeline 定义了各个组件之间数据的前后流动关系,组件之间是存在依赖关系的,任意一个组件的依赖需求没有被满足都将导致 pipeline 出错(Rasa NLU 会在启动的时候检查是否每一个组件的依赖都被满足,如果没有满足,则终止运行并给出相关的提示消息)。具有以下特征:

  • 组件之间的顺序关系至关重要,比如 NER 组件需要前面的组件提供分词结果才能正常工作,那么前面的组件中有必须有一个分词器。
  • 组件是可以相互替换的,比如同样是提供分词结果,同时有几个 component 可以选择,比如中文的可以选择清华的分词器、北大的分词器的。
  • 有些组件是互斥的,比如:分词器是互斥的,分词结果不能同时由两个组件提供,否则会出现混乱。
  • 有些组件是可以同时使用的,比如:提取文本特征的组件可以同时使用基于规则的和基于文本嵌入向量的。

一个 NLU 应用通常包括 命名实体识别意图识别 两个任务。为了完成这些任务,一个 典型 的 Rasa NLU pipeline 通常具有以下的 pattern:

  • 初始化类组件:为了加载模型文件,为后续的组件提供框架支持,如初始化 SpaCy 和 MITIE
  • 分词组件:将文本分割成词语序列,为后续的高级 NLP 任务提供基础数据
  • 提取特征:提取词语序列的文本特征,通常采用 Word Embedding 的方式,提取特征的组件可以同时使用,同时搭配的还可能有基于正则表达式的提取特征的方法。
  • NER 组件:根据前面提供的特征对文本进行命名实体的识别
  • 意图分类:按照语义对文本进行意图的分类,也称意图识别


  • Component Lifecycle
    @Component Lifecycle


  • Component Structure

    • property

      • name = “”#组件名字,
      • provides = [] #当前组件能够计算出什么
      • requires = [] #当前组件需要提供什么
      • defaults = {} #组件的默认参数,可以被pipeline中参数覆写
    • __init__

    • create

    • train

    • persist

    • load

    • process

    • required_packages

  • Entity Extraction

Component provides requires
nlp_spacy [“spacy_doc”, “spacy_nlp”]
nlp_mitie [“mitie_feature_extractor”, “mitie_file”]
tokenizer_jieba tokens
tokenizer_mitie tokens
tokenizer_spacy tokens spacy_doc
tokenizer_whitespace tokens
ner_crf entities tokens
ner_synonyms entities
intent_featurizer_spacy text_features spacy_doc
intent_featurizer_mitie text_features [“tokens”, “mitie_feature_extractor”]
intent_entity_featurizer_regex text_features spacy_doc
  • Intents classification

  • Custom Component


  1. Rasa NLU 的 pipeline 和 component
  2. Rasa NLU及自定义NLU组件
  3. 情感分析的组件
  4. 为Rasa生成spacy中文语言模型
  5. 利用 Rasa NLU / Rasa Core 建立中文的 chatbot

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