





简单句:I have a pen 我有一支钢笔

The pen is clean 这支钢笔是干净的

定语从句:I have a pen which is clean 我有一支干净的笔

Who和whom的用法;who 做主语和宾语,whom 做宾语, 两个做宾语时可以省略

I know a man who is from America 我认识一个来自美国的男人

I know a man (who/whom)you talk with 我认识你和他聊天的那个男人

Whose 的用法,通常在定语从句中充当定语

I know a man whose name is Tom 我认识一个叫做汤姆的人


I see a desk which is clean 我看见一张很干净的桌子

I see a desk(that,which)you clean 我看见一张你清洗的桌子

that 的用法,通常可以和who,which 替换,做宾语的时候,通常省略

I see a desk which/that is clean 我看见一张很干净的桌子

I see a desk(which,that)you clean 我看见一张你清洁过的桌子

I see a man who/that is so tall ,我看见一个很高的人

I see a man (whom,that )you talk with 我看见一个你和他谈话的人


1, 在限定性定语从句中:遇见as,so,such,the same的时候,

I want a shirt as beautiful as you bought yesterday 我想要买一件你昨天买的衬衫

The shirt is so clean as the snow outside 这个T恤就像外面的白雪一样干净

I want such a house as you bought last year 我想要拥有一个像你去年买的一样的房子

He is such a tall boy that many people like him so much 他是如此高的男孩,以至于很多人喜欢他

I want the same watch as you bought yesterday 我想要一块像你昨天购买一样的手表

I want the same watch that you bought yesterday 我想要你昨天购买的那个手表



As we know ,he is a tall boy 我们都知道,他是一个很高的男孩

The environment of our school,as is known to all,has been chaged a lot 我们学校的环境,总所周知,已经被改变了许多。


I know the day when we met 我记得我们遇见的那天

We met on the day 我们遇见在那天


I remembered the place where I studied 我记得我曾经学习过的地方


通常和reason 连用

This is the reason why I can’t eat junk food 这个就是我为什么不能吃垃圾食物的原因



I know the desk which is clean 我知道那个干净的桌子



I know the desk ,which I have cleaned many times ,is still there 我知道那个仍然在那里的那个桌子,我已经清洗了很多次

2, 连接词通常是对整个主句的解释

The movie is boring ,as many audiences say 正如很多观众所说,这个电影太无聊了

3, 先行词时独一无二,或者专有名词时

The sun ,which gives us warmth every day,is a planet太阳是一个每天能给我们温暖的星球

4, 指代某人只有一个亲属的时候

I have an elder brother ,who is working for me 我有一个哥哥,他正在为我工作

5, 当出现 some/many/few/little/much/most/half+of+which/whom等结构时,

There are many fans ,some of whom are so crazy 这里有一些粉丝,其中一些很疯狂


1, 连接词做宾语的时候

I know the man (that,whom)you talk with 我认识你和他聊天的那个男人

I know the man (whom,that)you are interested in 我认识那位你对他感兴趣的男人。

2, 代词做先行词时,并且做表语的时候

The man is not the one (that)he was ten years ago 这个男人已经不是十年前的样子了


先行词为the place的时候,后面的where可以省略

I know the place (where)we met ten years ago 我记得我们十年前相遇的那个地方。

3, 先行词为reason 时,后面的why 可以省略

I know the reason (why)you are late for school 我知道你上课迟到的原因

4, 先行词为way 作为方式,方法的时候,代词that 常省略

I know the way (that )you solve the problem 我知道你解决这个问题的方法。


1, 当先行词为不定代词的时候

Something that can change me is my dream 某个能改变我的就是我的梦想。

2, 有序数词和形容词最高级修饰的先行词时

The first boy that is so tall comes from America 那个第一个很高的男孩来自美国

The most interesting book that is about the life of the poor will come out next year 那个关于穷人生活的最有趣的书,明年就要出版了

3, 当先行词有人和物时,

The man the buildings that are all my memory 这个男人和这些大楼都是我的记忆。

4, 当主句以who ,which ,here ,there 开头时

Who is the boy that is so tall 那个很高的男孩是谁?

Which one is the desk that is clean 哪一个是那个干净的桌子

Here is a desk that is clean 这里有一张干净的桌子

There is a desk that is clean 那里有一张干净的桌子

5, 先行词被,the only ,the very,the same 等修饰时

The same book that is clean is from America 那个干净的相同的书来自美国

6, 先行词在主句中做表语,并且连接词也做从句的表语时

Chengdu is no longer the city that it used to be 成都不再是以前那样的那个城市了

只用which 不用that 的情况

1, 连接词前有介词时

I know the school in which I studied 我记得我曾经学习过的学校

2, 在非限定性定语从句中,

I know the school ,which I have been ,is famous for the great teaching methods 我记得那个我记得那个以教学方法出名的学校,我已经去了很多次

3, 先行词本身就是that

Who is that which is clean 那个很干净的人是谁?

4, 在连接词后面有插入语时,

I got a book which,I believe,can change your life 我得到那本我相信肯定能改变你的人生的一本书

只用who 不用that 的情况

1, 先行词有 one,ones,anyone 时

I know the one who is tall 我认识这个很高的人

2, 先行词为指人的those时

I know those who can help you 我认识那些能帮助你的人

3, 先行词指人后有定语或者被分割时,

I know the boy running on the playground who is so tall 我认识一个很高的,并且正在操场跑步的男孩

4, there be 句型开头指人的时候,

There is a man who can help you 那里有位能帮助你的人


1, as引导的是一种 看法,解释,评论 或者态度(通常于say, hear,watch 等连用)

As is reported,China is the biggest country 据报道,中国是最大的国家

As we know ,China is the biggest country 众所周知,中国是最大的国家

2, which引导的通常是对主句的补充说明

He can finish his work ,which I don’t trust 对于他能完成他的工作,我不太相信

3, 做介词宾语时,要用which

She might come here, for which sure I will call 她有可能来这里,我要打电话确定一下

4, 在非限定性定语从句中,be动词能省略用as,不能省略用which

As(is)told ,we can play games here 据被告知,我们能在这里游戏

He can speak two languages ,which is known to all 众所周知,他能说两种语言

5, 当从句为否定句,或者谓语动词是复合宾语的时候,通常用which,而不用as

He likes apples ,which I didn’t know at all 他不喜欢苹果,这件事我根本不知道


1, 替代when

I remember the day on which/when we met 我记得我们相遇的那天

2, 替代where

I remember the school where/ in which you studied 我记得你曾经学习过的学校

3, 替代why

I remembered the reason why/ for which you were late 我记得你迟到的原因

4, 替代that

I remember the way that /in which you solved the problem 我记得你解决这个问题的方式。

5, 当出现 some/few/many/much/a little/more/most/the largest +of+ which/whom等时,

Here are the problems,most of which you thought easy for me 这里的问题,大多数你都认为对我很容易


1, 分隔式定语从句


There are many Chinese in my school who are good at every subject 那里有很多中国人在我的学校,并且成绩很好。


I remember the boy you met before who is so tall 我记得你以前遇见的那个那还很高。


A teacher will appear who is from America 一个来自美国的老师将会出现

2, 多重定语从句:两个以上的定语从句,修饰一个先行词

I know the boy that is tall who is from America 我认得那个来自美国并且很高的男孩

3, 插入式定语从句:在从句和连接词中间有插入语

I know the boy who we believe will come to my school 我认识那个我们信任的男孩要来我们学校了。

4, 省略式定语从句:主要省略连接词 后面的主语和谓语(通常是主语加的情态动词),切记要主语一致才可以

I must buy the house which to exchange(with which I can exchange)a city 我必须买下这个房子,这样我就可以用这个房子换一个城市。


1, 同位语修饰的先行词时一个有具体信息的内容

The news that he can speak two languages is surprising 那个他能说两个语言的消息是很惊人的

The man who can help me is from America 那个能帮助我的人是来自美国。

2, 同位语从句是对先行词的解释和说明,而定语从句是对先行词的限制,形容而已。

I made a decision that if a man can help me ,I will marry him 我做一个决定就是如果有人能帮助我,我就嫁给他。

I made a decision that can help you a lot 我做了一个能帮助你很多的决定

3, 引导词不同,how,whether,what 不能用在定语从句,只能用在同位语从句

The problem whether we can climb the mountain has been discussed for a long time 这个我们是否能爬这个山的问题已经被讨论很多次了

4,I don’t have an idea what will happen to you 我不知道将要发生什么在你的身上。


1,A girl running is my friend=a girl who is running is my friend 一个正在跑的人是我的朋友。

2, A man laughed will be sad =A man who is laughed will be sad 一个被嘲笑的人将会很伤心

3,My friend ,who plays football for many years ,now lives in Beijing

= My friend ,having played football for many years ,now lives in Beijing

=Having played football for many years,my friend now lives in Beijing



It is I who am right 是我对的

This is one of the most interesting books that have been published in the past few years 这本书是最近几年出版的最有趣的图书之一

This is the only one of the most interesting books that has been published in the past few years



I know the man who are in Beijing last year, 我认识那个去年在北京的人。

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