
“惊险追逐,警民对峙,谁是胜利者?””Man wielding knife dies after multiple warnings from police to sto


“Man wielding knife dies after multiple warnings from police to stop” On October 13th, 2023, the police were called to deal with an incident in Heita town, Sizhou county. When the officers arrived,

they found that a man named Su, had become very agitated and had taken out a knife and was threatening them and those around him. Despite multiple warnings from the police, he refused to drop the weap

on and instead continued to approach and attack the officers. The police had no choice but to shoot the man, who eventually succumbed to his injuries. The authorities are now conducting an investigati

on into the incident.At approximately 11am on October 13th, 2023, police officers from the Heita town station in Sizhou county, were called to the Jiangyang village to deal with an incident. Su, a 5

2 year old male, had become extremely agitated and had brandished a knife, threatening the police and those around him. Su managed to break free from his wife, who was attempting to restrain him, and

lunged towards the police officers, chasing them with his knife. Despite multiple warnings, Su continued to approach and attack the police officers, who had no choice but to use their firearms to stop

him. The officers quickly called for an ambulance and Su was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident is currently being investigated by the authorities and the relevant procedures are being foll

owed to ensure that justice is served. As an important component of public security, police officers maintain law and order and protect the safety and well-being of citizens, which is an extremely i

mportant and arduous task. It is the duty of citizens to cooperate with the police and respect the law in order to create a safe and stable society. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance

of maintaining law and order and the risks that police officers face on a daily basis. We must all work together to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

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