「看新闻,学单词」Sponge city 海绵城市

「看新闻,学单词」Sponge city 海绵城市题目:【看新闻,学单词】Sponge city 海绵城市词汇:精选9个,雅思难度福利:关注公众号,获取四六级真题及词汇一、词汇□ embed


「看新闻,学单词」Sponge city 海绵城市

题目:【看新闻,学单词】Sponge city 海绵城市




□ embed [ɪmˈbed] v. (使)嵌入;深信;(计算机中)内置;

□ nickname [ˈnɪkneɪm] n. 绰号;v. 给……起绰号;叫错名字;

□ exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt] vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒;

□ related [rɪˈleɪtɪd] adj. 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的;

□ permeable [ˈpɜːmiəbl] adj. 能透过的;有渗透性的;

□ urbanization [ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn] n. 都市化;文雅化;

□ wetland [ˈwetlənd] n. 湿地;沼泽地;

□ disappearance [ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns] n. 消失,失踪;消亡,灭绝;

「看新闻,学单词」Sponge city 海绵城市


Sponge city


When Typhoon In-fa pelted Shanghai with heavy rains in July, Xu Jingxin was worried about the “sponge park” he had been working on for the past two years. Located in the city’s Lingang area, the park gets its nickname from the ponds, gardens and a wetland connected by swales and designed to retain water in storms and prevent flooding.


Xu, an engineer with the China Construction Technology Consulting and in charge of the construction of the sponge facilities, was concerned about whether the “sponges” that he helped to design could withstand the test of intense rainfall brought by the typhoon.


“I went to check the site when Typhoon In-fa passed, and to my great relief there were very few pools of water on the ground,” Xu says. “The system worked well.”

“台风英发过去后,我去现场检查,令我大为欣慰的是,地面上几乎没有水池,”徐说。 “系统运行良好。”

The park was built using permeable material that can absorb and channel water to underground storage units.


Flooding is one of the most serious water-related issues in Chinese cities due to rapid urbanization and the disappearance of natural wetlands. Frequent extreme weather events due to climate change have exacerbated the problem in recent years.


To cope with the problem, the State Council launched the Sponge City pilot project in 2015, with the aim of having 80 percent of urban areas refitted and embedded with sponge facilities by 2030 to absorb and reuse at least 70 percent of rainwater. More and more “sponge cities” have started to emerge across the country over the past six years. Currently, 30 metropolises are part of the project. Shanghai was selected as one of the pilot cities in 2016.

为应对这一问题,国务院于2015年启动了海绵城市试点,目标是到2030年80%的城市地区改造和嵌入海绵设施,吸收和回用至少70%的雨水。过去六年来,全国各地开始出现越来越多的“海绵城市”。目前,30 个大都市是该项目的一部分。上海被选为2016年试点城市之一。

主题词:英语新闻 四六级 考研 雅思 托福词汇


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