- 星火雅思周计划
- 复习
- 考研
- 职场俚语
- 7分
- haochi
- fun
- 托福
- 249
- 247-248
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- Inept(a):不称职的
- 235-236
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- 162
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- 156
- 157
- 158
- 159
- 160
- 新概念
- 托福
- 新概念英语
- calibre: 能力,口径,质量
- the high ~ of applicants
- enable sb to confront fears
- Extreme Sports
- burrow(v,n):挖掘,依偎,地洞
- ~ her face into his chest
- store nuts in its ~
- borrow a buck
- lose circulation发行量下滑
- buck the trend:逆势上升
- nip that idea in the bud:扼杀于萌芽
- release bullet from the gun:射出子弹
- brutal soldiers
- be full to capacity:人满为患
- budget(v,n,adj)
- a ~ hotel
- ~ one million dollars for a library
- sth rise much less sharply than it used to
- ten thousand candidates for the exam:上万人参加考试
- genocide(n): 种族灭绝
- feeble(a): 虚弱的
- nourishment(n):营养品
- manipulate(v)
- ~ all kinds of people
- conflict(v,n)
- The time has come to put an end to the ~:是时候结束冲突了
- come into ~
- a ~ of interest
- ambition
- ~ is the path to the success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in
- have territorial ~s
- edible(a):适合食用的
- be barely ~
- passerby(n): 过路人
- A ~ pulled me up from the hole.
- relate(v): 叙述,使有联系,认同是,涉及,符合
- have a sense of sth:知道了
- but have no sense of how they relate
- set up two charitable trusts:两个慈善信托机构
- put your trust in sth
- sympathy(n): 同情,赞同
- have some ~ for this view
- ~ for sth
- in ~ with sb: 支持sb
- paint the chair white
- produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients
- tasty/distasteful
- be on your best behavior
- buy sth new:买全新的sth
- The waves gently lap against the shore:海浪轻拍海岸
- prevalent(a): 流行的
- motorcar:汽车
- The dying embers(激情将熄灭的余烬) of the former passion can be seen
- howl(v,n): 嚎叫
- cause howls of laughter:引起了阵阵狂笑
- howl with laughter
- joke(v,n)
- play a joke on sb
- telll a joke
- He could hardly open his mouth without talking shop:三句话不离本行
- rule of thumb: 经验法则
- It has always been a pretty sound ~ that +句子
- get the hange of it:做事顺手了
- in a nutshell:总之
- To put in a ~, we are broken
- go over sth:审查
- show someone up:抢风头,表现自己
- lunch break
- punch out:打卡下班
- big wig:大人物
- overshadow:使相形见绌
- improvise(v): 即兴创作
- mull(v): 思索
- mull things over in my mind: 尽量把事情仔细考虑下
- manual(n): 手册
- snap judgment(a): 草率的决定
- frontier(n): 边界
- be turned back at the ~:在边界被赶回来
- demographics(n): 消费主力
- spam(n): 垃圾邮件
- ~ should be blocked at the earilest point:尽早被阻止
- tie-in: 捆绑销售
- develop ~ promotion:开发~活动
- stuffer(n): 信件附页,资料
- hate the advertising ~
- rebate:返利
- be allowed a ~ of 10 dollars
- cash:现金
- be awarded a cash bounty:现金奖励
- launch
- launch their new product
- stuff(v): 填满
- ~ the coins into her pocket
- preferred customer(n): 会员
- cutting edge(a): 尖端的
- be on the ~ of trends that spread nationwide:走在潮流的尖端
- hype(v):炒作
- ~ up an election
- marketing blitz(n): 猛烈的市场营销
- be all set to do sth:准备好做某事
- predominate(v): 统治
- ~ over sb:支配sb
- alley(n): 小巷
- An ~ is a narrow road way through the middle of a block.
- 街区中间一条窄的道路
- secure(v): 保证,获得安全,使安全
- tape up the bag to ~ it properly
- 用带子把包捆紧扎牢
- Such events occur only when the conditions are favourable
- 外部情况适宜时
- be denied opportunities soley because of sth
- acquisition
- devote his time to the ~ of the knowledge
- Enroll(v): 注册,招生,吸收(成员)
- be rushing to do sth:争先恐后做sth
- enroll in swimming classes
- Charity(n):慈善
- give sth to ~
- A HK-based ~ runs the scheme: 运作了这个方案
- preference(n): 喜爱
- have a ~ for sth
- sth are an exercise in self-promotion for sb
- sth是对sb自我宣传的手段
- senate:参议院
- indigenous(a): 土生土长的
- sth is ~ to China
- Homestay:当地居民家居住的时期
- entertain guests in the library: 在图书馆招待客人
- earn enough credits(学分) to graduate
- schedule(n): 工作时间,计划表
- Ahead of schedule
- you have regular report writing workshops(讲习班) built into your ~
- Shuttle(v): 穿梭式地来回移动
- Buses ~d passengers from the car park to the airport terminal
- 停车场和机场航站楼
- theory
- a respectable married woman with conventional opinions
- questionnaire
- A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow
- renewable(a): 可更新的
- have massive ~ energy potential:有大量的潜在的可再生资源
- use only a fraction of it
- Recreation:娱乐
- Nuclear:原子核的
- ferry(n):渡轮
- This ~ used to be on A to B run
- write a cheque:写支票
- be under observation:观察
- Facility(n): 设施
- Fully equipped ~:完善的设施
- motel(n): 汽车旅馆
- coach(n): 长途汽车
- couch potato
- Plenty of hours vacant:许多空闲时间
- whale(n): 鲸鱼
- have a maximum speed of 30 knots
- be available at a discount
- See to the project:关注
- instrumental(a): 有帮助的,乐器的
- He is the senior of the two.
- Concert, on a flight(航班)
- get a acoustic guitar:原声吉他
- pianist(n): 钢琴家
- Immt takes years of learning to become a ~
- Minibus:小型公共汽车
- be taken to the military base by
- Aquarium(n): 水族馆,养鱼池
- have many tanks of fish:很多箱鱼类
- a returnable deposit of $100:有100美元的押金可退
- volunteer, be flexible on a few points
- go on a excursion(远足) with sb
- heritage,wear a uniform
- in the lobby of the museum
- be causal about anything: 不在乎
- gallery(n): 美术馆
- The town boasts a world-famous art ~: 引以为豪
- get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed
- Vacuum(n): 真空吸尘器
- garage(n): 车库
- double lock-up garage:双车位的加锁车库
- stand on the deck
- Escalator(n): 扶梯 ————反:life(直梯)
- fumble in the pocket:摸索
- bring out some coppers:拿出几枚铜币
- convert
- Lavatory(n): 厕所
- mature(a): 成熟的
- his most ~ comedy yet:至今为止
- restore sb to health
- be Adapted from the play
- Recommend doing sth
- Variety(n):变化
- three varieties of whisky
- Entrepreneur(n):企业家
- seam(n): 层
- an important railroad junction
- at the junction of
- Celebrity(n): 名人
- ~ status
- reinforce the belief
- Perpetuate the notion(助长观念) that
- work in the mine(矿)
- hurry along the pavement
- ~ artist:街头艺人
- Exhibition(n): 展览会
- Visitors to the ~ came in an endless stream:参观展览会的人络绎不绝
- be on ~
- Square:正方形,广场,平方
- be located in the squares
- Sculpture(n): 雕塑
- favorite breed of dog:品种
- shelter(n): 遮盖物,避难所
- There was no shelter anywhere from the rain
- Complex(n): 综合楼群
- Motorbikes:摩托车
- graze(v): 放牧,吃草,擦伤皮肤
- ~ in the field
- Estuary(n): 河口,江口
- wind farms:风电场
- alarm(n): 闹钟
- indicator(n): 指示器,标志,迹象
- spectacular(a): 壮观的
- revamp the business with ~ success:成功调整了业务
- Refuge(n): 避难所
- look for a ~ from the rain
- Marsh(n):沼泽
- sink knee-deep into the marsh
- Accessible(a): 易于得到的
- rectangular(a): 矩形的
- binoculars(n): 双筒望远镜
sufficient: 充足的
- miser:吝啬鬼
rehearse(v): 排练
present(v): 展现
- The documentary(纪录片) presented us with a balanced view of the issue
- present sb with
Grant(n): 授予物,奖学金,给予
finance(v): 筹措资金
- ~ the purchase of equipment
Eligible(a): 有资格的
- Senator(n): 参议员
desperate(a): 绝望的
partial(a): 部分的
- a ~ success
Incorporate(v): 合并
- ~ the new plan with the old
Historical(a): 历史的
castle(n) :城堡
- The ~ has a lovely situation on a hill
- 坐落在山上,环境优美
- a ~ in the air: 空中楼阁
Publicity(n): 宣传
- Give considerable ~ to sb
hope for government funding for the scheme
Demanding(a): 要求高的,劳神费力的
I do owe you a debt of gratitude(感激):我真是欠了你一个大人情
Land a promotion: 升职了
Hiccup(n): 打嗝
- be in ~ waters:在未知的领域
- Buddha’s delight: 罗汉斋
- An elaborate vegetarian dish served By Chinese families on New Year’s Eve
- 中国家庭在除夕夜匠心之作的一道斋菜
- sth is figured that: sth 象征着
- surpluses: 余
- jao gok(n): 油饺
- ~ resembles ancient Chinese golden ingots:古代中国的金元宝
- mandarin orange:蜜桔
- melon seed: 瓜子
- turnip cake:萝卜糕
- promise me a sweet
- rice cake:米糕
- Glutinous rice ball:汤圆
- steamed bread: 蒸馒头
- wheat cake: 麦饼
- deep fried glutious rice ball: 炸糯米丸子
- Sesame(n): 芝麻
- Much of the food is fried and there is greater use of ~
- Sweetened bean paste: 豆沙
- an appointment
- Celebrity(n): 名人
- ~ties
- Sophisticated(a):复杂的,老练的
- have a medical:体检
- Miser(n): 守财奴
- sum up the main point of the discussion
- large sums of money were lost
- Take an instant dislike to anyone whom A so obviously seated next to him(安排谁坐他旁边) at dinner
- rehearsal(n): 排练
- Stick to the opinion
- Evoke(喊) memories of her youth
- be much heartened by sth:鼓舞
- discreet(a): 谨慎的
- Vibrating membrane:耳膜的振动
- a deficit of 5000 dollars
- Commencement(n):毕业典礼
- cathedral(n):大教堂
- amalgamate(v):合并
- be ~ with another firm
- Assert his view of matter:坚持对此事看法
- abandon oneself to despair:自暴自弃
- topography(n): 地形学
- succulent(a): 多汁的
- These are wonderfully ~ peaches.
- Prod(v): 刺激
- ~ sb to do sth
- Peruse(v):精读
- Look these concepts up:查询这些概念
- peruse books
- Obtrusive(a): 捣乱的
- talk against time:拖延发言时间
- mercantile(a): 商业的
- infamous(a): 臭名昭著的
- Burgeoning(a): 迅速成长的
- contain the ~ crisis:抑制迅速扩散的危机
- sober(a): 清醒的
- hygiene(n): 卫生
- Utopian(a): 乌托邦的
- His was a ~ vision of nature in its purest form
- Lash(v):鞭打
- gnaw(v): 咬
- Self-doubt began to ~ away at her confidence.
- 吞噬她的自信心
- succinct(a): 简明的
- snout(n): 长鼻
- sarcastic(a): 讽刺的
- feel squashed:感到无地自容
- reed(n): 芦苇
- The river banks (河岸) were overgrown with reed
- 长满了
- procure(v): 获得
- Retailers must ~ goods at the right price
- Peturb(v):使不安,扰乱
- ~ the order with their lies
- Toll(v): 敲钟
- The pilgrims tooled the bell
- 朝圣者敲响了钟
- obstruct(v): 妨碍
- Utilitarian(n): 功利主义者
- He is very down to earth(很现实) and is a real ~
- Menial(a): 仆人的
- perform the ~ chore of shining shoes
- 像仆人一样地做些擦鞋的家务活
- exacting(a): 费力的
- the work is ~
- be worn out:精疲力竭了
- flip(v):轻抛,轻弹
- The twig ~ped back(弹回来) and scratched(划伤了) his face.
- depute(v): 指派
- ~ the interrogation to a subordinate
- Duplicate(n)
- keep a ~ in case the original gets lost]
- Discreet(a): 谨慎的
- Concede(v): 让步,承认
- shrivel(v): 枯萎,皱缩
- cardinal(a): important,vital
- a ~ feature of our law and order policies
- 治安政策的主要特点
- anthropologist(n): 人类学家
- barrel(n): 枪管,桶,枪管
- 1.2m barrels a day: 120万桶
Barrage(n): 火力网,弹幕,猛烈抨击
- with a ~ of weapons:弹幕式的炸弹攻击
- The ~ reveals a prejudice in favor of lyric poets
Usurp(v): 篡位
- ~ copyrighted material:盗版
conceal(v): 隐藏
successive(a): 接连的
- be ~
Cardiac(a): 心脏的
- suffer from ~ weakness:心脏衰弱
sarcasm(n): 讽刺
- His voice was heavy with ~
Abridge(v): 缩短
- ~ his stay
Token(a): 象征性的
- sb have staged a two-hour token stoppage to do sth
- 举行了两个小时的象征性罢工
- Be made ~:被裁员
- Infallible(a): 确实可靠的
- sth in this matter was by no means infallible:绝不是无可指摘的
- glowing(a): 发光的
- a tanned and glowing face:脸色黑里泛红
- exacerbate(v): 使加重,恶化
- ~ the difficulties in their marriage
- Conjure(v):祈求
- ~ you to help me
- Dungeon(n): 土牢
- see the nature of the ~
- 看清土牢的情况
- flint(n): 打火石
- His eyes were as hard as ~
- 冷酷无情
- discredit(v): 怀疑
- ~ theories
- Depredation(n): 劫掠
- reckless(野蛮的) ~
- crust(n): 外壳
- The pastry crust as always underdone.
- 馅饼的壳皮常常烤不透
- Discourse(n): 交谈, 演讲
- Sweet ~s makes short days and nights
- 话若投机,嫌日短
- depreciation(n): 贬值
- ~ of our currency
- Concave(a): 凹的
- The palm of one’s hand is slightly ~
- Accordion(n): 手风琴
- play the ~: 拉手风琴
- The proprietor got up on a high stool beside the dancing-floor
- 老板登上一只靠近舞池的高凳
- anthem(n): 赞美歌
- sing our national ~:唱国歌
- Acronym(n): 首字母缩略词
- sth is an ~ for “Beijing”.
- Uproar(n):骚动
- sth ended in a ~
- Dump(n): 垃圾场
- a ~
- Crumple(v): 压皱
- ~ the piece of paper:揉成一团
- carapace(n): 甲壳
- The arrogance become his protective ~
- Tint(v): 微染
- ~ each flower a different color
- Proclivity(n): 倾向
- have a ~ toward violence
- Obstinate(a): 倔强的
- The weeds are ~
- Shares now languish around 13 per share
- 每股衰退到13左右
- inextricably: 无法摆脱地
- be ~ tied up with feudal forces
- 和封建势力有千丝万缕的联系
- hustle(v): 催促,匆忙做
- ~ the children off to school:匆忙送孩子上学
- glossy(a): 光滑的
- ~ fur
- Pertinent(a): 相关的
- all the ~ details
- Abstruse(a): abstract
- theory of relativity is ~
- Menace(v): 威胁
- ~ sb
- Eviscerate(v):削弱
- ~ all the laws
- Pristine quality:纯洁的品质
- Husk(n): 外壳
- The ~ of this coconut is strong: 椰子的外壳很坚固
- glorify(v): 美化,赞扬
- ~ their heroic deeds
- Flighty(a): 不负责的
- be too ~ to take care of sb
- Evade(v):
- ~ the issue
- Discordant(a): 不一致的
- His agenda is ~ with ours
- Depreciate(v): 贬值
- crude(a): 天然的,粗糙的
- A ~ oil slick:原油浮油
- aggregate(v): 聚集,合计
- The audience ~d 30 millions
- dumbbell(n): 哑铃
- Captivity(n):囚禁
- pray for an early deliverance from ~
- 为早日获得释放而祈祷
- Complusory(a): 义务的,强制的
- a ~ subject
- Subvert(v): 颠覆
- ~ the government
- Redress(v): 纠正
- sb did all that he could do to ~ these wrongs
- 竭尽所能地纠正这些错误
- probity(n): 正直
- ~ will command respect everywhere
- 为人正直会受人尊敬
- Perspiration(n): 汗水
- His chest and back were filmed with ~
- 后背都是汗津津的
- obsolete(a): 废弃的
- sb plans to phase out the equipment
- Memento(n): 纪念品
- a permanent ~ of the wedding
- Adobe(a,n): 土坯的,土坯房
- live in an ~ house
- build houses with ~
- Sap(n):液,汁,活力
- ~ blisters the skin:使起水泡
- languid(a): 无精打采的
- a large and ~ man with a round and impassive(毫无表情的) face
- snippet(n): 片段,摘录
- read a ~ she had cut from a magazine
- Inertia(n):惰性
- ~ keep me there:惯性使我留在那里
- Obsessed(a): 沉迷的
- be ~ by her song
- Lament(v): 悲痛
- ~ the death of sb
- Inert(a): 无生气的,惰性的
- an ~ management team
- Gleeful(a): 极高兴的,兴奋的
- sb took an almost ~ delight in doing sth
- 幸灾乐祸地指出他们大错特错
- ajar(a): 半开地
- A door to the left stood ajar: 左侧有一扇门半掩着
- flicker(v): 闪烁
- A slender smile still ~ across her face.
- 她脸上闪过一丝微笑
- Alliteration(n): 头韵
- The prosody of sth is based on ~, not end rhymes.
- sth诗体采用头韵而不是尾韵
- perpetual(a): 永久的
- take one’s ~ test:长眠
- 反: finite
- Alumnus(n):男校友
- an ~ of UCLA:加州大学校友
- dumb(a): 哑的
- deaf and ~ son
- Zest(n): 热情
- Her zest for life is as great as ever
- 对生活的乐趣一如既往
- upheaval(n): 剧变
- a volcanic ~ in the history
- Subversive(a): 颠覆性的
- an unexpected ~ sense of humour
- 极具色彩颠覆的幽默感
- sneer(n): 嘲笑
- pay attention to their ~s
- Barn(n): 谷仓
- Sleep on the hay in the farmer’s ~: 睡在农家谷仓上的干草上
- agrarian(a): 耕地的
- leave an ~ way of life:放弃农业生活方式
- antedate(v): 先于
- All this is not to ~ the demise(死亡) of the empire.
- 这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡
- timber(n): 木料
- exploit the woods for timber
- Redeem(v): 兑现
- ~ all its election promise
- Ailment(n):小病
- suffer from a bronchial ~
- 支气管疾病
- sanitation(n): 环境卫生
- from the ~ view
- Probe(v): 探究
- ~ for understanding
- Discontented(a): 不满意的
- appease the ~ worker
- Deprecate(v):反对,抨击
- Hasty action is to be ~d
- Complusive(a):强迫的,令人着迷的
- ~ gambler:嗜赌成性的赌徒
- greediness
- Captivate(v): 迷惑,迷住
- ~ the audience
- Barge(n): 驳船
- sink the ~:海盗行为
- Antagonist(n):对手
- sb is lost to his ~:无敌手
- Zenith(n): 顶点
- reach the ~ of his career
- Amble(n):缓行漫步
- come along at an ~:缓步走来
- unwind(v):展开
- need some time to ~
- Amenity(n): 舒适,礼仪
- The ~ of his manners won him many friends
- Crucial(a):vital
- Pristine(a): 原始的
- be convered with a ~ layer of snow
- Perpetrate(v): 犯罪
- ~ such a horrible crime
- obsess(v): 迷恋
- sth ~ sb
- Sneak(v): 偷偷潜入
- ~ along another passageway into the building
- Melodrama(n): 音乐戏剧
- have all the elements of ~
- Anesthesia(n): 麻醉
- ~ was a great invocation
- Sanctuary(n): 避难所
- a ~ of political refugees:政治难民的避难所
- recur(v): 再发生
- annals(n): 年鉴,史册
- lag(v,n): 滞后
- This work will go forward without lag
- sb is lagging behind in the field
Barbarian(a,n): 野蛮人的,野蛮人
- ~ hordes: 野蛮部落
- be overrun by Nordic(北欧的,日耳曼的) ~
Anomalous(a): 反常的
- The stadium(体育场) has ~ formation:形状不规则
zeal(n): 热情
unwieldly(a): 笨拙的
- be too ~ to move
Snarl(n): 咆哮
- With a ~, the dog made a dive for his heel:朝他的脚后跟扑过来了
tilt(v,n): 倾斜,使倾斜
- ~ the mirror
Appall(v): 使胆寒,惊骇
- sth ~ed us
Sanction(v): 批准,认可,支持
- ~ an increase in public borrowing:公共贷款
- The bride was in full wedding ~
Recruit(v): 招募
primordial(a): primitive
- ~ foce:原始之力
- Fleeting(a): 短暂的
- for a ~ moment:刹那间
- Disconsolate(a): 忧郁的,很悲伤的
- be ~ about her son’s death
- deprave(v): 使腐败
- The book would ~ sb
- Ductile(a): 可塑的,易延展的,易教导的
- Clay is ~
- crooked(a): 狡诈的,弯曲的
- The picture is ~: 歪了
- Aphorism(n): 格言
- an old ~
- Comprise(v):组成
- The exhibition ~s 50 oils and watercolours:油画和水彩画
- Canvass(v): 征求意见,游说拉票
- The labor candidate will ~ the constituency next month
- 共党候选人向全体选民游说拉票
- Disconcert(v): 使惊惶不安
- be ~ed to find sb formally dressed
- composure(n):镇静
- lose your ~
- Canopy(n): 遮蓬
- use a ~ in summer
- Annul(v): 废除
- The statute was to ~ this covenant
- 废除契约
- barb(n): 倒钩
- The three-pronged(三齿) spear(矛) had a ~ on it.
- Yolk(n): 蛋黄
- arable(a): 适合耕种的
- unwavering(a): 坚定地
- her ~ love and faith
- Arbitrary(a): 任意的
- make ~ decisions
- Tier(n): 层
- introduce an extra ~ of administration
- Perpendicular(a): 垂直的
- The valley ended in a ~ rim
- Observance(n): 惯例,仪式
- change sth at will
- Teach,worship and ~: 布道,礼拜和仪式
- melodious(a): 悦耳的
- The music is so ~
- Lacquer(v): 涂漆,使表面光泽
- ~ the old table
- Ineligible(a): 无资格的
- be ~ for the presidency
- Hurdle(n): 篱笆,障碍
- Psychological hurdle:心理障碍
- flay(v): 剥皮,严重指责
- flay the ox:剥牛皮
- gleam(v): 闪烁
- etiquette(n): 礼仪
- dubious(a): 怀疑的
- bandit(n): 强盗
- yearn(v):渴望
- ~ for the sight of the old faces(渴望见到熟悉的老面孔)
- unsubstantiated(a): 未经证实的
- contemporary publications: 现行刊物
- thump(v): 重击
- My heart was thumping with happiness.
- 心兴奋地咚咚跳
- Subsist(v): 生存
- get a causal work to ~
- 找临时工作
- attorney(n): 律师
- annex(n): 附加物
- The ~ lists eight titles.
- Auger(n): 螺丝钻
- make a hole in the ice with an ~
- Recollection(n): 回忆
- To the best of my ~, these things are exactly as I have stated
- 根据我的记忆
- aurora(n): 曙光
- awesome spectacles: 奇观
- smudge(n): 污点
- a dark ~ on his forehead
- Prickle(v):刺痛
- My scalp began to ~:头皮发麻
- gist(n): 主旨
- get the ~
- Humane(a): 人道的
- compassionate
- symphathetic
- sb began to Campaign(v) for humane treatment of the metally ill
- Disclaim(v): 否认
- ~ all responsibility for sth
- Escort(n): 护卫者
- The prisoner was taken under ~ to the jail
- Drought(n): 干旱
- Atrophy(n): 萎缩
- The cultural life will sink into ~
- Deplore(v): 指责
- attire(v)
- sb was ~ as a man: 打扮成男人
- flamboyant(a): 引人注目的,艳丽的
- ~ style
- compensation
- ~ for loss of office
- Candid(a): 率直的
- To be ~, I am happy
- disciple(n): 门徒
- consider himself a ~ of sb
- deplete the resources
- Crimson(a): 深红色的
- I’d go ~ every time someone talked to me
- Bandanna(n): 大手帕
- wipe his forehead with a blue ~
- Autocrat(n): 独裁者
- an ~
- Yarn(n): 纱线
- auxiliary(a): 辅助队伍
- compensate(v)
- ~ her lack of intelligence
- Calibration(n): 校准
- allow for any small drift in calibration
- Avant-garde(a): 先锋的
- the ~ film: 先锋派电影
- unsetting: 令人不安的
- thrust(v,n): 挤,推
- They ~ him into the back of a jeep
- The main thrust(gist) of sth will be sth
- Perjury(n): 伪证
- be accused of ~
- incriminate sb:加罪于某人
- meditate(v): 想,考虑,沉思
- reach a higher state of consciousness: 达到更高的意识境界
- knuckle(n): 关节
- Our fingers bend at the ~
- Indolent(a): lazy
- The sultry weather in the tropics: 闷热的气候
- Lead an ~ life:过懒散的生活
- hue(n): 色彩
- the cool hue in the picture
- Girdle(n): 腰带
- All the keys hang not at one man’s ~
- Flair(n): 才能
- A complements B: 相辅相成
- eschew(v): 避开
- Sth are much better ~ than chewed: 最好避而远之
- oblique(a): 倾斜的,不直接的
- ~ strokes: 斜线
- crosses: 交叉
- drill(v,n): 打孔,训练
- ~ sb in sth:训练sb sth
- The Marines carried out a drill.(海军陆战队进行了一场训练)
- Escalate(v):升级
- The war was ~d into a major conflict.(大规模冲突)
- a discerning(辨别能力) art critic
- Bead(v,n): 珠子,使成珠子
- cause the paint to bead
- Huddle(v):挤成一团
- ~ together for warmth
- Crevice(n):裂缝
- ensure light soaks into every ~
- Caliber(n):口径,才干
- players of such high caliber
- Behold:瞧,看
- Behold, the new king is crowned:加冕
- drift(v):漂流
- ~ on up the river:河上漂流着
- compelling(a):引人注目的
- bellows(n):风箱
- blow the ~ for the blacksmith:为铁匠拉风箱
- depict(v)
- Backlog(v):积压
- Orders began to ~
- Perishable(a): 易腐坏的
- prey on sth:猎食为生
- baroque(a,v):巴洛克式的,巴洛克
- The building retains the ~
- The ~ church is worth a quick look
- Obituary:讣告
- a few ~ notices:讣闻
- mediocre(a): common
- ~ training and fitness:平庸的训练和体能
- baste(v):痛斥,浇油
- baste sb
- Smother(n):窒息物,浓烟
- Black ~ beltched(喷出) from sw
- indistinct(a): 模糊的
- obdurate(a): 麻木不仁的
- The child’s misery would move even the most ~ heart
- Kindle the crowd’s interest
- Indisputable(a): 毋庸置疑的
- build up an ~ theory
- Hubbub(n): 嘈杂
- hear a ~ in the courtyard
- Gilding(n): 镀金
- flabby(a): 不结实的
- 肌肉 ~
- sth perish in the first frosts of autumn
- Erratic(a): 古怪的
- dribble(v):水滴下,运球
- Banal(a): 陈腐的
- make ~ remarks:说陈词滥调
- angular(a): 有角的
- have a more ~ figure than sb
- Unscrupulous(a): 肆无忌惮的
- a ~ rogue: 流氓
- sw is thronged(v) with holiday-makers.
- 挤满了去度假的人
- Bereave(v):失去
- ~ sb of such sweet memories
- Smear(v):涂上
- ~ cream onto one’s skin:在皮肤上涂些护肤霜
- recluse(n):隐居者
- salient(a,n):突出的,突出部分
- be in a deathtrap(危险的地方) salient in the war:呆在最危险的突出阵地里
- chronic fatigue:慢性疲劳
- subsidiary(a,n):辅助的,附属品,子公司
- prevailing(a):流行的
- product buy-back:产品回购
- Subside(v): 平息
- The typhoon began to ~
- Sly:狡猾的
- periphery(n):不重要的部分
- poets on the ~ of the movement:运动中不太出名的诗人
- meddile in one’s affairs:喜欢干涉别人的事情
- blackmail sb with his mistress
- Revive her sagging(消沉的) spirits:从消沉的情绪中振作起来
- reciprocal:相互的
- kiln:窑
- burn clay pots in a ~:烧制陶器
- bolster(n):长枕
- a ~ across the head of the bed
- Prevail:流行,胜利
- have the votes he needs to prevail
- Nutriment(n):营养物
- 反: wastage
- Indiscriminate(a):不加选择的
- Be ~ in his choice of friends
- Discernible(a): 可辨别的
- be barely ~ in the gloom:黑暗中很难看清他的脸
- Denunciation(n):谴责
- write a stinging ~ of his critics:针对他的批评者的言辞犀利的谴责书
- creek(n): 小溪
- calamity(n):灾难
- Pearl Harbor
- a crushing ~:毁灭性的灾难
- balmy(a): 微风拂面的
- anguish(v,n): 痛苦,使痛苦
- take away the ~ of doing sth
- Her heart ~ed within her.(内心痛苦)
- wring(v):绞,拧,扭
- ~ your swimsuit out: 把游泳衣拧干
- compel to do sth
- unruly behavior
- be wrathful(angry) with sth
- Thrive(v): 兴旺繁荣
- Unravel a mystery:揭谜,弄清
- thrift(n): 节俭
- briny(a): 海水的,盐水的
- brisk(a): 轻快的,energetic
- The market will ~ up:活跃起来
- keep sth move at a ~ pace:进展得快些
- brook:小溪
- hear the murmur of a distant brook: 汩汩的水声
- ballot:投票,poll(v,n)
- be elected by direct ~
- sb was ~ed for conscription(征召) to work in mines:被抽签征召到矿井中工作
- sagacious:睿智的
- sb think me much more ~ than I was
- Wretched:可怜的
- The pay has always been ~
- Slump(v,n):下跌
- cause the ~ of the price
- He slumped into his chair
- Buik(n,adj):大量,大量的
- recommend you a ~ buy
- buy in ~
- shop for small quantities
- sth programmes them to be submissive
- the most impudent(鲁莽,无耻的) piece of pretension:主张
- Hub: 轮轴,中心
- the ~ of the world
- Gibe at sb:嘲笑
- fixed:固定的,执着的
- the ~ dole
- To err(v) is human: 人难免犯错
- Denude(v):裸露
- The trees are ~d of leaves:树上叶子落尽了
- people of all colors and creeds(信仰)
- compassion(n):同情
- a ~ for mental agony inflicted upon a condemned man
- a dread of destroying the miracle of life:杀灭生灵的恐惧
- boulder(n):圆石
- budge(v): 微微移动,让步
- ~ the ~
- met a drench(n) of rain
- dimly discern his outline:迷迷糊糊地认出轮廓
- Cadence:抑扬顿挫
- read the poems with ~
- We disburse(支付) payments to members on a monthly basis.
- 按月向成员支付款项
- dent(n):凹槽
- The dent on the wing of the bus:公共汽车边上的凹痕
- credulous(a):易信的
- ~ people who believe in sth
- commuter(n):往返者
- The train is always packed with commuters:挤满通勤者
- byword(n):谚语,绰号
- sth become a byword(别称) for cruelty
- Anecdotal(a):奇闻异事的
- The book is pleasantly ~
- Wrath(n):愤怒
- The unruly behavior incurred sb’s wrath
- Balk(n):挫折
- Sth is a ~ to sb
- Unquenchable(a):无法满足的,无法抑制的
- have an ~ thirst for danger
- Peripheral(a): 不重要的
- Fund-raising is ~ to sb
- Meander(v):漫步
- Thoughts ~ like a restless wind inside a letter box.
- Gentry(n):贵族
- Concubine(n):妾,妃子
- nurture(v,n):培育
- ~ plants
- By ~ and by nature
- Fitful(a):间歇性的
- I worried half the night and had a ~ sleep
- Burgeon(v):激增
- Trade has ~
- howl
- Beyond:在远处
- Bay(v) at the moon
- Kerosene(n):煤油
- The air reeked(散发着) of ~ and huge aircraft rumbled(隆隆响) overhead
- Soil is eroded by wind and rain
- Dreary(a):沉闷的
- ~ reception
- get a thorough understanding of sth
- fiscal policy
- Disband the illegal organization:解散
- Cellist(n):大提琴演奏家
- Bowing:弓法
- credential(n):证书
- proprietor: 所有者
- erect a complex infrastructure of political influence
- 建立复杂的,具有政治影响力的基础结构
- dread to think:不敢想象
- communal(a):公共的
- ~ toilets
- Barrack:军营
- ceremonious(a): 隆重的
- hover(v,n)
- The rate hovered arount 140 yen to the dollar
- He felt creeping of fate(厄运已经来临), the circling of wolves, the hover of vulture(秃鹰)
- bypass(v,n):避开,旁路
- sluggish:缓慢的
- awake their ~ faculties:唤醒天赋
- rebuke(v,n):指责
- Receive a stern ~ from his superior
- Presumptuous:放肆的,自以为是的
- Be ~ in doing sth
- Perimeter(n):周长,边缘
- Work out how long the ~ is
- Cavity(n):洞,穴,口腔
- require the submission of a dissertation
- Kernel: core
- Celestial(a):天空的
- Angels are ~ being: 天使是天上的神灵
- Better lose the saddle than the horse
- Her heart sickened(不舒服) at the thought of his brutal indignity.
- bait(v):折磨,引诱
- Hecklers(演说者) baited the speaker mercilessly:无情地奚落
- ancillary(a):辅助的
- The transport corps is ~ to the infantry
- 运输队是步兵的辅助部队
- wrangle(v):吵架
- give in to sb’s claim rather than ~ over sth
- 向对手的要求让步
- chill(a):寒冷的,寒冷
- wander about in the chill rain
- 在凄风苦雨中荡来荡去
- bring with the day a chill in the mornings
- Rebate:减少,打折扣
- rebate your tax on your job
- Chisel(n):凿子
- chip away at the wall:铲墙
- unprecedented:史无前例的,unparalleled
- appoint a civilian to command the force:任命平民
- The star is a clam about her age.
- sublimate future husband :理想化的未来丈夫
- The owl is sacred for many people
- Religious,sacred-irreligious(无宗教的)
- thoroughfare(n):大道
- a busy ~
- 繁忙的大街
- presume(v):推测
- sth is ~
The shock left me numb
His maxim(格言) is “No pains, no gains”
ken: 视野,理解范围
- be beyond my ~
- give sb a ~ look
- The ~ warmth of the sun appeared somwhat human
- 温柔柔和的阳光仿佛人一样温情脉脉
- He wheedled(骗) money from sb with considerable ~
- Eradicate illnesses such as tetanus(破伤风)
- 反义词:mild
- A ~ chin(下巴) is considered manly.
- The climber fell down a cleft in the rocks.
- 跌入岩石的裂缝中
the rear right foot of the panther(豹的右后腿)
- The enemy rear is weakly defended.
- a ~ vice cop:特立独行的黑警察
- be irritated by the ~ attitude of sb
- The ~ of the rebels took a long time
- I overate at the party and got violent ~
- a spacious house
- Disavow:否认
- ~ any part in the plot
- Credence(n):凭证
- commotion:骚乱
- A ~ arose in the aisle:走廊
- denote:mean
- Anatomy(n):解剖学
- do ~ next term
- Bust(n):半身像,打破
- bust the door to get him out
- make a plaster cast of a bust of Lincoln.
- 用石膏塑造了一座林肯半身像
- baffle(v):confuse + 挡板
- unpalatable:不好吃的,难以接受的
- clandestine(a):secretive
- Christian worship
- the upper caste:种姓制度上层
- thorny(a):多刺的
- With that ~ issue out the way the rest followed easily
- 这个棘手的问题一经解决,其余的事情就好办了
- anarchy:无政府,混乱
- ~ reigned following the death of sb
- break away from the worldly shackles
- 摆脱世俗的束缚
- Unequivocally:明确地,evidently
- Criminalize sb :定罪
- condiment:spice
- Badger:毛熊
- Weasel:黄鼠狼
- stoat:白鼬
- Condor:秃鹰
- ~ soars above the mountain height
- reap immense financial rewards:获得巨大的经济回报
- confederate:同盟国,同盟
- rust(v,n):生锈
- Iron gathers ~ easily.
- Slothful:懒惰的
- conifer:针叶树
- stump:树桩
- thigh
- Hamstrings:腿筋
- prestige:威望,fame
- horde:一大群
- ~s of fans had thronged on the hall:大群粉丝一蜂窝冲向hall
- Genesis(n):起源
- explain the ~ of the universe
- Satisfactorily do sth
- Equivocate(v):支支吾吾
- ~ with me
- want a straight answer to a straight question
- Disarray(v,n)
- add to the ~ in markets
- sth ~ the solid ranks of supporters:扰乱了通常团结一致的支持者
- denomination:货币单位,宗教组织
- lend me 5000 in 100 Yuan ~:100面额地借给我
- crave the happiness:渴望快乐
- drain the pasta:滤干面团
- share the ~ out between two plates:平分到两个盘子里
- The gallery(画廊) is holding 3 concurrent exhibitions
- commodity:商品
- burrow:洞穴
- A rabbit usually have more than one ~:狡兔三窟
- Denigrate:诋毁
- ~ one’s achievements
- Crater:火山口,弹坑
- Flames blazed out from the ~ of the volcano.
- 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来
- burnish:磨光
- sculpt a bust of my father:我父亲的半身像
- a school badge:校徽
- Anarchist:无政府主义者
- strike an attitude to be provocative:装腔作势引起人们讨论
- The plants withered
- Contemn(v):侮辱
- The wicked ~ God:恶人轻侮上帝
- disarrange:打乱
- ~ the stomach
- Contemptible:可鄙的
- ~ speech:言语粗俗
- underscore:下划线
- thesis:论文
- The ~ does not stand up to close inspection.
- Perforate:打孔
- the opaque cornea(不透明的角膜)may ulcerate and even perforate:产生溃疡甚至穿孔
- novice:新手
- masticate(v):咀嚼
- homogenize:使均匀
- bureaucrats:官僚机构
- filthy:脏的
- equitable: 公平公正的
- be prompt and ~ in settling claims:迅速公正地解决索赔
- consonant(n):辅音
- syllabic:音节的
- juvenile:少年的
- a ~ appearance
- Downcast:沮丧的
- be ~ at the news
- Warrior:战士
- figurehead:傀儡,名义上的首脑
- Equilibrium:均衡
- Markets in world farming(世界农业市场)will move back to the state of ~
- 恢复到平衡状态
- doting:溺爱
- lavish(过分给予) too much love on thei child
- Demure:端庄的
- crafty:灵巧的,狡猾的
- a ~ old fox
- Corpulent:肥大的
- a ~ women with a face of steel
- homogeneous:同类的
- commensurate:corresponding,相称的
- give sb a salary ~ with my performance
- disarm sb
- Sturdy: stout,结实的
- She was a ~ women in her sixties
- noval:小说
- convex:凸面的
- a ~ lens 凸面镜 is used to concentrate rays of light.
- Cause a rupture in the fuel tank:引起燃料箱的破裂
- convict(v,n):罪犯
- convict sb a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪
- realm: 王国,field(领域)
- Perennial:多年生植物
- jurisdiction:权限,管辖范围
- This affair is within his ~.
- Corpse:尸体
- hunt after the criminal:追捕罪犯
- prescribe:开处方,规定
- ~ contraception(避孕药) to the under 16s
- indigenous:本土的
- ~ inhabitants
- stuffy:不透气的
- The thunder rumbled in the distance
- Preposterous:荒谬的
- It’s ~ to attribute to mere external conditions
- The bird perched on the electric wires
- Her health is improving markedly.(显著地)
- deciduous:非永久性的
- ~ trees shed their leaves in autumn
- Be notorious for his goings-on:因为行为不检点
- indictment(n):控告
- issue an ~ :签发一项起诉书
- crutch the chains:抓锁链
- The story is set against a backdrop(background) of war.
- Amnesia:健忘症
- He winces(退缩) at the memory of the experience.
- Undaunted:顽强的
- Learn from her ~ spirits
- The reports commend her bravery
- Heat has therapeutic value.治疗的
- awe:敬畏
- listen to the venerable sholar with awe
- Uncustomary:不同寻常的
- be beset with ~ intrigue:困扰 阴谋
- stringent:严厉的
- under the most ~ conditions
- Ravine:峡谷
- The straight flow of the brook(溪水) formed a ravine
- Rugged:崎岖的
- amid fears of another attack
- Testimony:证词
- preponderance:优势
- There is not sufficient ~ over enemy in the front line
- The book is simple honespun(朴实的) philosophy
- fidelity and industry:忠诚和勤奋
- demote sb:降职
- take combustible goods aboard
- Coy:shy
- sth marks an epoch(时代) in the history of warfare
- Dorsal:背部的
- a bunch of flowers
- Gauche:rude,笨拙的
- fiasco(n): 失败
- The mass rally was a total ~
- a famous epic
- be doomed to failure
- Dirge(n):挽歌
- demobilize(v):遣散
- denouement(n):结局
- colonize:殖民于
- depot:公交站
- sth is an avocation with sb:只不过是我的业余爱好
- strife:斗争
- because of the family ~
- Ruefully:感伤地
- gaze ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks
- Ravenous:贪婪的
- preoccupation:全神贯注
- an excessive ~ with one’s health
- Penury:贫穷
- be cradled in the lap of penury:自幼生活在贫穷的环境中
- marital:婚姻的
- The ~ storms are quickly lost
- Jolt(n):震动,颠簸
- The sudden ~ plunged her forward
- 突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄
- indent:缩进,订货单切割成锯齿状
- The ~ agent takes a commission(收取佣金) on the value of his purchase
- demur:反对
- They accepted without ~
- Slendar:苗条的
- jocular: 诙谐的
- a ~ man
- Indemnity:赔偿
- Gash his foot on a piece of broken glass
- Feverish:发烧的
- hollow:挖空,中空的
- a ~ feeling:空虚感
- hollow out a log to make a canoe
- 挖空圆木来制作独木舟
- dominion:领土
- The colonists 殖民地人民
- the dominion of the oppressor:压迫者的统治
- Dingy:肮脏的,无光泽的
- be amenable to reason:顺从的—->讲道理的
- wield the power:操纵大权
- unbridled:放纵的
- ~ laughter
- Terse and decent:简洁大方的
- have a rudimentary(basic) grasp of physics
- Stray cats: 流浪猫
- live in this neighbourhood:邻近
- Stray into the wrong company:误入歧途
- raven: 大乌鸦,乌黑的
- Very soon he heard a ~ cry
- a striking woman:引人注目的女人
- ~ hair:乌黑的头发
- prelude:序幕
- sth marks the ~ to a series of catastrophes
- Slash subsidies:大幅度削减补贴
- penetrating:响亮的,尖锐的
- ~ eyes:锐利的
- rubble;碎石
- be entombed in the rubble of the building
- Nostalgia:怀旧
- ~ for a past age
- Give sb a slap
- march down the street
- Infantry battalion:步兵部队
- detergent:清洁剂
- preliminary:初步的
- show the Republican party with 11percent of the vote
- Penetrate:看穿
- soundproof(v) the noise
- Indefatigable:不疲倦的
- be ~ in sth
- the aesthetics of love: 爱情美学
- hoist him on to the platform:送到舞台上
- Be avid for praise: 渴望表扬
- demeanor: manner
- be quiet in her ~ :举止文静
- strait:海峡,困境
- unblemished jewel:无瑕疵的珠宝
- be in bud:长出花苞了
- Colloquial:口语的
- ~ expression
- The courier escorted the group into the hotel.
- 旅游,信使,陪同团队来到饭店
feel ambivalent(矛盾的,喜忧参半的) about her new job
- analysts
- ~ piles of reinforced concrete:钢筋混凝土预制桩
raucous: 沙哑的
- ~ call of the crows(乌鸦)
- a master of that area
- ~ every major voting bloc:煽起每个选举集团的不满
The Ukraine:乌克兰
- be roughly equal to sth
- be pending in court
- feud:世仇
- The two tribes are long at feud with each other.
- 部族长期不和
- envision(v):想象
- ~ that
- Demean:降低
- ~ yourself
- diminish:减少
- ~ the influence of trolls(恶意贴) somewhat
- collateral:抵押品
- buckle: 搭扣
- He wore a belt with a large brass buckle
- dialectic:辩证法,辩证的
- A ~ perspective
- Domineer:盛气凌人
- ~ over everyone
- counterpart:职务相当的人
- garnish:装饰,配菜
- watercress:豆瓣菜
- avert sth
- Demarcation: 界限区分
- ~ of the border between the two countries
- Collaborate with sb
- have an aversion to getting up early
- 厌恶早起
- a brutal murder
- tell sb evert whit(details)
- Disillusion(n):幻灭
- There is ~ with sth
- Ambiguous(a):含糊不清的
- The phrasing of the report is ~:措辞
- Unbecoming:不得体的
- dish the dirt:讲人家闲话了
- disjointed:不连贯的
- sloppy:草率的
- terrace:梯田
- Recline in lounge chairs on the sea-facing terrace
- 在面向大海的平台上斜躺在躺椅上
- dismal(n):沼泽地,低落的情绪
- Several small creeks head up in the dismal
- 好几条河起源于沼泽地
- keep the stitches(针脚) evenly spaced
- mar: mess
- make or mar his career
- Indecent:不得体的
- Squirrels garner nuts for the winter
- disapprobation:不答应,叫嚣声
- nonetheless:尽管如此
- Enunciate:清楚表达
- ~ every word slowly
- Dim: 暗淡的
be sentenced to 7 years’ penal(刑事的) servitude:判处七年监禁
- take on some irritating ~:添了许多讨人厌的怪毛病
- ~ and just officials will surely be supported by the common people
- Circuses in the ~ were hilarious
- seal the parcel with ~ tape 胶带
- ~ the business:运作我们的业务
- a blood sucker
- ~ water
- The town effuses warmth and hospitality
use loopholes to amass a great fortune
- ~ sb to give up the plan
- sb has a meek and ~ nature:是个温顺和犹豫不决的人
- a bulge(肿块,突出部分) of the mainland
- loose ~ : vague ~
- Deluge:大洪水,暴雨
- cohere(v): 连贯,紧凑
- The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.
- make our nerves brittle(神经吃不消)
- avalanche
- be swept away in an ~
- Euphonious:悦耳的
- be enchanted with the ~ music
- Unadulterated:无杂质的
- Organic food:有机食品
- Cosmic:宇宙的
- believe in a ~ plan:冥冥中自有安排
- tenuous:unsure,脆弱的
- the link between them is ~
- Expedite:畅通的
- establish a ~ contact mechanism
- stingy:小气的
- do more frankly
- Nobility:贵族
- abolish the privileges of the ~
- Jeer at sb
- Incongruous:不一致的
- the tenderest moments:最温柔的时刻
- gangster:歹徒
- Entreat favours of the king:请求国王恩典
- be hinged to the wing:用铰链装在wing上
- eulogy:颂文,颂扬
- Dogma:教条
- stand for doing sth:主张
- free the country from the grip of dogma
- stand for doing sth:主张
- Dilate:扩大
- The pupils of eyes dilated(扩张) when you enter a dark room
- galvanize(v):激励,电镀
- ~ them into action
- Ferment(n):骚乱,动乱
- be in ~:处于动荡不安中
- entomb(v):埋葬
- be ~ed in volcanic lava
- Delude sb with false hopes
- gain respect through sheer dogged determination
- Cities riddled with corruption
- Cogent:有说服力的
- The result is a ~ explanation of inflation.
- Ferret(n):雪貂,探索者,侦探
- Ferrets and cats both like to chase furry stuff.(毛茸茸的东西)
- Dilapidated:荒废的
- The house is a little more ~ than when i last saw it.
- Pedagogy:教育学
- nimble:deft
- Knit a pair of mittens with her nimble fingers
- Predatory:掠夺的,食肉的
- be safe from ~ birds on the veranda(阳台)
- rapture:狂喜
- His speech was received with ~ by sb
- 受到sb的热烈欢迎
- Incongruity(n):不一致,突兀
- smile at the ~ of the question
- hinder :prevent
- manifestation:表现
- A high fever is an early ~ of the disease
- Irritating:让人不快的
- an ~ habit
- Inconceivable:不能想象的
- hilly:多小山的
- be densely wooded:树木茂密
- feign(v):假装
- her efforts to ~ cheerfulness aren’t convincing
- Flagrant:明目张胆的
- a ~ violation of human rights
- separate entities
- Nickel:镍币
- dodge(v):躲避
- delirium:极度兴奋,神志昏迷
- be in ~ after the victory
- Altruistic:无私心的
- ~ behavior
- Wheedle:花言巧语地哄骗
- ~ me into doing sth
- Stigma:耻辱(n)
- There should be no ~ attached to being poor
- Rapport(n):harmony
- establish a close ~ with clients(友好关系)
- peculiarity(n):特点
- notice certain ~ about our host
- A clog(阻碍) or fetter(束缚,脚铐
- redemption:赎回
- tentative:试验性的
- The toddler took a few ~ steps forward and fell
- Finch:雀类
- rip the poster off the wall
- Predator:食肉动物
- Precursor:pioneer
- Crazing(小裂纹) is the invariable ~ (不变的征兆)of brittle fracture.(脆性断裂)
- give sb a quick peck on the cheek
- Niche:合适的工作,用户群
- find one’s ~ in sports journalism
- Mania:狂热
- have a ~ about sth
- irritable:易怒的
- Incoherent:语无伦次的
- hilarity
- light hilarity(轻松的欢乐) VS nosiy merriment(喧嚣的狂欢)
- riot: call in the military to deal with the ~
- Rapacious:贪婪的
- a ~ appetite for bird’s nest soup
- gale:大风
- get our roof blown off in the gale
- Coddle(v):娇生惯养,溺爱
- automaton:robot
- get sick of being thought as a ~:被讨论视为
- Altruism:利他主义
- the spirit of Lei Feng is a spirit of ~
- Ultimatum:最后通牒
- deliver an ~ to that country
- Flare:闪耀的火光
- The flare flamed up in his crooked(歪的) eyes
- Corrode:腐蚀
- tentacle:触角
- Enthusiasts have been hospitalized after a wiggling(扭动的) ~ lodged in the throat.
- flimsy:薄纸
- bark questions:粗声粗气地发问
- Shuffle the ~ biographical sheets:翻着加载个人资料的薄纸
- weep
- They have hysterics(歇斯底里), they weep ,they have the vapors(幻想)
- skeptical:怀疑的
- be ~ about the chances for justice being done:正义是否得到伸张
- fill the cup to the brim:倒了满满一杯
- auspicious:lucky
- make a ~ start to the new term:新学期开门红
- tyro:新手
- a ~ as a reporter
- Stature:身高(n)
- It is more than his physical ~ that makes him remarkable
- Frowzy:不整洁的
- the ~ street:肮脏的
- hold the trophy proudly aloft:在空中
- sinuous:蜿蜒的
- The river wound its ~ way across the plain
- 河流蜿蜒地流过平原
- wary:谨慎的
- be defensive and wary:戒心强,特别警惕
- Labyrinth:迷宫
- a ~ with dark corridor:长廊纵横,光线昏暗的迷宫
- wand:棒
- The fairy精灵 waved his magic wand 挥舞魔法棒
- Inclination
- have an ~ to stall on cold mornings:熄火
- Hilarious:热闹的
- The party got ~
- Ford:浅滩,涉水(v,n)
- ~ the streams
- Ride out of the ~ :涉过浅滩
- Enthrall:迷住,enchant
- be ~ed by the story
- Fauna:动物群
- docil:驯服的
- In every sense she is ~ to him(百依百顺)
- Mangle:(n)脱水机
- Diginity:尊严
- show great ~ and composure:沉着端庄
- delineate(v):刻画
- Biography(传记) must to some extent ~ characters.
- faucet:水龙头
- see about doing:注意做sth
- get the ~ fixed:关紧
- get entangled in sth
- Dizziness:眩晕
- a spell(一阵) of ~
- pull out of the ~:好了
- dignify:规格提高
- deliberately act against my wishes
- be in a clutter:一阵混乱,mess
- tidy it up
- Gazette:报纸
- The Phoenix ~
- Star gem the sky:点缀
- brew:酿酒
- brewery:酿酒厂
- allusion:暗指,典故
- be full of obsure literary ~:晦涩的文学典故
- give one’s gainsay
- open a ~ letter of credit:开立不能取消的信用证
- Be based on ~ tests
- =severe,strict
- ~= lax
- incision
ransom sb:赎回来,百里奚
The sidewalks are paved with brick and lined with trees.
- be ~ and sparing of speech:憔悴而且话也不多
- add to the ~ of the occasion:给盛典增添了欢乐的气氛
- postulate: assume(v)
- have a motive for the murder
- malice(n): 恶意
- bear malice
- drag the irate(angry) fellow to the door
- irrigate barren land
- (adj) munificent: generous
- ~ donation
- (v) impute sth to sth (归因于)
- (n,adj) itinerant: 巡回者,传教士,巡回的
- County: 县
- (n)heredity: 遗传
- They tied and rafted(筏) boats up to have party.
- Furious: angry,enraged
- be reconciled:得到赦免
leap in one bound onto her pony’s back for a speedy canter(慢跑) around the ring(环形场)
attribute sth to working hard
Wax(盈) and wane(亏)
Turbulent seas
We inched(慢走) through teeming(熙熙攘攘) streets
Irrepressible lust: 控制不住的欲望
- emit a throaty laugh:发出低沉的笑声
- A man of ~ conduct commands the respect of others
Inadvertent: 不小心的
malicious charges
sth was engraved on his memory
Furnish the room: 给房间配置家具
dictum: 格言
defy sb:违抗
invertebrate species: 无骨气的,无脊椎的
be resolved rather to die than to famish
- Be full of crisis and turmoil:骚乱,曲折
- shuffle the pack up: 把牌洗好了
- impulsive temperament:冲动的气质
- The kangaroos carry their babies in the pouch(小袋).
- cabin crews:乘务人员
- air rages:飞机闹事
- Wanton:~ away his life 挥霍
- sew on square patches:方补丁
- confide his troubles to sb:透露
- prodigy:天才,神童
- be well on the way to becoming the world champion of all time
- Proliferate(v): increase
- Engulf the motor sailboat:吞没机动帆船
- Didactic:教诲的 ~ way of explaining everythin
- Deify the sun:崇拜
- cleanse the wound:清洁
- Bouquet
- Ribbon(丝带) hung from the bouquet was tied in a bow(蝴蝶结).
- provoke to disunite the country
- Attrition:abrasion
- the long war of ~ exhausted the strength of both countries
- a fananic(狂热的,盲信的) jogger
- contrive a robbery:策划
- allegiance:效忠
- Swear his oath of allegiance to the queen
- ragged coat: 衣衫褴褛的
- poultry:家禽
- breed a wide range of poultry: 养了很多家禽
- mutation:变化,变异
- malign(v) 诽谤
- ~ sb
- irreparable: 不能挽回的
- sth did ~ damge to the house
- the pathetic sight of starving children
- pitiful,piteous
- hermatic seal: 密封条
- inaugurate:就职典礼,开始,initiate
- ~ the first flight: 开通第一条航班线路
- be furtive:鬼鬼祟祟的
- grudge(n,v):怨恨,勉强做
- hold a grudge
- ~ doing sth
- audacious: rash
- It was ~ of him(胆敢) to tell me a downright lie(弥天大谎)
- allegory:寓言,讽寓
- a ~ of sth
- warily(adv): 留心的
- do sth warily
- edge ~ along the narrow road
- instill(灌输) new ideas into her minds
- intercept(v,n): 截获,截获的内容
- temperance:节制
- temper:性情
- ~ involves much more control than moderation(适度) in drink:自制不仅仅是饮酒方面的自制
- sb interlude(插入) with a beautiful improvisation(即兴表演)
- converge: 交汇,聚集
- The path ~ under the trees
- a boycott of sth:抵制行动
- turnpike:转盘,收费公路
- motel:汽车旅馆
- shun(avert) personal fame and gains:不计个人名利
- mal le able:有延展性的
- ~ metals
- incense(n): 熏香
- sb burned a stick of incense in the incense burner(焚香炉)
- hermit: 隐士
- be cagey about her life:守口如瓶
- fanfare:大张旗鼓地宣传,号鼓齐鸣(n)
- be saluted by a fanfare of trumpets
- the royal visitor:皇室贵宾
- e nigma:谜(n)
- sb remains sth of an ~ to me: 对我来说仍然难以琢磨
- diverge:分歧(v)
- Our views ~ greatly
- differentiated:分化的
- ~ cells
- fury:(n)暴怒
- Her face distorted with ~ and pain
- deign(v):屈尊
- ~ to do sth
- pulp:(v,n)果肉,纸浆,打成果肉,打成纸浆,打成重伤
- press the fruit through a sieve and mix the ~ with sugar
- Shredded leaves are pulped down into ooze(软泥)
- indenture: 契约,货单
- sign an ~ to sell herself
- owe money to the landlord:欠地主钱
- shutter:百叶窗,快门
- The camera has a ~ speed of one-sixtieth of a second: 六十分之一秒
- prairie:大草原
- indigent:poor
- stark: totally
- sb seemed to have gone ~ raving(狂暴的) mad:完全疯了
- revolt
- sb ~ against sb
- the Hungarians:匈牙利人
- Austrian:奥地利
- patriarch:家长,族长
- act a ~ role in the play
- indiscreetly:轻率地
- dump an opportunity in her lap:将机会拱手让给她
- turquoise:青绿色
- wear a ~ brooch 胸针
- mutual:common+相互的
- have ~ enthusiasm for music
lit up a wax candle
tie the parcel with twine:麻绳
I hastily packed the hamper and lugged it to the car.
- 匆忙装好食品篮,拎到车上
- hammer:锤子
- the reservoirs will silt up:淤塞
- the source of the growth are ~
- the Lord Mayor:市长阁下
- back then:那时
- Fateful:重大的
- a ~ day
- enslave
- Her beauty ~ sb
- Deleterious:harmful
- Convival:happy
- a ~ meeting:联欢会
- Clot:凝结成块(v)
- Brawl:打架
- ~ with sb
- Divine:predict(v),神圣的(adj)
- diffuse a feeling of happiness
- Augment(v):增大
- ~ the income
- Allude:提及,暗指
- I didn’t ~ to anything
- Rift:峡谷,裂缝
- just then:这时
- the wind blew a rift in the grey clouds, and in silver moonlight they reached there.
- Paucity:小量,缺乏
- the relative ~ of hybridization(杂交) in the fungi(菌类) as compared with green plants
- Narrate:叙述(v)
- Mandate:command(v)
- Irreverent:不恭敬的,玩世不恭的
- employ a ~ humor to salt(使有趣) her observation(评论)
- Incinerate:烧成灰
- ~ hazardous waste
- Heyday:全盛期
- Fuzzy:模糊的,失真的
- These photographs have come out all fuzzy.
- Irresolute:犹豫不决的
- ~ persons make poor victors.很少成为胜利者
- Convoy:车队,舰队
- aura:气味,光轮
- The woods have an ~ of mystery 林子里有神秘的气息
- Allure(n,v):诱惑
- resist the ~ of sb
- typify(v):体现,说明
- ~ the concern about sth
- Clutch(n):紧握,离合器
- grasp sb with a convulsive(抽搐的) clutch 突然紧紧抓住sb
- tenable:practicable
- a breach of secrecy rules
- Weary(v):使疲乏,使厌烦
- singe(v): 烫焦
- The rug singed because it was too near the fire.
- irreconcilble:不可妥协的
- mandatory:强制的
- Irreversible:不可逆转的
- hideous:骇人听闻的,丑恶的
- gabble:急促而不清楚地说
- ~ his prayer:匆匆念过祷文
- fatuous:silly
- divulge(v):泄漏,declare
- Entail(n):限定继承
- Allude to sth:大概是说
- the ~ of this estate:产业继承权的问题
- dignified:有尊严的,高贵的
- deliberate:慎重思考
- Reverberate:回响
- The sound of the guns ~ through the town
Tyrannical boss:专制的
- a ~ foreboding:不详的预感
- ~ accent
The insult still rankled in his mind:耿耿于怀
nerve cord:神经索
- Fears about the solvency of the banks ~ the great economic crash.
- achieve objectives
- He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.
- variations:变奏曲
- ~ music
- be ~ in his thinking
- ~ in the fields:田里收集麦穗
- a remote chance
- Operation(n):手术
- be confined to bed:卧床
- The library housed 100 books:收藏
- make a sketch of the motor:电机
- verify the source: confirm
- have some bearing on sb:有关系,有影响
- relaxation(n):休息
- Shallowness can be a delightful alternative:肤浅可以是愉快的选择
- mania(n):狂热
- have a ~ for tidiness
- Amass 199 points(v):accumulate
- Prefer her countertops(厨房台面) to be clear of clutter(散乱的东西):弄得整整齐齐
- sb walked out throught sheer boredom:因为无聊透顶而退场
- be contented with things as they are: 满意现状吗
- indiscriminate slaughter: 肆意滥杀
- work constructively to do sth
- Our worst misfortunes(最不幸的不幸) are those which never befall(发生) us.
- coordinate the work of the team
- sb ride by with a flourish of one’s whip: 骑马挥鞭而过
- Intellectual:知识分子
- represent a fraction of the general populace(平民):代表的仅仅是全体国民的一小部分
- nuisance: 讨厌的人和事
- sb could be a bit of ~ when he was drunk
- Rural:偏远的,乡村的
- They turned back(掉头)because of traffic diversions(交通绕行)
- Punctuality:准时
- abstruse(a):难懂的,abstract
- adament:坚定的,坚持己见的
- Keep sb out of jail
- be absorbed in watching TV
- discover an alien spaceship
- Stumble on the staircase:被楼梯绊了一跤
- lack sth
- emigrate from A to B:移居国外
- The light were blinking on the horizon
- 灯光在地平线上闪烁着
- cease to be a member of the club
- Evolve a broad and comprehensive plan:想出一个广泛而全面的计划
- reservoir:水库
- The ~ dried up:水库干涸
- territory:领土
- be under rebel control
- Milestone:里程碑
- sth is a ~
- retrace the route and take frequent glances at the map
- 折返路线,频频查看地图
- embedded(a):嵌入的
- The rudder was ~ in mud
- 船舵陷进了污泥中
- regard the mortally wounded man with no pity in his heart
- 看着那个受了致命伤的男人,心中没有一丝怜悯
- composure(n):镇定
- lose one’s ~
- It was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks
- 唯一能做的是忍住高兴的泪水
- monstrous: big
- sb was burning with anger at this monstrous crime
- 对这残暴的罪行表示无比愤慨
- be prudent(careful)to do sth
- sth tired sb
- give the porter a tip:门房,搬运工
- The consular porter(领事馆的门房)strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging(提着摇来晃去的灯)
- hinder/hamper sb
- Veritable(a):确实的
- a ~ feast for the mind:名副其实的精神盛宴
- Excite(v): ~ sb
- Intruder(n): 入侵者
- sth must be discarded in the light of new findings
- be dismissed for negligence(因为玩忽职守被免职)
- lurk in sw(v):潜伏
- sb do sth, thereby doing sth
- Ransack(v): ~ the bank
- Chaos(n): mess
- The wintry(a)寒冷的 weather
- inconceivable(a):不能想象的
- be ~ to sb
- apparently
- Fussy(a):大惊小怪的
- Arizona: 亚利桑那
- endeavor to do my best for my country:努力
- particle:微粒
- analyse the causes of the strike
- Astronomy:天文学
- in the realm of foreign affairs:外交领域
- bacteria:细菌
- get infinitely worse:极大地变糟了
- be blotted with red ink
- critical:批评的,关键性的
- a ~ moment
- Cast-iron pump:铸铁泵
- run to the bundary:冲向边界线
- Submerge in the holes
- Hippos:河马
- They sited the new school in the town:选址
- build on this solid foundation:在这个坚实的基础上努力
- The great occurrence of coronary heart diseases is in those over 65.
- a big rise since the mid-1990s in the proportion of young people at university
- 自20世纪90年代中叶年轻人上大学的比例大幅增加
- Those dark clouds spell rain.招致
- The meadow is not yet mown:还没割
- predecessor:前任
- wreath(n):花圈
- Prime Ministers laid ~s at the war memorial
- 总理向战争纪念碑献了花圈
- appeal to sb not to increase their prices unduly:过度地
- grapple with the issues:抓住要领
- juncture(n):关头
- at a critical ~
- Sweeping:全面的
- be given ~ powers
- instinctively:本能地
- feel ~ negative toward sb
- Stoutly:结实地,坚定地
- Ascertain the truth = confirm the truth 弄清
- press for sb to do sth: 督促 sb
- safeguard the ozone layer: 保护臭氧层
- correspondence: 一致
- There isn’t much ~ between A and B
- sb have a geniune grievance: 真正受了委屈
- be well qualified to cope with sb: 对待sb很得心应手
- Be secretive about sth:
- the power to sack incompetent teachers:解雇不称职教师的权力
- hava a prejudiced view of sth:对sth抱有很大的偏见
- stoutly:坚定地,结实地
- be ~ made
- sb ~ defend sb
- resent his high-handed manner:怨恨他专横高压的态度
- erase the wrong word:擦去写错单词
- The government has pledged itself to wage a war against poverty
- 发誓要进行一场消灭贫穷的战争
- It grows twice as fast as the second colony(群体)
- They were gathered in a cluster around the vehicle.
- 聚集在车的周围
- dread (v,fear) doing sth
- Contaminate:污染
- in the Arctic Ocean:北冰洋
- sticky:粘的
- The area was swarming with officer
- search a nearby wood:搜寻附近的树林
- The flames devoured吞食 the entire building
- have an uncanny(不可思议的) knack of being in the right place in the right time
- ingenuity:独创性,心灵手巧
- Luscious:甘美的
- It occasionally produces luscious peaches
- 有时会结出甘甜的桃子来
- Triumphant:欢欣鼓舞的
- Duncan and his ~ soldiers
- Provocation:挑衅
- lose his temper at/on the slightest ~
- Scurry in out of the cold:冻得很快跑进来
- revulsion:剧变
- News of atrocity produced a wave of anger and revulsion.
- 对于暴行的报道激起了愤怒和憎恨浪潮
- sheltered:遮蔽的
- A ~ harbour:避风港湾
- entranced:狂喜的,着迷的
- remain ~ with the idea
- propose a toast to our friendship:提议为友谊干杯
- gaunt and weak:憔悴而虚弱
- His big frame is ~
- racist taunt:种族主义嘲弄
- be ambitious in doing sth
- Formidable:可怕的
- a ~ rival
- Resolution: 决心
- unsettling:心神不宁的
- an ~ experience
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players:祸根
- recur:复发
- be glued to sth:目不转睛地看什么
- informer:告密者
- betray the plan to sb:泄漏给sb
- doze off in the meeting:打盹
- creep into the room:悄悄走进房间
- assiduously:勤勉地
- study ~ from then on
- troop back to the house:结对回到house中
- pitfall:坑
- fend off questions from the world’s Press:回避各国媒体的提问
- The moon is waning:渐亏
- Diagnose one’s illness:诊断病情
- alternative:可供选择的
- relieve the distressed:救济受苦的人
- commonplace = common
- remarkable=prominent
- be capable of great things:能大有作为
- clerical:文书的
- technician:技术人员
- multimedia:多媒体的
- tipsy:喝醉的
- be overstaffed: 人浮于事
- Tramp:践踏
- ~ all the way home:一路走回家
- ferry guests: 运送客人
- Be dressed in rags
- In the most inaccessible reaches of the jungle
- Architectural beauty
- Procession:队列
- Her hair straggled in wisp(小把东西) about her face
- 头发一缕缕地披散在脸旁
- hostile
- in the vicinity of sw
- walk on through the forest:穿越森林
- the launch just moored at the pontoon:浮桥
- 汽艇停泊在浮桥上
- hospitable:热情好客的
- have a holiday at seaside
- how far back can you trace your family tree
- the dying embers of the former passion:往日激情将熄的余烬
- have a keen sense of touch
- assemble the bike
- cater to the worst side of human nature
- embark on the task
- Defendent:被告
- outlet
- take up exercises as an ~ for his anger
- Marry in haste, and repent at leisure
- 结婚过于急躁,闲来便要懊恼
- toil =busyness
- He glibly(流利地) professed his ignorance of the affair.
- 口口声声表白不知道这件事
- laugh gaily: happily
- Clog arteries:阻塞动脉
- Cholesterol:胆固醇
- insurmountable:不能克服的
- a novice writer:初设写作的人
- Resourceful:足智多谋的
- advisory:顾问的
- be purely ~:纯顾问的
- cut the meat into chunks
- Nag sb about doing sth:抱怨,数落
- a mere delusion
- Newlyweds:新婚夫妇
- propose a toast to the ~:向新婚夫妇敬酒
- Be mobile: 可行走的
- a maximum(最大的) speed of 30 knots
- profound:深刻的,意义深远的
- sth is sheer delight
- 绝对是享受
- burglar:入室盗贼
- know better than to show his irritation:不至于把努力表露出来
- overwhelm sb:使不知所措
- staggering:令人惊讶的
- insidious:潜在的
- Incessantly: costantly
- Environmentalist:环保主义者
sb exhaust themselves
The door clicked shut behind sb. 咔哒一声关上了
divert the river:河流改道
distract my attention
Spacious: a ~ kitchen
set out to do sth = start to do sth
Soar into space: 升入太空
- The food may get a bit ~, but there’ll be enough of it管够
- live in ~ conditions on the floor of the room:住在狭窄场地
- ~ barbarous people:使野蛮人开化
- fall into a doze
- With the calm airy height of the room to lull me
- sb had been speeding in the motorway:超速行驶
- ~ his one-handed attempt to light sth
Do sth effortlessly
- be ~ to sth:久经磨炼的
be verbally abused by sb:言语辱骂
a gust of wind
Labour is bought and sold like any other commodity
Hair is exclusive in mammals.毛发是哺乳动物独有的
A real estate recruiter(房地产行业招聘人员) illustrates sth
- make the positive difference
- Her ~ complaints proved too much to bear.没完没了的抱怨让人无法忍受
a military coup:军事政变
- pass sth against all the odds
a democratic society
- Hardly anyone can escape the influence of ~
- live in ~:默默无闻地生活
a Customs Inspector:检查员职务
The condemned(被判罪) prisoner cowered(抖缩) and began to whimper(抽泣) for clemency(仁慈).
let’s face,who is not?——谁不是呢
deduce where the fugitive(逃亡者) was hiding
A correlates with B
The only way out for agriculture is being mechanized(农业的唯一出路是机械化)
increase steadily
sth heralds the advent of autumn
Their assumptions of an air of confidence(装出信心十足的样子) fooled nobody.
Crops are very scanty.(不足的)
engrave sth on the bracelet(雕刻)
- memory can be engraved
give me a clue as to the source of the problem
shed the leaves:落叶
- read the book solely for pleasure
- A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewildering array of interests.(看出他兴趣繁杂)
Hammer a nail into the wood:钉到木头上
The country was ripped apart:四分五裂
scoop the dog food out of the can
On hills, he must use low gears[齿轮,变速箱].(低速挡)
There were cracks about the Prime Minister[挖苦]
fire from the clump of trees:从草丛中
fill the car up with petrol:加满油
- be heavy on ~:费油
A tourist could glance down a street(沿着一条街扫过去)
The old bus bumped along the mountain road.沿着山路颠簸行驶
- Be ~ed by the prospect of failure
- be ~ quiet:不详的预感
The car will roll over:翻车
sb sit astride a large horse:骑在一匹白马上
His pleading melt her
- Taken off guard(一不留神), sb swerved the car almost into the path of an enormous truck.(大卡车车道)
- make a hit overnight:一夜成名
- assume sth automatically
- Fretful:焦躁的
- plot an invasion of neighbouring territories
- Obscure:鲜为人知的
- Presume:assume
- continent:陆地
- Scorn:嘲笑 ~ sth
- Acquaint:熟悉
- ~ yourself with a new job
- Resemblance:相似之处
- The elements conspired(加在一起致使) to spoil our picnic.
- credulous:轻信别人的,易上当的
- downfall:失败原因
- Wickedly:邪恶地
- smile ~
- condition oneself to sth:使适应
- conduct me to the seat
- The train is punctual to the minute 非常准时
- lodge the protest:提交抗议
- consult an attorney
- odd clothes
- have faith in your talents
- an express letter:快件
- The fact just dawned on me:逐渐理解,破晓
- triumph:胜利
- sth is a ~
- hold up sth:延误
- dislocate:使混乱
- ~ railway services:暂时打乱铁路运行
- Exceptionally:特殊地
- The train chuged down the track. 框当哐当地行进
- dawdle(v):磨蹭
- ~ over cashing him a cheque
- Unsharkable:不可动摇的
- Brewery:啤酒厂
- A amalgamated with another firm
- have a sudden whim to take a walk
- Unanimity(n):全体一致
- Nothing marred the ~ of the proceedings:未受阻碍地获得一致通过
- tepid: plant on the ~ rough brick of the floor
- 稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上
- Stink: a stink of cats 臭味
- He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.
- a famous diplomatic envoy
- Ritual: 例行公事,老规矩
- Rashly:鲁莽地
- Ethics:道德规范
- distinguish between personal and social ethics
- Predecessor:q前任
- Garb:clothes
- Profane the sancity of holy places by wearing improper garb
- Entrenched;
- fed the divisions that are deeply entrenched 助长已经根深蒂固的分歧
- Dogmatic:武断的
- be ~ about anything
- Broach the subject of her early life:提及她早年的生活
- enervate:使虚弱无力
- Idleness enervates the will to succeed
- entail
- You allude perhaps to the ~ of this estate
- 你大概在说产业的继承权问题
- face a dilemma
- suffer from delusion
- fervent
- fervent prayer
- Coherent:连贯的
- incoherent
- Be littered with paper:杂乱地布满了纸
- have an immunity to all of the junk that lies at the edge of our culture
- antique(古老的,古董) shops(古玩店)
- ~ exert a peculiar fascination on many people
- It’s a mere formality.(只不过是个形式)
- cherish possessions more than friends
- a dedicated team:专注的团队
- stern(严峻的) and forbidding(令人生畏的) face
- be bent on suicide:执意要自杀
- assorted
- Muster:聚起
- ~ all his courage to take part in the game
- Pretentious:自负的
- Be full of ~ nonsense
- Labyrinth:迷宫
- musty:发霉的
- sip the wine(抿一小口)
- oblivious(unaware) of the ~ offflavour:不知道酒有点变味了
- stare at sb in fascination
- be amply rewarded with huge salaries
- Prise the mouth open
- Rarity:罕物,罕见的人
- premise:地基,房屋
- There is a kitchen on the premises
- Chip away at the wall(榔头铲墙)
- accord with sth : socialist ideology
- a sense of justice
- There’s more to this tape than potential proof of his innocence.
- 录音不仅能证明其清白,还有更大作用
- Interference:干涉
- live one’s own life without ~ from others
- The threadbare(破旧的) carpet muffled(遮住了,裹住了) any noise.
- ~ the emotion
- mete out cruel punishment to the thief
- give color see see
- Be a quite find:颇有价值的发现
- piece one’s relationships
- come upon an irresistible item(偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西) at a yard sale(庭院拍卖会)
- Ministry:内阁,部,牧师
- wreck(n): 残骸,失事
- Salvage anythin from the ~ of their marriage
- cargo:货物
- Call at the main port(主要港口停靠) to load its regular cargo of bananas
- salvage of sth
- scour the area:搜寻
- convoy(v):护送
- This merchant ship was ~ by a destroyer驱逐舰
- naval officer
- Sunken:沉没的
- try diving for sunken treasure
- Cruiser:巡洋舰,巡逻车
- the fast ~ soon overhauled(迅即赶上) the old cargo boat
- disclose(reveal) the contents to sb
- A wave of panic swept over her 恐慌袭上她的心头
- brake sharply
- a series of fiscal crises to hit arount the world:世界发现一连串的财政危机
- slide the key into the keyhole
- Suburb:郊区
- Factories are grouped in the southern suburb(郊区) of the city.
- Catastrophe:灾难
- stray:迷路
- ~ into dangerous areas
- Devour my repentance(悔恨) and disgust in secret.(吞咽我的后悔和憎恨)
- prelude(n):序幕
- the ~ to senility(衰老) and death
- pull up: 停车
- The car ~ beside me
- Munch:大声咀嚼
- This is usually the case in any action involving 200 men.
- 有200人参见战斗通常总是这种情况
- Conscientious:小心谨慎的
- Avoid up the pole and omission:避免错误和疏漏
- Overnight:整夜
- leave sth out ~
- The decision haunts her.
- Oblige sb to do sth
- Recluse:隐士
- become a ~ for the remainder of the her life
- moonglight
- saw sth by ~:月光下观看
- Altantis
- Labourer:体力劳动者
- a farm ~:农场雇工
- bedraggled:被泥水弄脏的,湿漉漉的
- be soaked with sweat, ~ hair stuck to his scalp(湿漉漉的头发贴在头皮上)
- elaborate:详细阐述的,精致的
- make ~ costumes for the play
- insist on sth
- be a slave to social conventions:盲从
- stage a one-day strike举行一天的罢工
- sth means a break from routine
- a million tonnes of untreated sewage
- Dull:反义词 interesting
- eccentric:怪异的
- wear a beret:戴贝雷帽
- eccentricity
- be unusual to the point of ~
- disregard(v): ~ my warnings
- Reprimand sb for sulking(生闷气)
- spice up one’s stories with sex
- Apologetic:道歉的
- be intensely(very) irritating
- legendary
- the resting place of the ~ person:长眠之处
- Snob:势利小人
- Shrewd:精明的
- a ~ businessman
- Invariably:不变地
- bargain with sb
- Anchor off sw:在港外下锚停泊
- readily:乐意地
- troublesomely
- favor(n)善举,恩惠
- Gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return
- 真诚友谊的表示,并不期待任何回报
- Gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return
- Tempt: entice
- ~ sb into doing sth
- the impression of a hoof:一个蹄印
- rid the country of political corruption
- Examine sth
- be inscribed with the date of construction
- Outrageous:粗暴的
- ~ price: 要价离谱
- assail: upset,困扰
- Gesticulate: 做手势
- ~ wildly:拼命地
- Disembark:登陆,上岸,下飞机
- tempting
- resist ~ goodies:抵制美食的诱惑
- wares:货物
- navigating compass:航海罗盘
- no wonder he ended his life so easily
- console sb for miseries
- All my problems stem from drink.
- Compensate for the loss of the time
- sb is a comic genius and Sellers lookalike(长相酷似)
- touch on the topics of universal interest:谈及人们普遍感兴趣的话题
- humor of the remark
- dread doing sth:fear doing sth
- Distasteful:令人不快的
- be ~ to sb
- Pester sb:bother
- Mumble a few words of apology
- comedian
- straight man:捧哏的
- hobble:跛行
- see sb ~ away
- Meteoric:昙花一现的
Sway back and forth with arm linked
- 手挽手,前后摇晃着
clone life form:克隆生命
- science fiction:科幻小说
The hat concealed her hair.
dramatic news:激动人心的信息
The black of night gives way to vivid images:鲜活生动的image取代漆黑的夜晚
a high leap(n)
- Leap the wall
Stack the material up here:材料堆在这儿
- Disreputable:声名狼藉的
dangle the key:晃key
A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.等着装载
- come across as an ~ figure:看起来是~类型的人
petrify economic initiatives:使经济丧失活力
sb take the lead in the world
Match dream with reality:使梦想更接近现实
wear pyjamas:穿睡衣
The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.
steer a ship
An era of austerity:艰苦的年代
stick a remainder on the board:贴了提示
proceed to the next item
- Silhouette:(n)轮廓,剪影
get along very well with her colleague(相处)
Imprison sb for his part in the independence movement
- ~ at sth
Department stores:百货商店
- be found in ~ of drugs
- walk down these ~
give you a stomach ache
- He is not at all the kind of man I fancy.
Be caught in the shower
go for a stroll:wander,溜达
fry potatoes in hot fat:滚油
luxury goods
- Transcript:抄本
- standard practice
- a local ~
- smoked herring:烟熏鲱鱼
despise sb
make all the obnoxious,repulsive remarks:讨厌和反感的言论
have two Houses of Parliament with the same powers:赋予同样大的权力
- It turned out far better than I had expected
- 祭司:priest
- be smart and well groomed: 干净整洁,打扮得体
- an optimist by nature
- refer to the argument(提及)
- His collar hung open(领口松开)
- overalls:工作服
- dustman:清洁工
- two extremes:极端
- Fail the CET Band-4
- Bash the door in:砸门而入
- reliable statistics
- Journalist:冰冰
- be impatient with the delay
- a paperback edition:平装本
- open-air performance:露天
- The maid(女仆) gave the floor a flush.
- scramble across those walls
- yearning(n) to do sth
- a long iron bar
- make a raid on the house
- negotiate a new contract with its staff
- Be on trial for theft
- Diplomatic tact: 外交手腕
- be on display in the exhibition
- Serve a sentence:服刑
- be dressed in velvet:丝绒
- jewellery
- Ashtray:烟灰缸
- drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray
- blare the horn:按喇叭
- burglary:入室盗窃
- a is concerned with b: 有关
- millions of dollars in claims
- Change a ten-pound note:纸币找不开
- with dismay:沮丧
- feel close to despair
- chew(v) sth extremely well
- be mutilated: 残缺不全的
- Oven:arvin 烤箱
- Switzerland is a federal republic.
- Emphasis(n)
- The skier leapt through the air.越过高空
- a Buddhist monk:和尚
- Monastery:僧院
- party:几波/几批(人)
- act so rashly:鲁莽地
- survive the earthquake
- be suspicious:有疑虑——doubtful,dubious
- Mysterious animal
- the story goes that+从句:据说
- fascinate(v) sb
- legends and myths:神话传说
- Apparently:obviously,看来
- deterioration:退化
- submissive:服从的
- want sb to be submissive
- give sb an affectionate hug
- a high-rise flat:高层公寓
- Vernacular: 方言,本地的
- pick up the suitcase:拎起了手提箱
- flood(v) the city
- Plunge (投入)off a bridge
- tremble with fright: 被吓得发抖
- Crew: 全体人员
- voyage: 旅程
- faint: 微弱的
- take an air liner(班机) to sw
- tragic: catastrophic
- fish(v) the shark in the waters(水域)
- narrowly averted an accident(险些遭殃)
- a colossal amount of money at stake(一大笔款可能遭受损失)
- perfume:
- tolerannt:宽容的,容忍的
- baggage:行李
- trunk:后备箱
- declare war on sb
- be exempt from all taxes
- Dreadful: awful
- Customs:海关
- pounce on the mouse
- Officious: + 爱管闲事的
- pompous: 自负的
- unscrew: 拧开
- hardened: 有经验的
- Sarcastically: 讽刺地
- admonish(训斥) sb ~
accuse sb of fibbing:说谎
Acquire a reputation as the premier solo violinist(首席小提琴独奏家)
be on trial
prize collections:珍贵的收藏品
deny charges of murder
feel incredibly ashamed(abashed) of myself for getting so angry
Dye sth
- hump(n): 驼峰
- Old man often has a ~
- glazed(a): 像玻璃的
- some bowls of glazed earthenware
- 展示了一些上釉的陶碗
- drudgery(n): 苦工,单调而乏味的工作
- sth has taken the ~ out of cleaning clothes,
- 承担了洗衣服的乏味工作
- discomfit(v): 狼狈
- be ~ed/embrassed by sth
- depose(v): 免职
- The head of state was ~ by sb
- flatter(v): 奉承
- ~ sb
- complicity(n): 共谋
- be suspected of ~ in her murder
- 涉嫌合谋谋杀她
- archetype(n): 典型
- sb is the ~ of the movie star:典型的电影明星
- criterion(n): 标准
- the sole ~ for our policy
- profitability
- canny(a): 精明的,节约的
- be far too ~ to risk giving himself away
- 非常精明,不会冒险暴露自己
- snap(v): 折断,快照,突然崩溃,迅速行动
- The wind snapped the mast in half
- 大风把桅杆吹断为两截
- pernicious(a): 有害的
- recreation(n): 娱乐
- on the sternward(船尾部的) ~ deck(甲板)
- primitive(a)
- ~ man: 原始人
- melancholy(a,n):忧伤,忧伤的
- a ~ expression
- be aware of his ~
- arboreal(a): 树的,栖息在树木的
- ~ creatures:树上的生物
- obscure(a): 晦涩的,unfamous
- The hymn(赞美诗) was written by an ~ composer
- archaic(a): 古代的
- ~ matting(席子) makes choiceness(精良的), light and thin
- 古代的席子制作精巧,轻而薄
- substantive(n): 名词,实词
- lace(v): 系带束紧
- Her fingers were too cold to lace the tent flap
- 系紧帐篷的帘子
- industrious(a): 勤勉的
- be ~ about his studies
- 学习很刻苦
- oblivion(n): 遗忘
- Alcoholics often suffer from periods of ~:间歇性失忆
- meek(a): 温顺的
- be as ~ as a lamb
- humiliate(v): 羞辱
- feel ~d
- glacial(a): 冰川的
- permissible(a): 容许的
- Religious practices are ~:允许宗教活动
- ardent(a): 热情的
- uncritical patriot:无懈可击的爱国者
- Failure induces a sense of inferiority.
- 产生自卑感
- ethereal(a): 缥缈的
- soothing and ~ voice
- convey the sublime of the song:崇高
- drowsy(a): 昏昏欲睡的
- banter(n): 取笑
- The students exchanged ~ with each other
- annotate(v):注解
- substantiate(v): confirm
- ~ your claim
- yield(v): 产生,让步
- be under pressure to yield power to the republics(共和党人)
- snag(n): 阻碍
- The only ~ is that
- unveil(v): 揭露
- The memorial to those who had died ~ed in 1948
- salute(v):
- ~ sb for the leadership role that he is taking
- archipelago(n): 群岛
- spend one’s senility on an ~
- 年老在群岛上居住
- tidbit(n): 一口,趣闻
- a juicy tidbit:令人津津乐道的趣闻
- reconciliation(n): 和解
- want a ~
- primate(n): 灵长目动物
- a ~
- primal(a):最初的
- sth breathes an atmosphere of almost primal innocence
- sth散发着一种近乎原始时代天真无邪的纯洁气息
- substantial(a): 大量的
- sb will come into a ~ amount of money
- 得到一大笔钱
- obliterate(erase) her error
- smuggle drugs
- meditative(a): 深思的
- look at sb with ~ eyes
- reconcile(v): 和解,使协调
- ~ the two extreme views
- laborious(a): 费力的
- atheist(n): 无神论者
- be admittedly(公认地) an ~
- permeate(v): 渗透,弥漫
- Water will easily ~ a cotton dress
- indomitable(a): 不屈不挠的
- an ~ soldier:不屈不挠的战士
- cannibalism(n): 同类相食
- practice ~
- banish(v): 流放
- be dishonourably ~ from the land
- annihilate(v): 消灭
- We must herd the enemy troops together and ~ them
- aria(n): 抒情调,唱腔
- This ~ is soft and melodious(有旋律的)
- disclose(v): 揭露
- complacence(n): 满足
- have a great ~ for sb: 对sb百依百顺
- aspersion(n): 诽谤
- credit(v) the ~:相信
- hear my name blackened and maligned(抹黑和充满恶意的)
- deport(v): 放逐
- be ~ed from sw
- untenable(a): 站不住脚的
- one ~ reason
- asymmetrical(a): 不匀称的
- Most faces are ~
- cripple(v): 瘸,削弱
- be ~d by polio as a child
- thwart(v): 阻挠
- ~ his plans
- percussion:打击乐器
- The drum(鼓) is a percussion instrument.打击乐器
- jumble:mess
- a jumble of books on the table
- homicide(n):谋杀
- nourish:养育,怀有
- ~ a hope in our mind
- figment:虚构的事
- sth are just a ~ of my imagination
- equate:等同于
- ~ A to B
- critique(v):批判
- ~ your work
- be alone in the marsh
- Her eyes assumed a indifferent look.流露出
- aloof:冷淡的
- dotage:老糊涂
- wistful:渴望的
- He looked out upon her with his mind’s eye in the most ~ manner.带着无限哀怨的心情思念她
- cosmopolitan:四海为家者,世界主义者
- counterfeit(v):仿制
- prerequisite:首要必备的
- sth is ~ for sth
- a cozy evening
- a tea ~:茶具保温罩
- ample space
- raze the hotel:夷为平地
- undermine: 逐渐破坏
- sth threatens to ~ efforts to negotiate an agreement(达成协议)
- ruminate:反复咀嚼
- sth probides pabulum(精神食粮) for the scientific comunity(科学界) to ~ on for decades to come
- cringe(v):难堪
- ~ with embrassment whenever my name was read out
- disabuse people of false beliefs:打消人们的错误观念
- cower:退缩(v)
- colossal:巨大的
- a ~ success
- avow:公开承认
- ~ openly that
- delve:洞穴
- demography:人口统计学
- get a bump on her head
- bump into a tree
- uncanny:怪异的
- have an uncanny feeling of being watched
- testify:证实,表明
- They ~ to the potency of his personality
- 证明了他的人格魅力
- maritime:海上的
- a great ~ power:海上的强国
- jubilant:喜洋洋的
- a sea of ~ peopel:欢腾的人海
- homage:敬意
- swear to pay their ~ to the Queen
- perceive:看待,察觉
- notion:idea
- have a sudden notion to do sth
- fickle:不坚定的,易变的
- gauge one’s character:测量
- epidemic:流行病,流行阶段
- dormant:静止的,休眠的,冬眠的
- enumerate:枚举
- ~ many examples to us
- produce antibodies to counteract disease:产生抗体来抵抗疾病
- garment:clothes
- blind date:相亲
- demagogue:煽动者
- dilute:稀释的
- need a ~ solution of bleach:需要经稀释的漂白剂
- brusque:rudeness
- have a ~ manner:态度粗鲁
- fester:化脓
- The wound is festering
- dolorous:悲哀的
- sb lift a pair of ~ eyes
- 抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛
- coil:盘绕
- ~ the fibre into a helix:将纤维卷成螺旋形
- avenge:复仇
- ~ oneself for his sufferings
- 为自己的痛苦复仇
- pendant:垂饰,吊坠
- hang a ~ or a tie
- disorient:使迷失方向,使迷惘
- nonconformist:不墨守成规的
- An eccentric or ~ person is likely to be a member of counterculture反主流文化
- manure:施肥,肥料(v,n)
- ~ land
- spread ~ on the land
- a liquid ~
- preeminent:优秀的
- Negro:黑人
- rod:杆,手杖,避雷针,手柄
- sth snap the fishing ~ in two
- rattle:嘎嘎声(n)
- There was no loud ~ in his throat, no dreadful struggle.
- 没有格格的响声,也没有令人惊骇的挣扎
- jeopardy:danger
- put sth in ~
- slag:熔渣,使成为熔渣
- smelter:熔炉
- Some come off in the form of gases:化成气体跑掉了
- sb incur huge debts:sb负债累累
- hoarse:嘶哑的
- shout ourselves ~ at the match:嗓子都喊哑了
- mantle:覆盖物,斗篷
- The light loose mantle was thrown over his tunic(外衣)
- incriminate:控告
- be accused of perjury(作伪证) with the intention of incriminating(加罪于) his employer.
- drench:滂沱大雨
- a ~ of rain
- entrepreneur:创业家
- jeopardize:harm
- fervor:
- arouse nationalist ~:唤起了民族主义的热情
- hitherto:迄今
- garish:花哨的
- doleful:悲哀的
- play a soft and ~ air:演奏柔美哀怨的曲调
- wild and hoary ruin:苍凉古老的废墟
- eccentric:古怪的人
- sb is a bit of an ~
- nominal:名词
- ambience:气氛
- a pleasant ~
- whisk:搅拌
- unassuming:不造作的
- sb is emphatically a retiring and ~ man
- apparently一个与世无争和不造作的人
- slacken:放松
- ~ our macro regulation:宏观调控
- roam:漫游
- ~ much of Europe:在欧洲大部分地区遨游了
- ration:定量
- cut the bread ~
- domicile(v):定居
- sb is ~d in London
- predisposition:倾向
- have a ~ to the disease:有患病的倾向
- termite:白蚁
- penchant:hobby
- ~ for confrontation:与人争执的嗜好
- autocratic ways:独断专行的作风
- malevolent: ~ people
- invoke(祈求) help
- crimes are committed with impunity: 犯罪而不受惩罚
- herald: the ~ of the spring
- be covered with fungi(菌类)
- falter(踌躇) for a while
- dictatorship:专政
- the ~ of the proletariat(无产阶级专政) is one of the aims of the Communism(共产主义)
- legume(豆类)
- distort the remarks
- deft fingers untangle(v) the wires
- larynx: 喉头
- laud(n,praise)
- tedious process
- sth is radically(彻底地) amiss(缺失)
- stanza(诗节,一盘,一局)
- revenue——反义词 expenditure
- a dog is leashed to a women
- tundra:冻土地带
- postpone sth(delay)
- mundune:世俗的
- poverty engenders crime
- Her distraught(心烦意乱的) mother waited by the phone
- diction: 用词,n
- jettison:投弃货物,n
- contravene(v):违反 ~ the regulations
- listen to the judicious(明智的,审慎的) opinion of that man
- juxtapostion:并排,n
- the ~ of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park’s stories
- famine: 饥荒
- the kinectic theory of gases:气体动力学理论
- defunct(n): 死者——most of the time of the defunct
- divergence(n): 分歧
- There is no sure cure for this transatlantic ~ :没有什么灵丹妙药来消除大西洋两岸的分歧
- diffidence:害羞
- do sth with ~ and hesitation
- clergy:牧师
- ~ and laity(俗人)
- incessant:constant
- brace:支撑
- sb ~ herself against the dresser(抵住化妆台) and looked into the mirro(照镜子)
- audition:听力
- incipient:initial
- She felt for him an ~ tenderness,but scarely any passion. 对他的好感只是最初的柔情,根本谈不上什么爱情
- farce:闹剧
- deity:神性
- the manifestation of a ~ :神的化身
- alleviate pain
- rhetoric:修辞学
- the empty ~:花言巧语
- myraid:无数的
- rally:振作,集结
- ~ and hold their ground: 集结与坚守阵地
- implements(n):工具
- ~ nedded for gardening(园艺)
- be on patrol:巡逻
- heterogeneous:不同的
- be made up of loosely cemented ~ material:松散粘合的不均匀材料组成
- preach(n):说道
- incentive:刺激的,鼓励的
- No doubt you know +从句
- fuse:保险丝,导火索,引信
- light the ~
- enmity(hatred,n):
- feel great~ to sb
- clog:阻碍
- ~ up your mind
- horn:装角于,强行介入
- horn in on our game:强行加入
- braid her hair:编头发
- manage a hurl of 50 meters
- husbandry:畜牧业
- basin:盆地
- favor(有利于) the development of farming(农业) and animal ~(畜牧业)
- silica:硅石
- silicate:硅酸盐
- hybrid:混合的 ~ car
- startle:使震惊
- be awaken with ~:被惊醒
- tempo:节奏
- Both teams played with lots of quality, pace and tempo:两支球队的水平都很高,节奏和速度都很快
- break off the twig with a snap: 啪地一声把树枝折断了
- hew:砍伐
- ~ a path through the jungle:开辟出一条路来
- futile:无效的
- As a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile.
- fastidious:挑剔的
- be ~ about sth
- enrapture:使兴高采烈
- be ~d by sth:心花怒放
- hoe:锄头
- divest:脱下,卸下
- ~ himself of all responsibilities for the decision:摆脱作出这一决定的所有责任
- deject sb/upset sb
- diffident:羞怯的
- be ~ about your talents
- holocaust(大灾祸):a nuclear ~ seemed to be a very real possibility in the 1950s
- mammoth:猛犸象
- ubiquitous:普遍存在的
- vegatation:植被类型
- deem相信 his forseeings预见 of that +从句
- weed:杂草
- rinse the congealed fat off the plates:冲洗油污
- stiff cover:硬的封皮
- skeletons:架构
- pebble:鹅卵石
- rap on the table for the order
- preclude:prevent
- rebuff enquiries:断然拒绝
- nibble:慢慢啃
- entice(怂恿) sb away from home
- curb juvenile delinquency:控制少年犯罪
- corroborate:support,confirm
- ~ his guilt:证实了犯罪
- coax sb out of his bad temper:循循善诱改掉坏脾气
- feeble: Centrism need not be ~ 中间路线不一定是软弱的
- doctrine:教条
- have no bearing on sth
- digress:离题(v)
- ~ a litttle:岔开话题一下
- brink:brim,edge,verge
- go up to the brink and look over at the sea below:爬上山崖边缘,俯视着下面的大海
- aloof:远离的,冷淡的
- sb is ~
- have sth in stock:库存
- prompt first aid treatment:迅速的急救处理
- prompt sb to do sth
- sth is to sb as sth is to sb
- follow at a discreet distance:谨慎的
- adorn sth:装饰sth
- be intoxicate by his success:沉醉在成功中
- The wind dispelled the fog:驱散
- outlandish:稀奇古怪的
- We entertain(抱有) a firm belif in the final victory
- fanciful:异想天开的
- observant:用心观察的
- bewilderment:困惑(n)
- Twice in one day, I find myself in a ~
- clutch sth:抓紧,grasp
- The ban(禁令) is intended to be permanent
- be covered with freckles(雀斑)
- be in soluble in water:溶于水
- hearten:激励
- occasion sth:cause sth
- rambling:布局凌乱的
- scrub the floor:擦洗地板
- immaculate:一尘不染的
- preside:主持
- ~ at the next meeting
- unrelenting:不屈不挠的
- Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists
- 霓虹灯在渐浓的雾中隐隐闪烁
- disillusion: 使破灭
- sentimentally:充满感情的
- His anger gave place to mirth(欢笑)
- decry:非难
- fickleness:浮躁,变化无常
- a parable(寓言) for the ~ of art and life
- lavishly:浪费地
- industriousness:勤奋
- enlightened:开明的
- be distinguished for sth
- crack近义词:flaw
- edge one’s way along sth:小心翼翼地沿着sth走着
- the insistent ringing of phone
- his lack of foresight
- live in solitude:独居
- glisten:闪光
- be lured into a trap
- pot-holing: 洞穴探险运动
- pot-holer
- sth becomes a sort of ~’s Everest:成了洞穴探险者的珠穆朗玛峰
- The river came pouring down in a waterfall off the hill
- cavern:大洞穴
- a massive undertaking:一项浩大的工程
- rambler:漫步者
- be set upon by the cows:被袭击
- secure a loan to purchase a house
- divide sth into two halves
- dive in the pool
- insure sb:承保
- shiver in the cold
- admittedly:诚然
- The pieces fit together:各部分互相吻合
- The torrent scoured out a channel down the hillside.(冲出一条河道)
- premium:保险费
- The ~ for sth
- fete:盛大节日,party
- capsize:倾覆
- agonizing:折磨人的
- face an ~ wait for the news
- rebound:回弹
- be poised to ~:即将回弹
- precariously:不确定地
- The station is ~ perched fall into the sea.(气象站危险地坐落在海岸上)
- sb overbalance and fell head first
- claim the protection of the law
- corner sb: 堵住
- possession: 财产
- hava lots of complaints about the hotel
- an accumulation of work to be done
- puma美洲狮-leopard猎豹
- feel obliged(grateful) to sb for his help
- start: 吓一跳,震惊
- make a loud cry to start the hare(野兔)
- give a slight start: 微微震动
- wind-proof:防风的
- sth equal the team’s best in history: 平历史最佳
- vicar:牧师
- print: 印记
- in the hunt(n) for the toddlers(幼童)
- cling to the body:紧贴身体
- His chin rested on his hands
- be sacred in popular belief
- worship Chairman Mao
- prosperous = flourishing = thriving
- make one’s identity public
- a technological unrivalled acheivement in the world
- archeaologist:考古学家
- make a gracful(elegant,exquisite) exit
- The ten-storey building is out of straight.
- the remains of a temple
- sun goddess
- a full-length skirt: 拖地长裙
- row me across:划船送过去
- ripe:成熟的
- the branches are weighed down with ~ apples
- prisoner:犯人
- wretched:可怜的
- rub shoulders with the rich:与富翁来往
- paradise:天堂
- hostel:招待所
- genuinely:真诚地
- The proposal struck me as unrealistic 让我觉得不现实
- straight:直接地,径直地
- the compass led me ~ and true 直接领我找到了它
- keep pace with her:追上她
- slam the door and lock it behind sb(随手锁上)
- costume:戏服,服装
- daring picturesqueness:粗犷美
- electricity
- dynamo:发电机
- mechanical energy
- meter(n):计量表
- outfit:全套服装
- a notable achievement
- noble quality
- remarkable = excellent = promient
- be a great creative home:伟大的作家
- be set upon by a band of robbers: 被一伙人袭击
- a state funeral:国葬
- join hands in a valiant struggle against the racist:联合起来和种族主义分子进行英勇斗争
- dedicate(献身,献出) the book to his sister
- extinguish the gangster:消灭匪徒
- offer little protection against rats(鼠)
- promptly: in time
- use a screwdriver(螺丝刀) to free the lock(撬开锁)
- bounce the ball
- pan:平底锅
- pedestrian:行人
- cyclist,motorcyclist
- rattle:使发出咔哒的声音
- hold the box up to his ear and rattle it
- The car spun on the pavement:人行道
- thrify:节约的
- fill up a money-box
- put out fires
- fire brigade:消防队
- contain the blaze:控制火势
- screwdriver:螺丝刀
- free the lock:撬锁
- sth captures headlines in the world.成为世界的头条新闻
- anticipate:predict
- Out of a random sample of drivers, 21% had been in a accident
- We pride ourselves that our quality copier is only half of the story.(质量好仅仅是一个方面)
- classify sth
- ingredient:成分,食材
- devise a plan for getting the jewels out of the country.偷运出国
- subtle:微妙,敏感的
- ~ difference:微妙的差别
- manufacturer
- win sth with ease
- stand on the dignity:计较体面
- contempt:藐视,disdain
- There is nothing people bear more impatiently, or forgive less, than ~
- 受人藐视,最令人难以容忍,最难饶恕
- vanquish sth:战胜
- Buddhism:佛教
- afflicted person:患者
- be afflicted with the disease
- be envious of sb / a enviable job
- grudge(v,n 不情愿做,怨恨) a penny even to the poorest beggar
- philosopher:哲学家
- advance info(提前的信息) of the storm’s approach
- tear his shirt on a nail
- grant sb permission to do sth
- for a brief while:有那么一小段时间
- sb indulge in a very mild form of stalking:稍稍有点沉迷于跟踪别人
- specialize in sth
- a cruel deception
- hoax:恶作剧
- ironically:讽刺地
- self-respecting:自重的
- Their status was not that of a ~ free people:以他们的地位,谈不上自重和自由
- remonstrate:抱怨
- ~ with sb about sth:抱怨sb sth
- maintain that:声称
- sth is a passport to sth:sth是sth的保证
- Driving along the winding country lane(蜿蜒的乡间小道) is a treat(fun) all of its own(本身就乐趣无穷)
- airfield:机场
- privilege:特权
- sb are allowed certain ~s
- superior:更好的
- A is ~ to B:A比B好
- illusion:幻觉
- We have an ~ of freedom
- exotic:异国风味的
- She flits from one ~ location to another.(辗转)
- acquaintance:相识的人
- have a wide circle of ~:相识相当多
- stagger:蹒跚地走
- ~ upstairs
- breed:养育
- extol:赞扬
- coal-fired ranges:燃煤灶
- glint:四代,闪光
- rapture:狂喜
- bottle up your ~:按捺住自己的欢喜
- tuck: ~ one’s shirt into his trousers
- obstinately:固执地
- ~ refuse to carry out the order:执行命令
- I would like living there if it wasn’t for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery
- twitter:叽叽喳喳地讲话
- ~ in the eucalyptus trees:桉树上
- have a dubious record:令人怀疑的记录
- comforting music:治愈音乐
- pastoral:田园诗
- reinvent the ~ :彻底革新田园诗
- dweller:居民
- idyllic:田园般的,悠闲的
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