
1920个固定短语——M(请收藏备用)Mas a matter of fact 事实上;其实no matter 无论;不管it doesn’t matter 没关系;无所谓mean




as a matter of fact 事实上;其实

no matter 无论;不管

it doesn’t matter 没关系;无所谓

mean (sb / sth) doing sth 意味着做某事

mean (sb / sth) to do sth 打算 / 有意做某事

mean sth to sb ……对某人意义重大

I mean 我(的意思)是说

What do you mean …? 你是什么意思?

take measures 采取措施

meet with 会见;会晤;遭受;遭遇;获得

go to / attend a meeting 参加会议

have / hold an international meeting 举行国际会议

have a bad / good memory 记忆力差 / 好

in memory of sb 作为对某人的纪念;纪念某人

mention sth (to sb) 向 (某人) 提及某事

don’t mention it / you’re welcome 不用客气

mess up 弄脏;搞乱

get / receive a message 收到信息

send a message 发信息

method of / for … ……的方法

in the middle 在中间

middle school 中学

at midnight 半夜

millions of 数百万的;大量的

bear / keep … in mind 将……记在心中;记住

change one’s mind 改变主意

come into / enter sb’s mind 掠过 / 进入某人的脑海

make up one’s mind / make one’s mind up 作出决定;下定决心

make up one’s mind to do sth 决定 /决心做某事

Would you mind if /Do you mind if 你介意……?

mind (sb) doing sth 介意 (某人) 做某事

never mind 不要紧;没关系

in a minute 马上;立刻

just / wait a minute 等一下

the last minute 最后一刻

miss the early train 赶不上早班火车

miss the chance 错过机会

miss doing sth 错过做/未完成某事

miss doing sth 怀念做某事

made a mistake 犯错误

by mistake 无意地;错误地

mistake … for … 错把……当成……

mix up 搅匀;使混合;混淆;弄混;弄乱

at that moment 就在那时

just (wait) a moment 稍等一下

the right moment 适当的时机

(at) any moment (now) 马上;立刻

at the moment 此刻;目前

for a moment 片刻;一会儿

for the moment 暂时;目前

in a moment 马上;立即

the moment (that) / as soon as 一…就…

make / earn money 赚钱

save money 省钱

in a good mood 心情愉快

a full moon 满月

more and more 越来越(多的 / 地)

more or less 或多或少;几乎;差不多

more than 多于……的;不止;[修饰动词、形容词]非常

no more 不再

no more than 仅仅

not more than 不超过

once more 再次

the more …, the more … 越……,就越……

what is more 更重要的是;更有甚者

at (the) most 至多;不超过

make the most of 充分利用

most of all 最重要的是;特别

move house / home 搬家

move about / around 四处走动;经常搬动

move in 搬进新居

move on 继续前进

move out 搬出去;迁出

as much 同等;一样

as much as 像……那么多;多达

as much … as 和……同样多的;和……一样

as much as sb can / could (do) 尽某人最大努力

not / nothing much 没什么

so much for… ……到此为止

if you must (do sth) 如果你一定要(做某事)

a piece of music 一首乐曲

by myself 自己

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