我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了昨晚上百无聊赖,就翻出了以前的老片儿打发下时间。偶然翻到了曾经看了好几十遍的《喜剧之王》,得嘞,就是它了,然后就在笑与泪之中看了第N+1遍…


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

大家别误会哈,穿梭君今天不是想给大家写影评,而是《喜剧之王》中那句经典的“我养你啊!”激起了我跟大家唠叨一下的欲望。在片中这一句的英文字幕打的是“I’ll support your living!”怎么说呢,这么翻译也不能算错,就是如果是外国人来看的时候,体会不到这句话的精髓。因为“I’ll support your living!”直译过来是“我要支持你的生计”,但我查遍了各大词典并没有“support living”这一说法,而“我养你啊”也就是“我会为了你努力挣钱来养家糊口、维持生计”要是翻译成“I’ll bringing home the bacon for you!”应该比较合适一些。

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

话说回来,”bring home the bacon”则是一句有近六百年历史的习语,Bacon 培根就是熏猪肉片儿啦,“把培根带回家”就是意指“在外挣钱,从而维持家庭生计”,也就是“养家糊口”的意思啦。

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

Origins: In fifteenth century England, bacon was literally awarded to a happily married couple through a competition with other couples. Records show that the church of Donmow (in Essex County, England) had a competition between newlyweds to see which couple, after a year of marriage, lived in greater harmony and fidelity. The winning couple would be awarded bacon. The earliest date recorded for this custom was 1445, but it had been done for at least two hundred years prior. The rules for proving the couples’ harmony and fidelity in these earlier competitions are not known, but by the sixteenth century more information emerged. Each couple would face questions by a jury consisting of six bachelors and six maidens. The jury would then choose who they believed gave the best answers and that couple would take home the bacon prize. The competition continued on and off through the late nineteenth century.

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

起源:在15世纪的英国,培根是通过一种与其他夫妇竞赛的方式而授予一对幸福婚姻的夫妇的。记录显示,英国埃塞克斯郡的顿莫教堂(church of Donmow,England)在新婚夫妇之间展开了一场竞赛,看哪对夫妇在结婚一年后生活得更和睦、更忠诚。获胜的夫妇将被授予培根。这一习俗最早的记录是1445年,但至少在200年前就已经存在了。在早期的比赛中证明夫妻和睦和忠诚的规则不为人所知,但到了16世纪,更多的信息出现了。每对夫妇都将面临由6名单身汉和6名少女组成的陪审团的质询。然后陪审团将选出他们认为给出了最好答案的人,这对夫妇将获得培根奖带回家。这种竞争在整个19世纪后期都断断续续地进行着。

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

bring home the bacon

na. 养家糊口;维持生计;赚钱谋生;获得成功;得胜;如愿以偿

【En】To earn money for a family to live on. 挣钱养家糊口。To achieve success. 取得成功。Usually refers to the household breadwinner or one who “brings home the cash” or it can mean someone who “returns with a victory.”通常指养家糊口的人或“赚钱回家的人”,也可以指“胜利归来的人”。

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

【活学活用 give an example】

【例】I can’t sit around all day – someone’s got to bring home the bacon.


【例】His methods may bring home the bacon.


【例】Now that I have a full-time job, I’m bringing home the bacon!


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

【例】I have to bring home the bacon.


【例】We had to work hard to get an order out of the Americans but finally we were able to bring home the bacon.


【例】My wife brings home the bacon, while I watch the kids.


【例】Voters are interested in the representative’s ability to bring home the bacon.


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

【例】I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon.


【例】After so many losing seasons, we definitely need a new quarterback—someone who can really bring home the bacon.


【例】I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the bacon.


【例】Go out and get a job so you can bring home the bacon.


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

【例】George went to Washington and brought home the bacon-he got the funding we needed.


【例】Sadly, we can’t both stay at home and look after the kids — someone needs to bring home the bacon.


【例】In the past, husbands needed someone to cook and keep house and wives needed someone to bring home the bacon.


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

【例】Reid and Duffield showed that they and other jockeys like them are capable of bringing home the bacon in style.


【例】The team is still top of the Premiership league, in prime position to bring home the bacon.


【例】The firm wants very much to get this contract, and we’re expecting you to bring home the bacon.


我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

我养你是Support Living?又Chinglish了

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