




直接引语:直接引用原文:He said”I am a good boy”他说我是一个好男孩

间接引语:间接引用原文:He said he was a good boy 他说他是一个好男孩



He says”I am a happy today “——- He said he was a happy boy


He asks me”Do you like apples?”——– He asked me if I liked apples

第三种:He asks”What color is it ?”——He asked what color it was。

第四种: He says “one and one is two”——-He said that one and one is two

直接引语变成间接引语时,时间状语,地点状语 变化的原则

This—that, these—those,now—then,today—that day, this evening —that evening,

Yesterday—the day before the previous day,yesterday morning—–the morning before,

Last night—the night before, two days ago——two days before,

next week—-the next week,the following day, tomorrow—the next day ,

the following day,the day after tomorrow—–in two days’ time,



1, He said “he likes apples”—-He said he liked apples

2, He said “he is reading ,now”—-He said he was reading ,then

3, He said “he has read the book”—He said he had read the book

4, He said “he had read the book”—-He said he had read the book

5, He said “he had been reading books two hours “—He said he had been reading books two hours

6, He said “he was reading books “—-He said he was reading books

7, He said “he read books,yesterday “—-He said that he had read books ,the day before

8, He says”He will read books”—-He said that he would read books

9, He said “he has been reading books two hours”—-He said that he had been reading books two hours


1, 引述动词为一般现在时

He says “I will go to school,tomorrow”—He says she will go to school tomorrow

2, 引述动词为将来时

He will say”I will try my best”—-He will say that he will try his best

3, 直接引语带有具体的过去时间

The boy said”he was born in 1990″—–The boy said he was born in 1990

4, 客官事实和真理时

He said”one and one is two”—-He said that one and one is two

5, 直接引语时谚语的时候

He said”Never too old to learn”—He said that never too old to learn

6, 直接引语中有情态动词

He said “he could read books “—He said he could read books

7,以when he while 引导的过去时间的从句

He said “When I was a child ,I could read English books”—-He said when he was a child ,he could read English books


1, 陈述句时,遇到say,tell,explain 等词汇时,用that连接使用

He said to me “You should study hard”

—He told that I should study hard

2, 在一般疑问句或者反义疑问句时,通常用if,whether 连接

He asked me”Do you like apples?”

He asked me if I liked apples

He asked me “Do you like apples,don’t you?”

He asked me if I liked apples

在选择疑问句时,通常用whether 。。。or 连接

He asked me “Do you like apples or bananas ?”

He asked me whether I liked apples or bananas


He asked me “What’s your job?”

He asked me what my job was

当有请求,建议的时候,改成,ask sb to do 叫某人去做,suggest doing, 建议做某事

,advise sb to do 建议某人去做 等等

He asked me ” Let’s go shopping”

He advised me to go shopping with him

当为祈使句时,变为to do 形式

He said “Don’t open the door,girls”

He told the girls not to open the door

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