english interview

english interviewdonotbefooledbythoselanguageschoolswhoseonlyobjectiveisluringyoutofollowtheiraccountsandeventuallybuytheircouses/…..justsimp


  do not be fooled by those language schools whose only objective is luring you to follow their accounts and eventually buy their couses/…..

just simply think anout it //in what kind of interview you’d be asked to introduce yourself in english and what information would the interviewer expect to learn form your reactio? obviously this is just a 

basic test of english speaking /the point is how well do you speak/but never is what do you say/Remember this question (request/actually) is usually used only for entry-level positions which don/t need a lot of english in work They won’t expect you to be really good at english /so don/t be too nervous anout contents or grammar mistakes just speak /you probably dont konw that you’d beat a certain number of candidates on this test even if you dare to say just sereral words

so if you/re asked to introduct yourself in english in an interview/the best reaction in my opinion is to speak in english as good as you can just say something about yourself like your family education hobbies whatever you prepared be relaxed and be confient。。。

finally as i said in older posts you don/t need  a 100 perfect walkthough or templeate to hide you real skill=level and help you getting the job no need of disguises in Most cases this kind of masquerage can be easily detected or maybe you would occationlly pass but trust me finding a job that FITS you is far better than finding a job that you’re not eompetent in/ good luck



Good morning/it/s a pleasure for me present myself /My name is bwin/and I am a candidate for the position of Representative.

I am initiatives/Conscientious/reponsible/sociable/adaptable during the one and half years working in 3D mouble I developed 8 new customers and also participated serveral different tasks

for instance /creating company wet page /composing ISO9000 management system primary conformity assessment/writing foregin trade document direct the annual party

I benefited a lot form this multiple job firstly I wrote the ISO9000 quality management system and requirement/ which helped me to perceive how to carry out and manage a company secondly my professional knowledage enhanced a lot because I need to check the process of the project with producation dept quality dept and suppliers the communication betweent them helped me to transform my speculative knowledge /which I learned from university/into pratical experience Thirdly after communication exchange with foreign customers for one and half years my english ability improved a lot Now I am quite familiar with professional english about manufacture and i can understand english drawing last but not least I turned my article gifts and experience in student union to good account by organizing the annula party and travel which had great success

of course as a young person I know i have my deficiencies and what’s more I still have potential to reach I went to spare=time schoole to learn oversea business and oral english In order to participate in creating company website I learn dreamweaver by myself during the spare time 

after years working and studying I believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirt and responsibility with these two things I will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life…….


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