
精品推荐—北洋银币·银锭The left and right sides engraved “North · Yang” two characters. There i


光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由湖北两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。计有:1户部;2北洋;12湖北;7江南;15河南; 11湖南;14江西;9山东;8广东;5清江;6浙江;13四川; 10福建;17安徽;3吉林;4奉天;18广西;19新疆;20黑龙江。






此枚为长尾龙,长云版. 此币雕模深峻,架构平衡,书法流畅。银币正面珠圈内镌汉文“光绪元宝”四字;珠圈外上缘环镌满文(光绪元宝)四字,下缘环镌“库平七钱二分”六字;左右分别镌铸“北·洋”二字。二字上方各镌一圆点。币背面中镌一“坐龙图”,“龙图”四周环镌“祥云纹”;上下缘环镌英文及阿拉伯数字“34RD YEAR OF KUANG HSü PEI YANG,(中译为:北洋·光绪第34年)”。下缘英文“PEI YANG(北洋)”左右上两側各镌一圆点。


银锭是熔铸成锭的白银。目前出土银锭中年代最早的,是汉景帝中元二年 (公元前148年) 所铸。汉武帝元狩四年 (公元前119年) 作白金 (即白银) 三品。王莽铸有银货二品。其后历代皆有铸造,惟流通不广。隋唐以前称银锭为“银饼”、“银铤”,称扁平形银币为“钣”、“笏”、“版”,棒形的称“铤”、“挺”,宋以后改称“银锭”。元代于银锭之外总称“元宝”,形式变为马蹄形,故亦称“马蹄银”。明清两代均沿用“元宝”一词。








英文翻译:Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies in circulation during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei province and Guangdong province, took the lead in introducing the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper coins. Later, provinces followed suit. A total of nineteen provincial bureaux cast, in addition to the central household department, local provinces cast copper, all engraved on the front edge of the province name. Including: 1 household; 2 the northern; Hubei province; 7 jiangnan; 15 in henan; Hunan; Jiangxi province; 9 shandong; Guangdong; 5 qingjiang; Zhejiang; Sichuan; 10 in fujian province; Anhui; 3 jilin; 4 Mukden; Guangxi; Xinjiang; 20 Heilongjiang.

Beiyang building guangxu wing beiyang Long Yang in the history of modern Chinese machine COINS belong to a big series, the casting period lasted very long (in the guangxu 34 years guangxu 22 years – [1896] 1908), after more than ten years, coin change several times, even if the same year also often since repairing mold, material, technology, factory management, and many other factors, causing abnormal bottle multifarious.

Beiyang made Guangxu Yuanbao in 34 years

Beiyang Made kuping seven money and two cents, exquisite appearance, smooth paste, rust color ancient, simple and elegant, clear traces of historical legacy, historical transition natural, extremely artistic and historical value. The words “Guangxu Yuanbao” in Chinese are cast in the bead circle on the front of the coin, the upper ring book is “Made in Beiyang”, and the lower ring is “Kuping seven money and two cents”. The money text is clear, the font is dignified and beautiful, the strokes are powerful, round and full, and the artistic value of calligraphy is very high.

This is long Tail Dragon, long cloud version. The coin carving mold is deep, the structure is balanced and the calligraphy is smooth. The silver coin front bead circle engraved in Chinese “Guangxu Yuanbao” four words; The upper edge of the bead circle engraved with four words (Guangxu Yuanbao), the lower edge of the ring engraved with six words “Kuping seven money two”; The left and right sides engraved “North · Yang” two characters. There is a dot above each word. The back of the coin is engraved with a “Sitting dragon figure”, and the “dragon Figure” is surrounded by a ring engraved with “Xiangyun grain”; The upper and lower edges OF the ring engraved in English and Arabic numerals “34RD YEAR OF KUANG HSu PEI YANG, (Chinese translation: the 34th YEAR OF Guangxu). The lower edge of the English “PEI YANG (Beiyang)” left and right on both sides of a dot.

This silver coin is made of high-quality silver material carefully, clever design, exquisite shape, elegant decoration, reasonable layout, exquisite workmanship, lifelike decoration, smooth and elegant lines, deep lines, a strong sense of float and sculpture, caress, fingertips can feel the scattered patterns on the surface of the currency, feel very good! Collection of positive visible fusion of Manchu and Han culture, the back shows the great fusion of Chinese and Western culture, with distinct and strong historical charm, is the true portrayal of the social background of the historical period, because of the profound historical value, great significance, investment collection significance.

Silver ingots are ingots of molten silver. At present, the earliest unearthed silver ingot was cast in the second year of Zhongyuan (148 BC) by the Emperor Jingdi of Han Dynasty. Emperor Wudi of han Dynasty four years (119 BC) for platinum (silver) three products. Wang Mang cast two silver goods. There was casting in successive dynasties, but it was not widely circulated. Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the silver ingot was called “Yinbing” and “Yingong”, the flat silver coins were called “Ban”, “wu” and “pan”, and the bar shaped silver coins were called “Gong” and “Ting”. After the Song Dynasty, the silver ingot was changed to “Yindao”. Yuan dynasty in the silver ingot outside the general name “yuan bao”, the form into horseshoe shape, so also known as “horseshoe silver”. The Ming and Qing dynasties used the word “yuanbao”.

Five two pieces of silver

This silver ingot for the shape of the boat, engraved time, face value, use area, after a long water month, visible writing is very clear, perfect product phase silver ingot, very valuable for collection.

Oxidized honeycomb: The pieces of silver at the bottom of the honeycomb holes have obvious oxidation, rendering the dent sizes, this is due to the pieces of silver is made of different metal alloys of tin element in the extremely low temperatures will become powder, this creates with pieces of silver in silver elements gradually produced separation, also have this oxidation honeycomb holes phenomenon, but tin to minus 13.2 degrees Celsius, will produce a response, With these traces is undoubtedly open the door of the old silver ingot, do not doubt true or false, still cannot imitate the size of the different cellular hole.

Weighing 155.5 grams, one jin in ancient times is equivalent to 596.82 grams, and one or two is equal to 37.30 grams, which is 4.16 liang. Plus wear and oxidation, as well as the overflow of honeycomb holes at the bottom of the tin, this is a piece of pure silver. Silver ingot is the ancient Chinese currency, that is, silver cast into ingots. Since the Han Dynasty, the subsequent generations have cast, but the circulation is not wide. To the Ming dynasty prevailing, but not the national legal silver ingot currency. To the Qing Dynasty, only as the main currency circulation. Weight varies, because “two” as the main weight unit, it is also called silver. Silver is legal currency, used not only in private transactions, but also in government collection. People began to pursue more and more historical and cultural things, so silver dollar treasures with the smell of historical vicissitudes of life are more and more sought after by collectors. And silver ingot is to collect the very popular collection in the market all the time, auction market reflects its extremely high clinch a deal rate, visible its get attention by, the future collect appreciation space is quite huge, potential is infinite.

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