



《消失的飞蛾:自然与喜悦》(The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy)是英国著名的自然文学写作者迈克尔·麦卡锡的纪实性回忆作品,该书曾被评为“《泰晤士报》2015年最佳自然图书”。书中有对自然细致的观察,有生动的童年故事,有飞蛾暴风雪的壮景,也有几十年来持续的环境恶化、人为的破坏导致家雀在英格兰销声匿迹的凄凉之景,以及韩国的新万金工程使滨鸟的迁徙路线和栖息地受到严重影响等。书中所提及的那些景象和数字触目惊心。




The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy


By Michael McCarthy



This price support meant that for the first time it became profitable to plough up any marginal land, any piece of down-land or moor or scrub or damp pasture which had not previously grown crops, but which, conversely, might be very wildlife-rich.


Furthermore, generous capital grants were made available to do this, and to get rid of any pesky obstructions in the way of the big new modern machines, such as hedges, copses, woods, ponds, and ditches—landscape features where wildlife, of course, had also long flourished.


A frenzy of subsidised bulldozing began, of hedgerows especially, thousands of miles of them disappearing, some of them hundreds of years old, as the landscape, especially in eastern England, was reshaped from the traditional patchwork-quilt of small to medium-sized fields variegated with their hedges and woods and quirky corners, to vast plain prairies of wheat and barley, Kansas-style.


And let’s not forget the orchards. Age-old orchards, atmospheric groves of gnarled, lichen-covered trees which had borne fruit time out of mind. They were grubbed out by the hundred.


All of this, energetically encouraged by the Ministry of Agriculture, naturally began to affect wildlife, and the damage was compounded by two new farming techniques, still barely comprehended by the public at large, the change from spring-sown to autumn-sown crops, and the shift from hay to silage.


New varieties of crops sown in autumn were known to be more productive and could be harvested much earlier than traditional spring-sown cereals, in July or August rather than September, but they had enormous disadvantages for wildlife, particularly birds, which were doubly hit.


Autumn sowing meant that the stubble from the previous harvest, rich in seeds which flocks of songbirds such as finches fed on right through the autumn and winter, was now quickly ploughed back into the ground, and the finches’ food supply disappeared; and when the spring came, the autumn-sown crops were already up in the fields, and so high that other farmland birds such as skylarks and lapwings could no longer nest in them.


The disappearance of haymaking, one of the age-old activities in the farming calendar, and with it of hay meadows and their replacement by fields of artificially fertilized ryegrass, was an even more detrimental change. Hay is grass which is cut just the once, in late summer, then dried so it does not rot when kept in a barn, and fed as fodder to horses.


In 1950 there were still three hundred thousand horses working on British farms, but thirty years later they had nearly all gone, outpaced by the march of the machines. With them went the need for hay. Cattle could be fed on something else: silage, grass cut while still green,which rots down into a gunk that cows find perfectly acceptable.


A special variety, perennial ryegrass, was discovered to be ideal for the job, and to make it grow as quickly as possible it was treated with large amounts of artificial fertilizer, meaning it could be cut at the beginning of June or earlier, and then cut again six weeks later, and perhaps for a third or even a fourth time before summer was over.


All across England, ryegrass fields began replacing the hay meadows and ancient grazing pastures which had been among the countryside’s great delights, as they were botanical treasure houses crammed with wild flowers such as buttercups, red clover, yellow rattle, lady’s bedstraw, knapweed, green-winged orchid, ox-eye daisies, kidney vetch, and many many more, presenting an animated chaos of colour which could dazzle the eye. Abundance at its most enchanting.


It is thought that about 97 per cent of them have gone now. In the ryegrass leys which replaced them, there was but one species only: ryegrass. It was green concrete, as the phrase has it. It had been so heavily fertilised that it out-competed any other plant; nothing else could survive.


The process was known as ‘improvement’. (Traditional grassland, where it survives, is now referred to as ‘unimproved’.) But improvement was damaging to more than wild flowers. The various species of birds which nested or foraged in traditional meadows, such as corn buntings, quail, whinchats, and (once upon a time) corncrakes, had in the past always had room to breed successfully before the hay was cut in late July. But with the much earlier cuts for silage usually repeated, their nests and eggs and chicks were mangled by the machines. Continually. They were as doomed as the sparkling wild flowers were.


That might all seem bad enough, the bulldozed hedges, filled-in ponds, grubbed-out orchards, the destruction of the autumn stubbles, the destruction of the hay meadows; but Farmer Giles, the ruddy-faced commonsensical custodian of the countryside, who knew so much better than those folk in towns about how to look after it properly with his age-old wisdom, or so the poor deluded population of the British Isles continued to think, put the tin hat on it all with poisons. Agricultural poisons.


Poisons for this, poisons for that. Kill off the insects. Kill off the snails. Kill off the wild flowers. Kill off anything that isn’t your money-making crop with herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, molluscicides… Farmer Giles loved them all, he turned on the tap and let a great flood of poison wash over the land, which, God help us, floods over it to this day.


He began just after the war with the chlorinated hydrocarbon, DDT, the first of a new generation of synthetic pesticides—compounds made in the laboratory rather than from naturally occurring substances—and quickly followed it by spraying his fields with the even more powerful organochlorines, such as aldrin and dieldrin.


The problem was, these things didn’t just kill insects; it turned out they killed birds as well, in startling numbers (and for good measure they quickly killed off all the otters of lowland England, probably because they built up in the fat of eels, a favourite otter prey item).


It was several years before anyone noticed that English otters seemed to have vanished, but the corpses of thousands of dead birds were all too visible at once, and in America especially they provoked a fierce public outcry, led by Rachel Carson with her magisterial exposé and denunciation of the agrochemical industry and all its works, Silent Spring, whose publication in 1962 can be taken as the start of the modern environment movement.


Dead robins littered across suburban lawns could not be ignored, no matter how loudly the US chemical industry screamed that Rachel Carson was an hysterical woman (the adjective and the noun each being half of the accusation), and so eventually DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, and other organochlorine compounds were banned, in America and Britain both.

死去的知更鸟遍布郊区草坪,任谁都无法忽视。无论美国的化学工业如何高声叫嚣,称蕾切尔·卡逊是个不可理喻的女人(形容词和名词各占了一半指控),最终 DDT、艾氏剂和狄氏剂以及其他有机氯合成物同时在美国和英国被明令禁止。

They were replaced with new generations of pesticides which generally did not kill birds directly, such as carbamates, organophosphates, pyrethroids, and more recently, neonicotinoids.


I say generally, although some of these compounds were still bird-toxic, such as carbofuran, a carbamate which (although banned) remains the substance of choice for British gamekeepers who want to poison birds of prey, or parathion, an organophosphate used to kill bird pests such as queleas in Africa.



(Credit: goodreads.com)

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