
动词时态一般现在时(现在特征或经常性的动作):IlikeEnglishverymuch.I’mchineseI’mfrombeijing.Ihopeyouenjoyyoustayhere. 一般现在时(普遍真理):Bloodisthickerthanwater.Healthisbetterthanwealth.Wisdominthemindis…


I like English very much.
I’m chinese I’m from beijing.
I hope you enjoy you stay here.


Blood is thicker than water.
Health is better than wealth.
Wisdom in the mind is better than money.
Time is money.
Mothers always worry about their children.


I came a poor family.
I was shy when I was young.
I hated going to school.


I will call you later.
I will find out who did this.
I will think about it.


将来时:be going to
I’m going to study in America next year.
I’m going to get merried next month.
I’m going to look for a new job.


I’m leaving shanghai tomorrow
My parents are going to here next week.
I’m taking my CET band4 next month.


过去将来时:would + 动词原形  was/were +gonig to +动词原形
I was going to call you when you came in.
She said she would come.


I’m working on it.
Who’s calling ,please.
What are you dong?
You’re always complaining.
That’s because you are always leaving your dirty sockets on the floor


I was taking a shower when you called.
I was working all weekend.
I wasn’t trying to annoy you.


Hurry up! The train will be arriving soon.
Will she be joining us for dinner.


I really love that move. I’ve seen it ten times.
I’ve never met him before.
She’s worked here for three years.


By the end of the year.we had helped 50000 homeless people.
After talking to her again,I realized that I had been wrong.
I had never used chop stick before I came China.


I’ve been learning English for ten years.
I’ve been teaching in this school since I graduated.
I’ve been dying to see you since I talked to you on the phone last week.
At last! Where on earth have you been? I’ve been waiting for 40 minutes.
Sorry ,Traffic jam.(堵车)


He had been training for the marathon for ten years.
At last I got the package I had been expecting.
He had been working very hard until he got sick.


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