
跑的不同英文表达今天来学习跑的不同英文表达吧:1、 Amble (ˈæmbəl) – 动词,指缓慢、从容地行走。 – 例句:They ambled along




1Amble (ˈæmbəl) – 动词,指缓慢、从容地行走。 例句:They ambled along the beach, enjoying the sunset.(他们漫步在海滩上,享受日落。)

2Barrel (ˈbærəl) – 动词,指急速行进或飞驰。 例句:The car barrelled down the highway, exceeding the speed limit.(汽车疾驰在高速公路上,超过了限速。)

3Bolt (boʊlt) – 动词,指突然冲出或快速逃离。 例句:The rabbit bolted away when it sensed danger nearby.(兔子在感觉到附近有危险时突然逃开。)

4Bolting (boʊltɪŋ) – 动名词,指突然迸发出来或急速奔跑。 例句:The deer bolted across the field when it sensed danger nearby.(鹿在感到附近有危险时突然疾驰穿过田野。)

5Bound (baʊnd) – 动词,指跳跃或急速行动。 例句:The dog bounded after the ball with excitement.(狗兴奋地跳跃着追逐着球。)

6Bound off (baʊnd ɒf) – 短语,指跳跃或迅速离开。 例句:The kangaroo bounded off into the distance with its powerful hind legs.(袋鼠用强壮的后腿跳跃着远去。)

7Bounding (ˈbaʊndɪŋ) – 动名词,指跳跃前进或大步跃进。 例句:The kangaroo was bounding across the grasslands, effortlessly covering great distances.(袋鼠跃过草原,毫不费力地跨越着漫长的距离。)

8Brisk (brɪsk) – 形容词,指快速而有活力的行走或运动。 例句:They took a brisk walk in the park to get some fresh air.(他们在公园里快步行走,呼吸新鲜空气。)

9Canter (ˈkæntər) – 动词,指马匹的一种中速步态,介于慢跑和快步之间。 例句:The horse cantered gracefully around the riding arena, showing its elegance.(马匹在骑乘场中优雅地慢跑,展示着它的风度。)

10Cantering (ˈkæntərɪŋ) – 动名词,指中速跑或悠闲奔跑。 例句:The horse was cantering gracefully around the riding arena.(马在赛场上优雅地悠闲奔跑。)

11Careening (kəˈriːnɪŋ) – 动名词,指失去平衡地猛冲或倾斜行进。 例句:The car was careening down the hill, narrowly avoiding a collision with oncoming traffic.(汽车失去平衡地冲下山坡,勉强避免与迎面而来的车辆相撞。)

12Charge (tʃɑːrdʒ) – 动词,指冲锋或迅速前进。 例句:The soldiers charged towards the enemy with determination.(士兵们怀着决心向敌人冲锋。)

13Chasing (ˈtʃeɪsɪŋ) – 动名词,指追逐或追赶。 例句:The children were chasing each other in the backyard, laughing and having fun.(孩子们在后院追逐着对方,笑着玩耍。)

14Cross-country (ˈkrɒsˌkʌntri) – 名词,指越野赛跑。 例句:She enjoys the challenge of cross-country running through different terrains.(她喜欢在不同的地形上进行越野赛跑的挑战。)

15Dart (dɑːrt) – 动词,指迅速地穿过或飞奔。 例句:The rabbit darted across the field, trying to escape from the predator.(兔子迅速穿过田野,试图逃离捕食者。)

16Dash (dæʃ) – 动词,指快速奔跑,通常是突然加速或冲刺。 例句:The athlete dashed towards the finish line, leaving his competitors behind.(运动员冲向终点线,把竞争对手甩在了后面。)

17Escaping (ɪˈskeɪpɪŋ) – 动名词,指逃离或迅速离开的奔跑。 例句:The prisoner was escaping from the guards, running for his freedom.(囚犯正在逃离警卫,为了自由奔跑着。)

18Fleeting (ˈfliːtɪŋ) – 形容词,指短暂的或稍纵即逝的快速奔跑。 例句:I caught a fleeting glimpse of the deer as it dashed across the meadow.(我瞥见鹿迅速穿过草地的一瞬间。)

19Flitting (ˈflɪtɪŋ) – 动名词,指快速掠过或飞快移动。 例句:The butterfly was flitting from flower to flower, sipping nectar along the way.(蝴蝶飞快地在花间掠过,一路上品尝着花蜜。)

20Floating (ˈfloʊtɪŋ) – 动名词,指漂浮或飘行。 例句:The clouds were floating gently across the sky, casting shadows on the ground below.(云朵在天空中轻轻飘动,将阴影投射在下方的地面上。)

21Fly (flaɪ) – 动词,指飞奔或飞快地移动。 例句:He flew through the finish line, setting a new record.(他飞驰而过终点线,创造了新的纪录。)

22Galivant (ˈɡælɪˌvænt) – 动词,指兴高采烈地四处行走或跑步。 例句:They galivanted around the city, exploring new places.(他们兴高采烈地在城市里四处游玩,探索新的地方。)

23Gallop (ˈɡæləp) – 动词,指马快速奔跑,通常用于形容马匹的步态。 例句:The horse galloped across the open field, kicking up clouds of dust.(马匹奔跑在开阔的田野上,掀起一片尘土。)

24Glide (ɡlaɪd) – 动词,指滑行或轻盈地行走或跑步。 例句:Ice skaters glided gracefully across the rink, performing their routines.(滑冰者优雅地在冰场上滑行,表演他们的动作。)

25Hasten (ˈheɪsn) – 动词,指加速行走或奔跑。 例句:The hikers hastened their pace as it started to rain.(当雨开始下起来时,徒步旅行者加快了步伐。)

26Hightail it (ˈhaɪˌteɪl ɪt) – 常用短语,指匆忙逃离或迅速离开。 例句:She hightailed it out of the party when she saw her ex-boyfriend.(她看到前男友时匆匆离开了聚会。)

27Hopping (ˈhɒpɪŋ) – 动名词,指单脚跳或跳跃前进。 例句:The kangaroo was hopping effortlessly across the grassy plains.(袋鼠轻松地跳跃着穿过草原。)

28Hurdle (ˈhɜːrdl) – 动词,指跨过或克服困难。 例句:She hurdled over the obstacles in her path and reached the summit.(她跨过了前路上的障碍物,到达了山顶。)

29Hurtling (ˈhɜːrtlɪŋ) – 动名词,指高速飞驰或疾驶。 例句:The roller coaster was hurtling down the track, giving riders an adrenaline-pumping thrill.(过山车从轨道上急速飞驰而下,给乘客带来刺激的肾上腺素飙升感受。)

30Jog (dʒɑːɡ) – 动词,指慢跑或小步跑,一种缓慢的有氧运动方式。 例句:She likes to jog in the park every morning to stay fit.(她喜欢每天早上在公园慢跑保持身体健康。)

31Limp (lɪmp) – 动词,指跛行或一跳一跳地行走或跑步。 例句:He limped off the field after twisting his ankle during the game.(他在比赛中扭伤了脚踝,跛着下场。)

32Lope (loʊp) – 动词,指缓慢而轻松地奔跑,通常用于形容马匹的舒适步态。 例句:The horse loped along the trail, enjoying the leisurely ride.(马儿在小径上悠闲地奔驰,享受着休闲的骑行。)

33Marathon (ˈmærəθɒn) – 名词,指马拉松长跑。 例句:He trained for months to complete the marathon.(他训练了几个月才完成马拉松比赛。)

34Meander (miˈændər) – 动词,指漫步或曲径行走。 例句:They meandered along the river, enjoying the peaceful scenery.(他们沿着河流漫步,享受宁静的风景。)

35Pacing (ˈpeɪsɪŋ) – 动名词,指有规律的行走或跑步。 例句:She was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting the doctor’s news.(她在候诊室里来回踱步,焦虑地等待医生的消息。)

36Plod (plɒd) – 动词,指缓慢而单调地行走或跑步。 例句:The hiker plodded along the muddy trail, trying to reach the summit.(远足者在泥泞的小径上缓慢前行,努力到达山顶。)

37Pound (paʊnd) – 动词,指用力地奔跑或重重地踏步。 例句:He pounded the pavement as he ran, trying to keep up with his faster companions.(他在跑步时用力地踩着人行道,努力跟上比他更快的伙伴们。)

38Powering (ˈpaʊərɪŋ) – 动名词,指动力强劲地行进或奔跑。 例句:The locomotive was powering through the countryside, hauling a long train behind it.(火车头劲头十足地穿过乡间,拖着一列长长的火车。)

39Prancing (ˈprænsɪŋ) – 动名词,指雄鹿或马的悠闲行进或腾跃前进。 例句:The horse was prancing excitedly, full of energy and spirit.(马雄跃欲腾,充满了活力和精神。)

40Race (reɪs) – 动词,指竞赛或全速奔跑。 例句:He raced along the track, striving to reach the finish line first.(他全力冲刺着,争取第一个到达终点线。)

41Ragged (ˈræɡɪd) – 形容词,指疲惫不堪地行走或跑步。 例句:After hours of running, he stumbled across the finish line, looking ragged and exhausted.(经过数小时的奔跑,他蹒跚着越过终点线,看起来疲惫不堪。)

42Relay race (rɪˈleɪ reɪs) – 名词,指接力赛跑。 例句:The team won the relay race by passing the baton smoothly.(该队通过顺利传递接力棒赢得了接力赛。)

43Run (rʌn) – 动词,指奔跑或快速移动的行为。 例句:She runs every morning to stay fit.(她每天早晨跑步保持健康。)

44Run at full speed (rʌn æt fʊl spiːd) – 常用短语,指以全速奔跑。 例句:The athlete ran at full speed, determined to reach the finish line first.(运动员全速奔跑,决心第一个冲过终点线。)

45Run for one’s life (rʌn fɔːr wʌnz laɪf) – 常用短语,指为了自己的生命而逃跑。 例句:When the alarm sounded, everyone ran for their life out of the burning building.(当警报响起时,每个人都为了生命逃离了着火的建筑物。)

46Run like the wind (rʌn laɪk ðə wɪnd) – 常用短语,指快速奔跑,如同飞驰的风一样。 例句:He ran like the wind to catch the last bus of the day.(他像风一样快速奔跑,赶上了当天的最后一班公交车。)

47Runaway (ˈrʌnəweɪ) – 名词,指逃跑的人或事物。 例句:The police caught the runaway teenager and brought him back home.(警察抓住了逃跑的青少年并把他带回了家。)

48Runway (ˈrʌnweɪ) – 名词,指飞机跑道。 例句:The airplane landed smoothly on the runway.(飞机平稳地降落在跑道上。)

49Rush (rʌʃ) – 动词,指急速前进或冲刺。 例句:He rushed to catch the bus before it drove away.(他急忙跑去赶公交车,防止它开走。)

50Saunter (ˈsɔːntər) – 动词,指漫步或悠闲地行走。 例句:They sauntered along the beach, enjoying the sound of the waves.(他们漫步在海滩上,享受着海浪的声音。)

51Scamper (ˈskæmpər) – 动词,指轻快地小跑或蹦蹦跳跳地跑。 例句:The children scampered across the field, chasing after the butterfly.(孩子们在田野上蹦蹦跳跳地追逐着蝴蝶。)

52Scooting (ˈskuːtɪŋ) – 动名词,指迅速滑动或飞快行进。 例句:The children were scooting down the slide at the playground, enjoying the thrill of speed.(孩子们快速滑下游乐场的滑梯,享受速度带来的刺激。)

53Scurry (ˈskɜːri) – 动词,指匆忙地小跑或快速行动。 例句:The mice scurried across the kitchen floor, searching for food.(老鼠匆匆忙忙地穿过厨房的地板,寻找食物。)

54Shuffle (ˈʃʌfəl) – 动词,指拖着脚行走或小步慢跑。 例句:The old man shuffled along the hallway, leaning on his walking stick.(老人拖着脚沿着走廊慢慢行走,倚靠着拐杖。)

55Skimming (ˈskɪmɪŋ) – 动名词,指滑过或掠过表面快速行进。 例句:The stone was skimming across the pond, creating ripples on the water’s surface.(石头在池塘表面滑行,在水面上产生涟漪。)

56Skip (skɪp) – 动词,指蹦蹦跳跳地行走或跑步。 例句:The child skipped down the street with joy.(孩子高兴地蹦蹦跳跳地走在街上。)

57Skittering (ˈskɪtərɪŋ) – 动名词,指快速滑动或跳跃。 例句:The squirrels were skittering along the tree branches, gathering acorns for the winter.(松鼠们在树枝上快速滑动或跳跃,为冬天储备松果。)

58Speed (spiːd) – 动词,指加速或快速移动。 例句:The horse sped across the racetrack, leaving its competitors far behind.(马匹在赛道上飞驰,让竞争对手远远甩在了后面。)

59Speeding (ˈspiːdɪŋ) – 动名词,指高速行进或飞驰。 例句:The car was caught by the police for speeding on the highway.(那辆车因在高速公路上超速而被警察逮捕。)

60Sprint (sprɪnt) – 动词,指短跑或全速奔跑。 例句:He sprinted across the track to win the race.(他全速冲向终点线,赢得了比赛。)

61Stampeding (stæmˈpiːdɪŋ) – 动名词,指狂奔或蜂拥而动。 例句:The elephants were stampeding through the savannah, stirring up dust and causing a commotion.(大象们在大草原上狂奔,掀起尘土,引起骚动。)

62Streak (striːk) – 动词,指急速通过或突然穿过。 例句:The shooting star streaked across the night sky, leaving a trail of light behind.(流星穿过夜空,留下一道光芒。)

63Striding (ˈstraɪdɪŋ) – 动名词,指大步行进或迈大步跑。 例句:He was striding confidently towards the finish line, leaving his competitors behind.(他自信满满地大步走向终点线,将竞争对手甩在身后。)

64Stroll (stroʊl) – 动词,指漫步或悠闲地行走。 例句:They took a leisurely stroll through the park, enjoying the fresh air.(他们悠闲地在公园里漫步,享受着新鲜空气。)

65Surge (sɜːrdʒ) – 动词,指迅猛前进或冲刺。 例句:The crowd surged forward to catch a glimpse of the celebrity.(人群涌向前以一睹名人的风采。)

66Swoop (swuːp) – 动词,指快速俯冲或突然冲向目标。 例句:The eagle swooped down from the sky to catch its prey with precise aim.(鹰从天空中俯冲下来,准确地捕捉猎物。)

67Tear (tɛr) – 动词,指快速地猛跑或冲出。 例句:He tore down the street, trying to catch the bus before it left.(他猛冲着街道,试图在公交车离开前赶上它。)

68Track (træk) – 名词,指田径赛跑的圆形或椭圆形场地。 例句:The athletes warmed up on the track before the race started.(比赛开始前,运动员们在跑道上热身。)

69Trot (trɒt) – 动词,指慢跑、慢步走或小跑。 例句:The horse trotted around the track.(马在跑道上慢跑。)

70Trudge (trʌdʒ) – 动词,指吃力地艰难行走或跑步。 例句:He trudged through the snow, leaving deep footprints behind.(他费力地穿过雪地,留下了深深的脚印。)

71Vault (vɔːlt) – 动词,指跃过或翻越障碍物。 例句:The athlete vaulted over the high bar with ease.(运动员轻松地跃过高杆。)

72Vaulting (ˈvɔːltɪŋ) – 动名词,指跳跃或翻身跃过障碍物。 例句:The gymnast was vaulting over the horse, showcasing her acrobatic skills.(体操运动员跃过马,展示她的杂技技巧。)

73Walk (wɔːk) – 动词,指以慢速行走。 例句:I like to walk in the park after dinner.(晚饭后我喜欢在公园里散步。)

74Whirling (ˈwɜːrlɪŋ) – 动名词,指快速旋转或急速移动。 例句:The dancer was whirling across the stage, captivating the audience with their grace and speed.(舞者快速地在舞台上旋转,以他们的优雅与速度吸引观众。)

75Whisk (wɪsk) – 动词,指迅速地行走或跑步。 例句:She whisked past the crowd, trying to catch her train.(她迅速穿过人群,试图赶上她的火车。)

76Whizzing (ˈwɪzɪŋ) – 动名词,指飞快地通过或嗖嗖地行进。 例句:The speeding car was whizzing past the other vehicles on the road.(飞驰的汽车嗖地从其他车辆旁飞快驶过。)

77Zigzagging (ˈzɪɡˌzæɡɪŋ) – 动名词,指曲线行进或曲折跑动。 例句:The dog was zigzagging through the field, chasing after a tennis ball.(狗在田野中曲线行进,追逐着一个网球。)

78Zoom (zuːm) – 动词,指飞快地移动或疾驰而过。 例句:The motorcycle zoomed past the other vehicles on the highway.(摩托车在高速公路上飞快地超过其他车辆。)

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