
畅享聊:SolidWorks学习(2)Engineering drawing production generates engineering drawings from 3D mo








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Changxiang Chat:SolidWorks Learning (2)

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首先介绍SolidWorks的基本操作。新建文件打开SolidWorks后,通过点击“文件”菜单 -> “新建”来创建新的零件、装配体或工程图。选择相应的模板开始设计。

Firstly, introduce the basic operations of SolidWorks. After opening SolidWorks, create a new part, assembly, or drawing by clicking on the “File” menu ->”New”. Select the corresponding template to start the design.


In sketch drawing in part mode, the first step is to draw a 2D sketch on a reference plane or plane as the basis for the 3D model. Sketching involves adding geometric elements such as lines, arcs, and splines, as well as using dimensional and geometric constraints to accurately define the sketch shape.


In assembly design mode, users can combine multiple parts into one assembly and set the fitting relationship between components. They can also perform motion simulation and interference inspection.


Engineering drawing production generates engineering drawings from 3D models, including orthogonal views such as the main view, top view, left view, as well as special views such as sectional views and zoomed in views. At the same time, annotations, parts lists, BOM tables, and other information can be added to the drawing.


Feature generation is based on sketches and can perform feature operations such as stretching, rotating, chamfering, cutting, and ribs to generate 3D solids. Of course, these features are parameterized and we can modify their size or other attributes at any time.


SolidWorks also provides rendering tools for realistic visual effects of models based on material, lighting, and other settings; At the same time, it is also possible to create animated simulations of the assembly, making it easier to observe the motion and functional performance of the product.

接着列举了一些SolidWorks中一些常用而基础的快捷键:新建文件`Ctrl + N`,保存文件`Ctrl + S`,撤销操作`Ctrl + Z`,重做操作`Ctrl + Y`,打开文件`Ctrl + O`,关闭文件`Ctrl + W`,复制实体`Ctrl + C`,粘贴实体`Ctrl + V`,取消选择`Ctrl + Shift + 左键单击`,选择实体`Ctrl + 左键单击`,删除实体`Delete` 键。

Next, some commonly used and basic shortcut keys in SolidWorks were listed: create file ‘Ctrl+N’, save file ‘Ctrl+S’, undo operation’ Ctrl+Z ‘, redo operation’ Ctrl+Y ‘, open file’ Ctrl+O ‘, close file’ Ctrl+W ‘, copy entity’ Ctrl+C ‘, paste entity’ Ctrl+V ‘, deselect’ Ctrl+Shift+left click ‘, select entity’ Ctrl+left click ‘, delete entity’ Delete ‘.

平移视图按住鼠标中键拖动或者使用键盘组合如 `Ctrl + 鼠标中键` 拖拽,动态观察模型`Shift + 鼠标右键` 并拖动,旋转模型鼠标滚轮滚动(某些设置下)。

Pan the view, hold down the middle mouse button and drag, or use keyboard combinations such as Ctrl+middle mouse button and drag, dynamically observe the model, Shift+right mouse button and drag, rotate the model, and scroll with the mouse wheel (under certain settings).

移动实体工具栏上点击 `M` 或者使用菜单命令 `Move`,剪切实体:`TR` 或者使用 `Trim` 命令,旋转实体工具栏上点击 `R` 或者使用菜单命令 `Rotate`,缩放视图工具栏上点击 `Z` 或者使用 `Zoom` 功能,偏移实体:`OF` 或使用 `Offset` 命令,镜像实体工具栏上输入 `MI` 或使用 `Mirror` 命令,复制实体:`CP` 或使用 `Copy` 命令。

On the Move Entity toolbar, click on ‘M’ or use the menu command ‘Move’ to cut the entity: ‘TR’ or use the ‘Trim’ command, rotate the entity toolbar, click on ‘R’ or use the menu command ‘Rotate’, scale the view toolbar, click on ‘Z’ or use the ‘Zoom’ function, offset the entity: ‘OF’ or use the ‘Offset’ command, and on the Mirror Entity toolbar, enter ‘MI’ or use the ‘Mirror’ command, Copy entity: ‘CP’ or use the ‘Copy’ command.

创建直线:`L` 或使用 `Line` 命令,创建矩形:`REC` 或使用 `Rectangle` 命令,创建圆弧:`A` 或使用 `Arc` 命令。

Create a straight line: ‘L’ or use the ‘Line’ command, create a rectangle: ‘REC’ or use the ‘Rectangle’ command, create an arc: ‘A’ or use the ‘Arc’ command.






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