
英读廊——盆栽树(盆景)到底是怎么培养出来的?* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树


* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;
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* 本篇文章难度系数7.3,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。





What is a bonsai tree?
【单词】bonsai [bon-‘sahy][‘bɒnsaɪ] n. 盆栽;盆景艺术
【单词】tree [tree][triː] n. 树;树状物

How do they work?

Almost any tree can be a bonsai tree.

It’s a way of growing trees rather than a type of tree.
【短语】rather than … 而不是…
【单词】growing 原型:grow [groh][ɡrəʊ] v. 种植

You keep the tree planted in shallow soil, occasionally trim the roots, and train the branches to grow in interesting ways using wire.
【单词】planted 原型:plant [plant, plahnt][plɑːnt] v. 种植;设立;建立;安插;栽赃
【单词】shallow [‘shal-oh][‘ʃæləʊ] adj. 浅的;薄的
【单词】soil [soil][sɔɪl] n. 土地;土壤
【单词】occasionally [uh-‘key-zhuh-nl-ee][ə’keɪʒnəli] adv. 偶尔地
【单词】trim [trim][trɪm] v. 修剪;削减;装饰

【单词】roots 原型:root [root, roo t][ruːt] n. 根;根源;根本
【单词】train [treyn][treɪn] vt. 训练;培训
【单词】branches 原型:branch [branch, brahnch][brɑːntʃ] n. 分支;树枝
【单词】wire [wahyuh r][‘waɪə] n. 金属丝;电线

To add: Almost is the key word.
【单词】add [ad][æd] v. 加;增加;补充

A lot of people think “all” trees can be bonsai (pronounced bohn-sigh) but that would be incorrect.
【单词】pronounced 原型:pronounce [pruh-‘nouns][prə’naʊns] vt. 发音
【单词】incorrect [in-kuh-‘rekt][ˌɪnkə’rekt] adj. 不正确的;错误的

The term bonsai simply means “tree in pot,” so by those standards, yes the “all trees” statement is true.
【单词】pot [pot][pɒt] n. 罐;壶,盆

Good bonsai are trees that in miniature form, can show a sense of age and scale.
【单词】miniature [‘min-ee-uh-cher][‘mɪnətʃə] adj. 小型的;小规模的 n. 缩图;小画像;小模型
【单词】scale [skeyl][skeɪl] n. 刻度;等级,规模;量程,鳞片状


To do this, they rely on creating characteristics like large trunks with wide radial roots (nebari) and a nice taper and movement going up the tree.
【单词】rely [ri-‘lahy][rɪ’laɪ] vi. 依靠;信任
【单词】creating 原型:create [kree-‘eyt][kri’eɪt] v. 创造;造成
【单词】characteristics 原型:characteristic [kar-ik-tuh-‘ris-tik][ˌkærəktə’rɪstɪk] n. 特点;特性;特色
【单词】trunks 原型:trunk [truhngk][trʌŋk] n. 树干
【单词】radial [‘rey-dee-uhl][‘reɪdiəl] adj. 光线的;光线状的;放射状的
【单词】taper [‘tey-per][‘teɪpə] n. 尖锥形;渐弱;逐渐变小;逐渐消失

Foliage is also developed to be tight and manicured in a way that shows the tree off the best of it’s intended style (formal upright, informal upright, cascade, etc.).
【短语】in a way表示“在某种程度上;一点;”。如:(1)The work is well done in a way. 从某种程度上说,这工作做得不错。(2)It made things very unpleasant in a way. 这把事情弄得有点不大愉快。
【单词】Foliage 原型:foliage [‘foh-lee-ij][‘fəʊliɪdʒ] n. 叶子(总称);簇叶
【单词】developed 原型:develop [dih-‘vel-uh p][dɪ’veləp] v. 发展;发育;开发
【单词】tight [tahyt][taɪt] adj. 紧的;紧身的;密集的
【单词】manicured 原型:manicure [‘man-i-kyoor][‘mænɪkjʊə] vt. 修剪
【单词】intended 原型:intend [in-‘tend][ɪn’tend] vt. 想要;打算;意指
【单词】formal [‘fawr-muhl][‘fɔːml] adj. 正式的;正规的;形式的
【单词】upright [‘uhp-rahyt][‘ʌpraɪt] adj. 直立的;垂直的;正直的 adv. 垂直地
【单词】informal [in-‘fawr-muhl][ɪn’fɔːml] adj. 非正式的;不拘形式的
【单词】cascade [kas-‘keyd][kæ’skeɪd] n. 瀑布 v. 瀑布似地落下
【单词】etc [‘etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

The problem with the statement that any tree can be bonsai, is that not all leaves can reduce size with training.
【单词】leaves 原型:leaf [leef][liːf] n. 叶

【单词】reduce [ri-‘doos, -‘dyoos][rɪ’djuːs] v. 减少;缩小

With those species, you may have a trunk and branch structure that look OK in miniature form, yet their leaves will be far larger than they should be if in scale with the wood.
【单词】species [‘spee-sheez, -seez][‘spiːʃiːz] n. 种类
【单词】wood [woo d][wʊd] n. 木材;木头

This would not be GOOD bonsai.

Not sure if 100% correct.
【单词】correct [kuh-‘rekt][kə’rekt] adj. 正确的;得体的

But I did hear that the ancient form of bonsai was not only to make a small tree in a pot, but to actually shape and form a tree in a pot to resemble another tree.
【单词】ancient [‘eyn-shuhnt][‘eɪnʃənt] adj. 古老的;古代的

【单词】shape [sheyp][ʃeɪp] vt. 塑造;定形;使 … 成形
【单词】resemble [ri-‘zem-buhl][rɪ’zembl] v. 与…相似;像

Say the one you used to play around at the park, or one on the families property, or even one found out in the wild you wish to mimic.
【短语】used to … 过去一向,过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们以前要上仪态课的。
【单词】wild [wahyld][waɪld] adj. 野生的;野蛮的;未开发的
【单词】mimic [‘mim-ik][‘mɪmɪk] vt. 模仿;模拟


This to me anyway, takes the art form to the next level.
【单词】anyway [‘en-ee-wey][‘eniweɪ] adv. 不管怎样;无论如何

Being able to imitate nature yourself, something very soothing about the idea of that.
【单词】imitate [‘im-i-teyt][‘ɪmɪteɪt] vt. 仿效;仿制;模仿
【单词】soothing 原型:soothe [sooth][suːð] v. 缓和;使安静;安慰

Might just be me.

Japanese bonsai is typically trying to make a tree appear to always be perfectly sculpted young tree with a very specific set of rules where a branch can or cannot be etc.
【单词】Japanese 原型:japanese [jap-uh-‘neez, -‘nees][ˌdʒæpə’niːz] adj. 日本的;日本人的
【单词】typically [‘tip-i-kuhl][‘tɪpɪkli] adv. 典型地;代表性地;通常,一般
【单词】perfectly [‘pur-fikt-lee][‘pɜːfɪktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地;完整地;完美地;圆满地
【单词】sculpted 原型:sculpt [skuhlpt][skʌlpt] v. 雕刻
【单词】rules 原型:rule [rool][ruːl] n. 规则;条例;习惯

The more modern western bonsai is more about making a natural looking tree.
【单词】western [‘wes-tern][‘westən] adj. 西方的;西洋的;西部的

You imagine the snow weight in winter and what it will cause branches to do, or cold winds from one constant direction then try to turn that into miniature.
【单词】imagine [ih-‘maj-in][ɪ’mædʒɪn] vt. 想像;设想
【单词】snow [snoh][snəʊ] n. 雪;积雪;下雪
【单词】weight [weyt][weɪt] n. 重量;体重
【单词】winter [‘win-ter][‘wɪntə] n. 冬季;冬天
【单词】winds 原型:wind [wind][wɪnd] n. 风

【单词】constant [‘kon-stuhnt][‘kɒnstənt] adj. 不变的;经常的
【单词】direction [dih-‘rek-shuh n, ‘dahy-][də’rekʃn] n. 方向

I personally prefer the modern style.
【单词】personally [‘pur-suh-nl-ee][‘pɜːsənəli] adv. 就个人而言;个别地;作为个人
【单词】prefer [pri-‘fur][prɪ’fɜː] vt. 宁可;较喜欢

Less rules, less “sculptures”, more “that awesome tree I saw”.
【单词】sculptures 原型:sculpture [‘skuhlp-cher][‘skʌlptʃə] n. 雕塑;雕刻
【单词】awesome [‘aw-suh m][‘ɔːsəm] adj. 可怕的;表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的,绝妙的

If you Google some pictures the difference is pretty noticeable.
【单词】pretty [‘prit-ee][‘prɪti] adv. 相当地
【单词】noticeable [‘noh-ti-suh-buhl][‘nəʊtɪsəbl] adj. 显而易见的;显著的;值得注意的
【专有名词】Google 组织机构 [‘goo-guhl][‘ɡuːɡl] n. 谷歌(搜索引擎名) v. (利用谷歌)搜索

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