四下Unit 5 Part B 第二课时

四下Unit 5 Part B 第二课时shirt 2. old 3. sweater 4. new 5. socks 6. jacket 7. shorts。 I want to w


Unit 5 Part B 第2课时


1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

  1. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。

1. A. Where are my new socks?

B. Where are my new shorts?

2. A. What colour are your shoes?

B. What colour are your shorts?

3. A. I want to wear my blue pants.

B. I want to wear my green dress.

4. A. What do you want to have?

B. What do you want to wear?

5. A. We are going to have a trip.

B. We are going on a trip.


  1. shirt 2. old 3. sweater 4. new 5. socks 6. jacket 7. shorts

A.毛衣 B.夹克衫 C.短袜 D.衬衫 E.短裤 F.新的 G.旧的

四、用be 动词的适当形式填空。

1. My socks _______white.

2. My jacket _______blue.

3. I ______a student.

4. My shorts ______new.

5. You ______a boy.

6. ______this your computer?


1. too(同音词)________

2. they’re(完全形式)_______

3. small(反义词)_________


5. that(复数形式)__________


( ) 1.你想知道你的衬衫在哪儿,可以问:______

  1. Where is my shirt? B. Where is my skirt?

( ) 2.妈妈想知道你找的那件外套是什么颜色的,她会问:______

A .What colour are they? B. What colour is it?

( ) 3.今天天气暖和,你想穿衬衫,你会对妈妈说:______

A. I want to wear my sweater. B. I want to wear my shirt.

( ) 4.你问妈妈这些裤子是谁的,她会回答你:______

A. They’re blue. B. They’re your father’s.


一、1. coat 2. shirt 3. socks 4. jacket

5. pants 6. shorts 7. skirt 8. sweater

二、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B

三、1.D 2.G 3.A 4.F 5.C 6.B 7.E

四、1. are 2. is 3. am 4. are 5. are 6. Is

五、1. two/to 2. they are 3. big 4. mine 5. those

六、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B



1. coat 2. shirt 3. socks 4. jacket

5. pants 6. shorts 7. skirt 8. sweater


1. Where are my new socks?

2. What colour are your shorts?

3. I want to wear my blue pants.

4. What do you want to wear?

5. We are going on a trip.

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