
这些俗语英语怎么说西瓜芝麻 do not spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar. Do not ruin someth


按常识形式 follow the dictates of common sense

黯然失色 Our own offer of a few pounds has been cast into the shade by your great generosity

安之若素 to bear

八面玲珑 I finally realized I could not be all things to all people

摆弄 He shuffled the papers around on the desk, pretending to be busy

保持原汁原味 Fry the meat quickly in hot oil to seal the flavor in

曝光 The media blow their cover on graft and corruption

包涵 to make allowance for something to ask somebody’s indulgence

爆冷门 The race could indeed come down to a garrison finish at the convention

饱眼福 Just feast your eyes on

报应 It was a case of retribution justice This failure is a judgement on you for being lazy

背黑锅 I am tired of being used as the whipping boy for all the mistakes that are made in the office

背弃 The Cabinet are back-pedaling on their election promises

比不上 Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you—-you’re a real detective

闭塞 He finds the town too much of a backwater

笔头快 He is a writer with a facile pen.

彪形大汉 He was a six-foot hulk of a man He looks a real bruiser

西瓜芝麻 do not spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar. Do not ruin something for an avoidable reason. “Ship” is thought to be a dialectical pronunciation of “sheep,” and a “ha’porth” is a “halfpennyworth.”

驳倒 This seems to knock the bottom out of the existing hypothesis

不管三七二十一 Let’s enjoy ourselves and damn the consequences

不客气 Her father has threatened to take off the gloves if I ever attempt to meet her again

不劳而获 You’re always expecting something for nothing

不露锋芒 He’s brilliant but self-effacing

韬光养晦 You’ve been hiding your candle under a bushel all these years

不买账 The committee has no right to threaten an entire city because its mayor won’t fall into line. That’s political hardball at its roughest

不择手段 He stops at nothing to make money for himself

不自在 I wandered around rather ill at ease among people I didn’t know

藏污纳垢 That was a cesspool of iniquity

沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean

反感 She was repelled by the dirty room His bad manners put me right off

称心如意 suddenly everything’s coming up roses

充充数 I am only in the team as a sort of makeweight

出尔反尔 The protests have forced the government to back-pedal on plans to introduce a new tax

存一线希望 They continued to hope against hope that their daughter had survived the shipwreck

达到标准 Your latest piece of work is not up to the mark

大刀阔斧 It is your intelligence that cuts the Gordian knot which we cannot untie

打情骂俏 He forlicked with a bikini-clad beauty on the beach

当电灯泡 I didn’t want to play gooseberry

捣糨糊 He just mucked aroud in training

吊吊胃口 She was just stringing him along

堕落 He had backslid so far as to bargain with the infidel

耳目一新 It’s quite a change to see

泛泛而谈 talking in the abstract

反悔 He’a always beggings off at the last minute

放心 You may rest assured that everything is being done

飞短流长 a gaggle of gossiping women dogged his every step

分一杯羹 foreign companies will all want a piece of the action if the new airport gets ahead

凤毛麟角 Great thinkers like him are few and far between

敷衍 I put him off with a promise to pay him next week

富有爆炸性 the abortion issue is political dynamite

赶浪头 You’d be the first one to jump on the bandwagon if you saw someone else making a lot of money without much effort

拿脑袋打赌 I‘d stake my life on it

高见 in the sage opinion of the manager

更不用说 Mass transit was regarded as outmoded, to say of inconveninent

耿耿于怀 It’s still on my conscience that I didn’t warn him in time

工于心计 a cold and calculating killer

古板 strait-laced minister

令人刮目相看 The new police chief has really made his presence felt

怪杰 Picasso was much of a monstre sacre

过头 She carried the joke too far

好高骛远 It was a high-flying scheme high-flyer

好坏参半 This is a bit of a curate’s egg, very good but spoilt by facetiousness

讳莫如深 He seemed unduly reticent on the subject of his past

活受罪 Standing in a queue for hours to buy a ticket is sheer purgatory

急功近利 They’re only interested in a quick profit

挤眉弄眼 He was still ogling at young ladies

老前辈 He is the doyen of the Department of English

龙头老大 Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry

冥思苦索 The commander cudgeled his brains over the problem of crossing the river

拿手好戏 Playing tennis is my forte

讷于言辞,不善交际 She is tongue-tied and gauche

能说会道 He’s salesman with a facile/glib tongue

怒火中烧 Anger surged up within him

捧腹大笑 the clown’s side-splitting antics She collapsed into gales of laughter

抢出风头 He has never tried to upstage the president

蜻蜓点水 He took a dilettante approach to the arts

曲高和寡 The stage play was caviar to the general

以进为退 His resignation was a tactic gambit

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