







Imagine venturing into the depths of the jungle to observe the chimpanzees who call it home. With a scrawl in your notepad and a click of your camera, you document groundbreaking information about the species.

Sounds awesome, right? Jane Goodall did just that. In March, she recounted the experience to an eager audience at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

想象一下,冒险深入丛林,观察以丛林为家的黑猩猩。只需在记事本上潦草记录,按几下相机快门,您就记录下了该物种的开创性信息(以前从没有人做过)。听起来很棒,对吧? 珍·古道尔做到了。三月,她在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校向热切的观众讲述了这段经历。


When Goodall was young, reading and exploring nature were her ideas of fun. Her mother encouraged her to learn and ask questions. Goodall dreamed of seeing the habitats of her favorite animals firsthand.

当古道尔年轻时,阅读和探索自然是她的乐趣所在。 她的母亲鼓励她学习和提出问题。 古道尔梦想亲眼目睹她最喜欢的动物的栖息地。


In 1957, when she was 23, Goodall visited a farm in Kenya, Africa. There, she met the famous paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey. He was looking for someone to study great apes, mainly chimpanzees, for what they could reveal about early human history. Once he got to know Goodall, he knew she was the perfect person for the job.

1957年,23岁的古道尔参观了非洲肯尼亚的一个农场。在那里,她结识了著名的古人类学家路易斯·利基。他正在寻找研究类人猿(主要是黑猩猩)的人,以期能够揭示早期人类历史。 当他看到古道尔,他就知道她是这份工作的最佳人选。


Goodall arrived in Tanzania, East Africa, in July 1960, and journeyed to the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve. She learned early on that studying chimpanzees wouldn’t be easy. To observe them up close, she had to gain their trust. That took months.

To her, the chimpanzees were complex creatures with lives surprisingly similar to ours. She rejected the practice of identifying chimps by numbers and gave each of them a human name.

1960 年 7 月,古道尔抵达东非坦桑尼亚,并前往贡贝溪黑猩猩保护区。 她很早就知道研究黑猩猩并不容易。 想要近距离观察他们,就必须取得他们的信任。 这花了几个月的时间。 对她来说,黑猩猩是复杂的生物,其生活与我们的生活惊人地相似。 她拒绝通过数字来识别黑猩猩的做法(就是给猩猩编号),并是给每只黑猩猩起了一个人类的名字。


In October 1960, Goodall was observing chimps she’d named David Greybeard and Goliath. She watched as they made tools out of grass stems to pick termites out of a nest.

Until then, people thought humans were the only species that used tools. Because of Goodall’s discovery, chimpanzees are now accepted as intelligent, social animals.

1960 年 10 月,古道尔正在观察她命名为大卫·灰胡子和歌利亚的黑猩猩。 她看着他们用草茎制作工具,从巢中拾取白蚁。 在那之前,人们认为人类是唯一使用工具的物种。 由于古道尔的发现,黑猩猩现在被认为是聪明的群居动物。


Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977, to provide conservation and environmental education. In the late 1980s, her focus shifted to something much larger. Deforestation and climate change were affecting the world’s natural habitats.

The vegetation chimpanzees depended on for food was in danger. Goodall left Gombe to help. The fight she began against habitat loss continues today, through animal sanctuaries and research sites.

古道尔于 1977 年成立了珍·古道尔研究所,提供保护和环境教育。 20 世纪 80 年代末,她的注意力转向了更重要的事情。 森林砍伐和气候变化正在影响世界的自然栖息地。 黑猩猩赖以为生的植被正处于危险之中。 古道尔离开贡贝去帮忙。 她借助动物保护区和研究场所发起反对栖息地丧失的斗争,这场斗争至今仍在继续。

Throughout her life, Goodall’s work has protected the lives of people and animals around the world. And she encourages young people to join this fight for a better world. In 1991, she founded Roots & Shoots. It equips young people to take action on issues that matter.

Goodall says that if we all do our part to help, the world will be a better place. “Everybody has to do their bit in the environment where they are,” she says. “You can’t just help the environment as a whole. We’re all interconnected.”

古道尔一生都致力于保护世界各地人类和动物的生命。 她鼓励年轻人加入这场争取更美好世界的斗争。 1991年,她创立了Roots & Shoots(一个项目)。 这让年轻人能够参与重要问题并采取行动。 古道尔说,如果我们都尽自己的一份力量,世界将会变得更加美好。 “每个人都必须在自己所处的环境中尽自己的一份力,”她说。 “你不能只帮助环境,整体说,我们都是相互联系的。”


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