
哈利波特原版阅读(四)记录一下自己在看哈利波特的过程中看到的有意思的单词和句子。今天是《Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Ston



今天是《Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone》CHAPTER ONE THE BOY WHO LIVED

Page 16-18.

This is the last pages of chapter one.In these three pages,Mrs Mc Gonagall,Dumbledore and Hagrid laid Harry on Dursley’s doorstep,and say goodbye to Harrty,this is the last thing they are willing to do ,but they had to ,did this to protect Harry,did this to save the hope,did this to solace the death of Harry’s parents.


1.Tabby:斑猫(毛皮灰色或褐色,带有深色斑条或斑点)。Mrs Mc Gonagall transfigure to a tabby cat.

2.Slink:溜走; 溜; 偷偷摸摸地走; 躲躲闪闪地走.Mrs Mc Gonagall 变成的tabby cat slinked around the corner at the other end of the street.

3.Swish:刷地(或嗖地、呼地等)挥动; (使)快速空中移动.Dumbledore在向Harry告别后with a swish of his cloak he has gone.

4.Scratchy:扎人的;粗糙刺激皮肤的.whiskery:胡须多的.这两个词都是用来形容Hagrid 的胡子的。


1.Even if i would ,I wouldn’t。这句话是 Dumbledore说的,Mrs Mc Gonagall问他不能把Harry的伤疤去掉,Dumbledore说即使他可以,也不会这么做。Scars can come in useful.我觉得,In my opinion,this scar is a symbol what make Harry differ from others and is also a memory which record the love of Harry’s parents and how brave they defeat the dark lord.

2.get a grip on yourself:控制下自己的情绪。

3.Hagrid swung himself on to the motorbike and kicked the engine into life;with a roar it rose into the air and off into the night。把摩托车发动着,一般会用start the motor,这里比较生动地用了kicked the engine into life,可能确实是个magic motor。昨天看到Hagrid 从天而降时是这么描写的a huge motorbike fell out of the air and landed on the road 。和今天的正好对照。

4.A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive。一切又恢复了平静,好像什么都没发生过。

5.To Harry potter-the boy who lived.这就是第一章的结尾了。


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