datepicker unity 下载_datePicker

datepicker unity 下载_datePicker软件简介ThedatePickerpluginisapopupcalendarwidgetandthensome.Itallowsyoutoaddpopupcalendarstoyourformstomakeiteasierforusersofyourwebsitetoenterdates.v2ofthedatepickeris…



The datePicker plugin is a popup calendar widget and then some. It allows you

to add popup calendars to your forms to make it easier for users of your

website to enter dates.

v2 of the date picker is a complete rewrite with the aim of being as

extensible as possible. It is completely localisable and can be used in a

myriad of different ways.

Please look through the selection of

demos to see all the

different ways the date picker can be used.

v2 is the

recommended version of the plugin although

v1 is still available for

legacy support.

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