





电脑/网络综合症和健康 例文(模板部分我会给大家标出)

In this eaasy, the author dissusses the relationship betwwen physical health and computer network. In the beginning, he points out that the computer and Internet threaten tto do more harm to the physical conditions of many people. After that three suggestions are givrn to reduce these threats.

Three factors are salient in this essay article. First and formost, according to the author, computer network bings harm to people’s physical health of people, particularly t their eyes, muscles, bones, and even phychological status. Second, as it is illustrated above, addiction to computer network causes Internet syndrome: Its symptoms are different, depression, sleep loss/insomnia, drug abuse, to name a few.

Third and last, apart from the above mentioned facts, other aspect deserves due attention, gas from a compuer is harmful to one’s respiratory system. Sometime, there is a risk of lung cancer.

The trend shown in the essay will probably develop, if few concrete measures are taken in the issue of computer syndrome. To handle it probably, some suggestions are offered in the essay, but three of them are central of all things: to raise health awareness, and the most important of all, to choose nutritional food. Only in this way can one solve the problem of computer syndrome.


词汇总结:various kinds of sports activities 各种体育活动,ingredients/elements 营养成分,bloood vessel extension血管扩张,resistance抵抗,winter swimming, morning exercises, skating, vitamin, calorie,vegetable oil植物油, adrenal gland肾上腺,cold bath, cerebrovascular disease, ulcer, arthritis关节炎,menstrual priod月经期, tracheitis气管炎, laryngitis喉炎,conjunctivits结膜炎,allergic disease, nasal passage鼻道,nasal mucosa,vigor生命活力,life expectancy延年益寿,take exercise做操,jont,physique筋骨,blood circulation气血流通,the five internal organs五脏,ligament韧带,uninary泌尿,endocrine内分泌,physiological equilibrium生理平衡,osteoporosis/bone loss骨质疏松,flexibility,the vessel wall sediment血管壁沉淀,massage按摩,vascular smooth muscle血管平滑肌,physiological function生理机能,cholesterol胆固醇;fitness and weight loss健美和减肥,cerebral hemorrhage脑出血,sequelae后遗症

In this eaasy, the author dissusses the relationship betwwen physical health and lesurely walk. In the beginning, he points out that it is important for many moddle-aged and old people to take a walk in their sparee time. After that,some sussgetions are given, as can be seen in the following paragraphs.

Three factors are salient in this essay/article. First and formost, according to the author, lesiurely walking brings may benefits to people, particularly to their blood, muscles. Secondly, it mproves almost every system of the human body, promoting normal metabolism. Third and last, another aspect deserves due attention, apart from thr above mentioned facts. Walking helps/enables the brain to maintain a high level of alterness.

And research shows that this aport/activity can be helpful for bodybuilding and weight control.

Some suggestions are offered in the essay, but two of them are central of all things: One is to adopt efficient methods, while the other is to choose a favorable environment. Meanwhile, it is advised that people select one of five walking./walking in the opposite direction with arms back, walkingn with arms swinging and walking with hands massaging the abdomen.

In this eaasy, the author dissusses the relationship betwwen physical health and computer network. In the beginning, he points out that the computer and Internet threaten tto do more harm to the physical conditions of many people. After that three suggestions are givrn to reduce these threats.

营养学 人们对食品的选择

different kinds/sorts of nutritional ingredients/elements, physiological stages生理阶段,physiological function生理功能,medical treament,especially, infant婴儿,adolescent青春期,old age,老年期,adulthood成年阶段,calcium钙,decayed tooth龋齿,biscuits饼干,steamed bread馒头, cancerogenetic ,pancake大饼,carbonhydrate碳水化合物,phosphorus磷,metabolism碳水化合物,dried meat floss肉松peanut butter花生酱,deep-fried foods油炸类食品,dessert甜食,coronary 冠状,arteriosclerosis动脉硬化,mineral, antioxygenation,cell aging细胞衰老,synthetic vitamin合成维生素,naturnal food天然食物,superoxide超氧化物,thrombus血栓,fever发热

By providing concrete facts, ample examples and relable statistica, the author discusses the relationship between breakfast and physical health. In this view, most people seldom pay attention to their breakfasr or skip it.

Breakfast is indispensable for their physical health.

Three factors are salient in this essay article. First and formost, breakfast varies according to different age groups. For the people in their childhood, breakfast contains various kinds of nutritional ingredients such as protein and calcium,beause they are in rapid growth. Meanwhile, to avoid decayed teeth or obesity, their diet should not have too much sugar.

What is more, as it demonstrateed in the essay, for people during the adolescent period, it is essential that breakfast for teengers provide nutritents to meet the need for fast growth of muscles and bones, especially calcium, vitamins and sufficient calories. It is ideal that breakfast for people in this age group includes milk, some fresh vegetables or fruit and 100 grams of carbondehydrate food.

Finally, another aspect cannot be ingored. For the middle-aged people, it will be better if they take in enough protein, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, while strictly control the calories and fat in the diet. Old people’s metabolism is already


fragile. For breakfast, it is advsed that they have foods that are nutritious and easy digest. Calcium is also important in order to prevent osteoporosis. However, fored food and animal organs should be avoided.

Some details are also provided/given in this essay, such as different sub-healthy sympotms and various food items. But they are supporting details, rather than the theme of this essay. But they are also important, supporting the connclusion that breakfast is indispensable for one’s physical health.


community,社区,共同体,internet community国际共同体,approach方法,concept/notion/outlook观念,shared values共同价值,mode模式,doctor-patient relationship医患关系,medical institution/center医疗机构/中心,health care of infants婴幼儿保健,measures措施,planning/blueprint/program规划,synopsis纲要,agenda日程,reform改革,overall trend/tendency潮流趋势,mechanism机制,allowance补贴,budge预算,investment投资,service服务,infrastructure基础设施,medical equpment医疗设备,technological level技术水平,private hospital民营医院,social capital社会资本,private clinic私人诊所,solo practitioner个体医生,health care保健,prevention预防,investment投资,service服务,techonological level技术水平,holistic medicine整体医学观,social medicine社会医学观,humanistic medicine人文医学观,kidness/humanity/benevolnce仁术,teching resources师资,train of teching faculty师资培养,talent trainging人才培养,community network, materialization物化,humanism人文主义,a cause with low input and high output,normalization,management system,personal system人事制度,the doctor appointment system

By proving concrete facts and reliable statistics, the autor discusses the necessity and importance of health education in future society. Disease resulting from bad life style and bringing negative influences to people’s health. It follows that health education wil be indispensable in future medical development. After that, he presents some problems in health education. In the end, some suggestions are gven, as can be seen in thefollowing paragraphs.

Three factors are salient in this essay/article. First and formost, according to the author, exoriences from some western countries has proved cot-effective in the the prevention of chronic noninfectious diseases. Secondly, as is illustrated above, future medical work should pay atttention to humans and their health, rather than dieases.

This has been emphsaized in a new theory WHO.And public health education calls for participation of all people, as is indicated in the medical planning in our country. Third and last, another aspect deserves due attention, apart from abbove facts. There are several problems in China’s health education, for example, less attention from the government level, insufficient amout of investment and lack of teaching resources.

Finally, it is also advised that different kinds of health service institutions should be set up in local communities, for instance, sucide prenention centers and family service centers.


infectious channel传染途径,difinition,development of a disease/pathogenesis发病机理,inborn and acquired先天后天, origin,起源,reaction,therapy,medical care护理, momrals道德,complication,inflammation,ulcer,infection,malignant,benign,immune system, case病历, HIV carriers, virus, sex contace性传播,blood contact血传播,acute,incubation潜伏期,later period晚期,diarrhea,tension紧张,tissue damage, sympathetic nerve, cerebral-vascular disease,secretion分泌,disensitization脱敏,tender care爱抚,insomnia,thke the pulse拿脉,the thought burden, the heart rate tester,


The article mainly discusses AIDS. By proving concrete facts and reliable statistics, the author focuses on its definition, orgin and infectious/centers infectous chanel.Finally, some measures are given toprevent ot treat this disease.

Three factors are salient in this essay/article. First and formost, according to the author, with its origin in Africa, AID is acquired, rather than inborn. Ins development can be related to the damage of immune system. The sympotms include infection, malignant tumors as well as complications. Secondly, as is illustrated above,the infectious channel varyy, including sex contact, blood contact and infant birth contact.

Third and last, another aspect deserves due attention, apart from abbove facts. There are four atages in the precess of AIDS:acuteness, incubation, earlier period and later period. Its sympotems are different, but in the last two periods, they range from swollen lymoh to fever to tumors.

To handle the issue of AIDS, several elements can be taken into consideration, but two of them are central of all things. One is to develop different kinds of drugs to regulate the immune system and to fight against infections. Even some Chinese herbal drugs can have medical effects on HIV.

The other is to have sexual morals in one’sdaily life. Meanwhile, it is essential that one refuse drugs and avoid unathorized blood transfusion. Only in theis way can AID be effectively prevented /controlled.

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