Qt Android活动视图

Qt Android活动视图QtAndroidActivityViewQtAndroid活动视图MondayMay23,2022byRamonSadornilRivera|Comments​2022年5月23日星期一RamonSadornilRivera评论QtforAndroidAutomotivecreatesabridgebetweentheworldofQtandtheAndroidAutomotiveenvironment.Itprovid…


Qt Android Activity View

Qt Android活动视图

Monday May 23, 2022 by Ramon Sadornil Rivera | Comments

​2022年5月23日星期一 Ramon Sadornil Rivera 评论

Qt for Android Automotive creates a bridge between the world of Qt and the Android Automotive environment. It provides excellent flexibility in terms of accessing car data. Depending on the needs, you can use tools for automatic code generation based on a high-level description or ready-to-use QML components.

Qt for Android Automotive在Qt世界和Android Automotive环境之间架起了一座桥梁。它在访问汽车数据方面提供了极好的灵活性。根据需要,您可以使用工具根据高级描述或现成的QML组件自动生成代码。

The Qt Android ActivityView module has been added to Qt for Android Automotive in version 6.3.0. Currently, Android 10 and 11 are supported.

​Qt Android ActivityView模块已添加到6.3.0版的Qt for Android Automotive中。目前,支持Android 10和11。

 When it comes to UI, all the benefits provided by Qt are available. The natural choice is to use QML and Qt Design Studio to create a modern graphical interface quickly and efficiently.

​说到UI,Qt提供的所有好处都是可用的。自然的选择是使用QML和Qt Design Studio快速高效地创建现代图形界面。

 Often, however, there is a need to leverage existing Android applications – directly or after adaptation to specific requirements. An integrated home screen composed of selected embedded applications could be an example. The new Activity View module provides a component that allows embedding external Android applications into the Qt-based one. The feature is as easy to use as any other visual QML component, including support for Qt Design Studio.

然而,通常需要直接利用现有的Android应用程序,或者在适应特定需求之后利用现有的Android应用程序。例如,由选定的嵌入式应用程序组成的集成主屏幕。新的活动视图模块提供了一个组件,允许将外部Android应用程序嵌入到基于Qt的应用程序中。该功能与任何其他visual QML组件一样易于使用,包括对Qt Design Studio的支持。

 The primary use case is as simple as the QML code below. You can position the component using anchors. Additionally, a busy indicator is displayed while the external application is loading:


import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtAndroidAutomotive.ActivityView

ApplicationWindow {
   visible: true
   BusyIndicator {
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       visible: activityView.status !== ActivityView.Started
   ActivityView {
       id: activityView
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       width: 600
       height: 800
       radius: 25
       packageName: "com.google.earth"

Qt Android活动视图

Of course, you can also use ActivityView with layout components. The snippet below launches two applications positioned using a row layout: 


import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtAndroidAutomotive.ActivityView

ApplicationWindow {
   visible: true
   RowLayout {
       anchors.fill: parent
       anchors.margins: 25
       spacing: 25
       ActivityView {
           Layout.fillWidth: true
           Layout.fillHeight: true
           radius: 25
           packageName: "com.google.earth"
      ActivityView {
           Layout.fillWidth: true
           Layout.fillHeight: true
           radius: 25
           packageName: "com.android.deskclock"

Qt Android活动视图

 You can also manipulate the component size and position dynamically. One of the examples provided with the module presents external applications wrapped in windows created in QML. Changing the location and size of an external application is a heavy operation. Therefore, the component allows you to define a placeholder that will be displayed, instead of the actual application, during these operations: 


Qt Android活动视图

In addition to the QML component, the Activity View module also provides a C++ API offering the same capabilities without dependence on QML.


 Note, however, that Activity View is not a standard visual QML component managed by a scene graph. This implies some limitations. Every Activity View component is always rendered above the QML scene. It is also impossible to intercept events from the element, e.g., with the MouseArea.  

但是,请注意,“活动视图”不是由场景图管理的标准visual QML组件。这意味着一些限制。每个“活动视图”组件始终渲染在QML场景上方。也不可能拦截来自元素的事件,例如,使用MouseArea。

 You can find more details about the new module in the documentation: Qt Android Activity View.

​您可以在文档:Qt Android活动视图中找到有关新模块的更多详细信息。

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