
跟我好好学英语的第30天Most Chinese people are superstitious. The majority of Chinese people ar


choice of words in writing

1.most VS the majority of :大多数

Most Chinese people are superstitious. The majority of Chinese people are superstitious.大多数中国人迷信。

2.Twice VS on two separate occasions: 在两次不同的场合

He has been arrested twice. He has been arrested on two separate occasions.他被逮捕过两次。

3.Decide on VS make a decision about: 决定

We’ve decided on the date. We’ve made a decision about the date.我们已经决定了日期。

4.If VS in the event that: 如果

If you are getting a divorce, call me. In the event that you are getting a divorce, call me.如果你要离婚,打电话给我。

5.Be able to /can VS have the ability to: 可以做什么

He’s able to hold his breath for half an hour. He has the ability to hold his breath for half an hour.他有屏住呼吸半小时的能力。

6.About VS in the neighborhood of: 大约

I make about 10,000 dollars a month. I make in the neighborhood of 10,000 dollars a month.我一个月挣一万美元左右。

7.Finally VS in the final analysis : 最终结果

In the final analysis, you failed because you were too careless. 归根结底,你失败是因为你太粗心。

8.Like VS along the lines of: 像

Your house is a little along the lines of the one we bought last month. 你的房子和我们上个月买的那栋有点相似。

9.Although VS in spite of the fact that: 尽管

Although I did my best, I failed. In spite of the fact that I did my best, I failed. 尽管我尽力了,我还是失败了。

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