



From the perspective of art, your life will be subtly exquisite. You will sense the beauty of art in 15 minutes’ attentive reading.



1. Admiring Great Artwork Feels Like Falling in Love 欣赏伟大的艺术品就像坠入爱河

Science confirms what all art lovers already know in their hearts: Art appreciation promotes quality of life and makes you feel good.


According to Professor Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist at the University College of London, when you stare at great artworks, the part of your brain that is stimulated is the same as when you fall in love.The feeling of desire and affection that we have when we fall romantically for someone is the result of our brain releasing dopamine, a feel-good chemical.

根据伦敦大学学院神经生物学家Semir Zeki教授的说法,当你凝视伟大的艺术品时,大脑中受到刺激的部分与你坠入爱河时是如出一辙。当我们爱上某人时,我们产生的欲望和情感是大脑释放多巴胺的结果,多巴胺是一种感觉良好的化学物质。

Our brain has the same kind of pleasurable feelings when we admire great artworks, such as The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, or other masterpieces by great artists like Monet, Turner and Constable.



Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.


— Ralph Waldo Emerson- 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生

2. Art Making as a Form of Healing and Therapy 艺术创作可以让你远离忧伤

Art making can be soothing and stress-reducing; it is also a source of relaxation, gratification, and self-expression. Ask any artist, they would tell you that while they are creating, they feel like they are in their own bubble, “in the zone”, detached from anything going on around them, including the sense of time.


In the last few decades, we have rediscovered the benefits of art making for personal growth, self-expression, transformation, and wellness. However, it’s correct to call it art therapy only when facilitated by a master-level clinician, the art therapist, trained to work with people who are challenged with medical and mental health problems, as well as individuals seeking emotional, creative, and spiritual growth.



3. Surrounding Yourself With Beauty Brings You Happiness 美的事物围绕会让你幸福盈怀

We grow in a house for which we haven’t chosen the décor, and we absorb from teachers and relatives concepts of what is beautiful and attractive without even realizing it. As adults, we think we know what is desirable and what we love, but do we really know what shapes and forms make us happy?


Much pleasure can be found in color, shape, form, and image. So it is very important to ask ourselves: What do I like? What gives me pleasure?



4. Learn What Pleases You Most and Be Happier 弄清哪些事物是你的最爱,才能永葆愉悦心情

Looking at art helps you understand what is beautiful and attractive for you and form your own personal esthetics.


Try these simple ways to learn what kind of art makes you happier.


  1. Collect images that interest you. Collect appealing magazine clippings and photos, either made of paper or digital images. 收集您感兴趣的图片。收集有吸引力的杂志剪报和照片,无论是纸质还是数字图片。
  2. Collect small objects the same way. You can fill a box with small things like buttons, cute sticks, stones, or anything that is interesting because of color, shape or texture. 用同样的方法收集小物件。你可以在一个盒子里放一些小东西,比如纽扣、可爱的木棒、石头,或者任何因为颜色、形状或质地而有趣的东西。
  3. Find commonalities. You will end up with a collection of things that touch you at some level, and looking at the collection, ask yourself: What do they have in common? It could be color, style, texture, or design. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it speaks to you. Look at your favorites especially. Why do you like them so much? 找到收餐品的共性。你最终会得到一系列在某种程度上触动你的东西,看看这些东西,问问自己:它们有什么共同点?它可以是颜色、样式、纹理或设计上给你别样的愉悦。

5. Art Has a Feel-Good Power on the Brain 艺术对大脑中具有正态的力量

More scientific results suggest that the dopaminergic effect of art on the brain has a powerful effect on quality of life. In fact, it has been shown, by Ercole Vellone and al., that among stroke survivors, those with interest in the arts enjoyed better general health, found it easier to walk, had more energy, and tend to be happier. They were also less likely to be depressed or anxious.

更多的科学结果表明,艺术对大脑的多巴胺能效应对生活质量有着强大的影响。事实上,Ercole Vellone等人已经表明,在中风幸存者中,那些对艺术感兴趣的人总体健康状况更好,走路更容易,精力更充沛,而且往往更快乐。他们也不太可能沮丧或焦虑。

The results suggest that art may make long-term changes to the brain that help the person to recover when things go wrong.



6. Our Sensitivity to the Fine Arts Evolves Throughout Our Life 我们对严肃艺术的敏感性在我们的一生中不断变化

In the 1940s, Abraham Maslow, an American professor of psychology, developed a Hierarchy of Needs. According to Maslow, a person will develop from basic needs to self-actualization in steps.

20世纪40年代,美国心理学教授亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)提出了需求层次。根据马斯洛的说法,一个人将逐步从基本需求发展到自我实现

His theory can be visualized as a pyramid. Art is at the top of this pyramid. In fact, it belongs to the self-actualization step. This may explain why some people do not appreciate arts as much as others and why our sensitivity to the fine arts changes with time throughout our life.



7. Art Is a Deep and Very Personal Experience 艺术鉴赏力是一种深刻的个人体验

The language of art, expressed through sounds, colors, shapes, lines, and images, speaks in ways that words cannot.


Art has a way of reaching deep inside our souls and connecting what is inside us, our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, with outer realities and with our own experiences.


Being such a deep experience on a personal level, art can help us understand who we are and enhance life through self-expression.



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