
人教版高中英语必修二第二单元笔记2前若有修饰语,则要加不定冠词。He had so little education that he was unfit for this jo





1、ancient adj.古代的 古老的

ancient civilization


ancient history 古代史

in ancient times 在古代

eg: There are many ancient buildings in Rome. where did the ancient Olympic Games start?

2、compete vi.比赛 竞争

eg:How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games.

compete with/against sb(for sth)同某人竞争

compete in 参加..比赛 compete for 为…竞赛

compete to do sth 竞相做某事

He will be competing in the London-Calais-London race

3、take part in

eg:You don’t need strength to take part in this sport.

①take part in为动词短语 表示”参加 参与”其后接名词或动名词;后没有宾语时不用介词in


take an active part in 积极参加

eg:You can take part in multiplayer games either on a LAN network or via the Internet

4、 stand for

①代表 象征

eg:BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation

②支持 主张

eg:John always stands for what is right.


stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷 stand by sb. 支持某人

stand aside




interview sb.about sth.


have an interview with…


give an interview 接受采访 interview sb. 对某人进行面试

eg:When I went for my first interview for this job, I arrived extremely early.


interviewer n.采访者 Interviewee n.接受采访者

6、used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(曾经做过,现在不再做了。表示过去和现在的对比) 其后接动词原形。

eg:I feel more compassion and less anger than I used to.

1 否定词usedn’t to/did not use to

2 There used to be 过去常常有

3 疑问句:used+主语+to do…? did+主语+use to do…?


be used to do sth表示”被用来做某事”,是use sth to do sth的被动形式

be used for + n. / doing sth 被用来(做…)

be used as … 表示”作为……被使用, 被用作…”

be used by sb 表示”……被某人使用”

辨析 used to do sth. 和would do sth.

①used to do sth. 表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态 现在不再如此

②would do sth. 表示过去反复发生的动作,不能表示状态。不表示过去和现在的对比。

7、how often

eg:How often do you hold your Games?

how+表示量度的形容词 副词

how far 多远(距离)

how long 多长 (时间长度)

how much 多少 (对数量提问 后接不可数名词)

how many 多少 (对数量提问 后接可数名词复数)

how soon 多久 (对状语”in+时间段”提问)



regularly adv. 有规律地 经常 均匀地

辨析 regular normal ordinary

1 regular 定期的,规则的,已有规模的

2 normal 正常的,一般的,通常标准的。 指不超过某种限度符合某种标准或常规

搭配:return to normal 恢复正常

3 ordinary 普通的 强调平凡


用法详解:basis n. 基础、根据 复数:bases

on the basis of 以…为基础

eg ;We’re going to be meeting there on a regular basis.

辨析:basis base

1 basis意为”根据、基础”,主要指非物质方面的基础,即抽象的”基础” the economic basis

2 base意为”根基、据点”,即具体的基础 the base of buildings


eg;I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes .

①vt.准予进入、接收 admit sb/sth. to/into sth. 准予某人/某物进入

be admitted to/into 被… 录取 eg:He was admitted to/into Beijing University.

②vt.承认;招认 admit sth 承认某事 admit doing sth. 承认做了某事

admit+that 承认… admit sb. to be +n./adj. 承认某人是…


eg:This hall can admit 1000 people.

11、allow vt.准许,允许

allow for 考虑到;把…计算在内

allow doing sth. 允许做某事

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事

eg:The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television.

辨析;allow, permit, let

1 allow 听任默许,不加阻止。 语气较弱

2 permit 指正式认可或批准, 语气较强。

3 let 允许、让。 语气最弱。 其后的宾补为省to的不定式;不能用于被动语态。

12、host ①vt. 主板;主持;做东;招待

eg:Tonight she hosts a party for 300 guests.


eg: Apart from my host, I didn’t know a single person there.

注:host”主人;主持人”指男性 ;”女主人;女主持人”用hostess

例:act—actess price—pricess

13.as well 也,还有

eg: They visited some factories, hospitals as well as the school.

辨析 as well too also

1 as well 书面语中用于肯定句,通常放在句末。

2 too 口语中用于肯定句,置于句末用逗号和句子主体分开。

3 also 书面语中常位于实义动词前,be动词、助动词、情态动词后。


⑴ she was so angry that she said to her father.

辨析 so…that… such…that...

such…that作”如此…以致”解, 引导结果状语从句.such修饰名词(名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带)。

so…that 意思同上,so修饰形容词或副词,

eg: He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.

He had so little education that he was unfit for this job.

⑵ He threw the golden apples one after another.

辨析 one after another 陆续的,三者以上

one by one 陆续的,只指两者

⑶ Do you think John deserved to win the race?

Deserve接doing时 主动形式表示被动意义,即deserve doing=deserve to be done

eg:They deserve rewarding.= They deserved to be rewarded.


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