226 E151 造成伤害 takes a toll

226 E151 造成伤害 takes a tollibabylipsPart 1免费 :全年级学习笔记 + Part 2 收费:1~5年级口语训练造成伤害 takes a toll It&#39


ibabylipsPart 1免费 :全年级学习笔记 + Part 2 收费:1~5年级口语训练

造成伤害 takes a toll

226 E151 造成伤害 takes a toll

It’s the chronic, continuing stress, the kind that every sentient being is likely experiencing right now, that takes a toll on the skin.


❀ 知识点 —— 词汇 ❀

  1. chronic = adj = (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a longtime(尤指疾病或不好的事物)慢性的,长期的。比如: a chronic shortage of teachers教师长期短缺;chronic diseases/conditions慢性病。② adj = very bad很糟的,很不好的。
  2. sentient = adj = able to experience feelings有知觉力的;有感觉力的 senti〔= sent感觉〕+ ent 具有…性质的 → 有知觉的;③ sentient being = adj + n = 有感知的存在(人)。
  3. toll = v= ① a small amount of money that you have to pay to use a road, cross a bridge, etc.(道路、桥梁等的)通行费 ② a toll call =长途电话,toll也是长途电话费的意思。 ② suffering, deaths, or damage伤亡;损失;破坏. ——这个意在2020年非常高频出现在新闻中,指死亡总数。例如:Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.独立消息人士称地震中的伤亡人数达到数千人。

❀ 汉化工具包 ❀

这是一个固定谚语 takes a toll造成伤亡和破坏; 用on 链接受伤的承受者。Continuing stress takes a toll on the skin–持续的压力对皮肤造成伤害。

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