同义词辨析:convenient, appropriate, proper

同义词辨析:convenient, appropriate, proper例句: Will it be convenient for you to come this afternoon?例句: You'll


导航意思: 方便的,合适的


解析: convenient 指对某人来说很方便的,能省时省力省事的。

例句: Will it be convenient for you to come this afternoon?

翻译: 你今天下午来方便吗?

例句: You’ll find it very convenient to pay by credit card.

翻译: 你会发现用信用卡付款非常便利。

例句: She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.

翻译: 她会尽力安排一个双方都方便的时间和地点进行面试。


解析: appropriate 指适合某一时间、情况、目的等的,常后接介词 for/to。

例句: It is appropriate to let him do the job.

翻译: 让他来做这份工作是合适的。

例句: The situation is not appropriate for an attack.

翻译: 形势不适合进攻。

例句: Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job.

翻译: 着装要整洁美观,适合于这份工作。


解析: proper 指正确而恰当的,侧重于符合某种标准或习惯,用于此义时只作定语。

例句: Make sure that everything is in its proper place.

翻译: 务必把每样东西都放在恰当的位置。

例句: She wore proper clothes for the party.

翻译: 她穿着适合聚会的服装。

同义词辨析:convenient, appropriate, proper

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