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First, because citespace needs to run in a Java environment, you need to download the latest version of Java and install it.
Then, log in to the citespace homepage to download the software
第一步,提前准备。首先建立一个文件夹(我用CNKI命名),这个文件夹里再新建四个文件夹(为了后续能清楚一点),初学者建议用data,input,output,project命名,如图 1。
The first step is to prepare in advance. First create a folder (I named it with CNKI), and then create four folders in this folder (for clarity in the follow-up). Beginners recommend using data, input, output, and project names, as shown in Figure 1.
第二步,进入知网查询所需要方向的相关文献。选择“高级检索”,我用关键词“绿色偏好”为例筛选近十年的相关文献。如图 2。
The second step is to enter HowNet to find relevant documents in the required direction. Select “Advanced Search”, and I will use the keyword “green preference” as an example to screen relevant documents in the past ten years. As shown in Figure 2.
点击“全选”,CNKI每次最多可选择500篇文献。如图 3。
Click “Select All” and CNKI can select up to 500 documents each time. As shown in Figure 3.
点击已选择的文献数量,可以进一步进行文献的筛选。点击已选择的数量可以删除一些参考意义较弱的文献,比如会议等。如图 4、图 5。
Click on the number of selected documents to further filter the documents. Click the selected number to delete some documents with weak reference significance, such as conferences. See Figure 4 and Figure 5.
导出所选文献。选择Refworks格式。如图 6。
Export selected documents. Choose Refworks format. As shown in Figure 6.
导出的txt文件一定要重新命名。以“download_*****.txt”的格式,因为目前citespace对于CNKI的录入只能接受download开头(所有字母必须小写)的文件名。并将该文件放入input的文件夹。如图 7。
The exported txt file must be renamed. In the format of “download_*****.txt”, because currently citespace can only accept file names starting with download (all letters must be lowercase) for CNKI entry. And put the file into the input folder. As shown in Figure 7.
以上步骤都是使用citespace的前期准备。在准备工作完成后,点开软件citespace。点击“date”转换已经从知网下载下来的文献信息。选择文献来源“CNKI”,在“input dictionary”选择“input”文件夹,在“output dictionary”选择“output”文件夹。如图 8、图 9。
The above steps are all preliminary preparations for using citespace. After the preparation work is completed, click on the software citespace. Click “date” to convert the document information that has been downloaded from CNKI. Select the document source “CNKI”, select the “input” folder in “input dictionary”, and select the “output” folder in “output dictionary”. See Figure 8 and Figure 9.
然后点击“format conversion”格式转换,数据栏显示500篇文献已读取且已转换,如图 10。就说明转换完成,可以在output文件夹看到生成的转换文件。如图 11。
Then click “format conversion”, the data column shows that 500 documents have been read and converted, as shown in Figure 10. That means the conversion is complete, you can see the generated conversion file in the output folder. As shown in Figure 11.
将转换完的这份文件复制一份到data文件夹中。如图 12。
Copy the converted file to the data folder. As shown in Figure 12.
回到首页,点击“new”,创建一个新的project,在“title”给文件命名,“project home”选择project文件夹,“data directory”选择data文件夹。其他选项保持默认值,点击“save”保存。如图 13。
Back to the home page, click “new” to create a new project, name the file in “title”, select the project folder for “project home”, and select the data folder for “data directory”. Keep other options as default, click “save” to save. As shown in Figure 13.
设置“time slicing”选择自己筛选的文献的年份,“mode types”我们以“keywords”为例做关键词分析,“pruning”选择“pruning sliced networks”。(如果出图并不紊乱,不需要勾选Pruning)如图 14。
Set “time slicing” to select the year of the documents you filter, “mode types” we take “keywords” as an example for keyword analysis, and “pruning” select “pruning sliced networks”. (If the plot is not disordered, you don’t need to check Pruning) as shown in Figure 14.
点击绿色按钮“go”,左下方区域显示已经开始计算。如图 15。
Click the green button “go”, the lower left area shows that the calculation has started. As shown in Figure 15.
运算结束后,会跳出一个新的窗口,点击“visualize”。如图 16。
After the calculation is over, a new window will pop up, click “visualize”. As shown in Figure 16.
然后我们可以看到运行的结果,点击暂停键。否则数据会持续运转,直到得到你满意的图形。如图 17。
Then we can see the result of the operation, click the pause button. Otherwise, the data will continue to run until you get the graph you are satisfied with. As shown in Figure 17.
选择菜单栏的关键词聚类。如图 18。计算得到了已选择的500篇文献中的高频关键词。如图 19。
Select keyword clustering in the menu bar. As shown in Figure 18. The high-frequency keywords in the 500 selected documents are calculated. As shown in Figure 19.
左栏显示的数据:关键词出现的频数、中心度、年份。(中心度是判断研究领域热点的基本参考值。节点的中心度越高,其连接与传递信息的关键词越多,在整个网络中的媒介作用越强。)如图 20。
Data displayed in the left column: frequency, centrality, and year of keywords. (The centrality is the basic reference value for judging the hot spots in the research field. The higher the centrality of the node, the more keywords it connects and transfers information, and the stronger the media role in the entire network.) Figure 20.
控制面板的调整。调整“threshold”,门槛值调低,可以看到我们的图形里的关键词增多了。根据自己的需要,调整“控制面板阀值控制关键词的数量、大小等指标。如图 21。
Adjustment of the control panel. Adjust the “threshold” to lower the threshold, and we can see that the keywords in our graph have increased. According to your own needs, adjust the “Control Panel Threshold Value” to control the number and size of keywords. See Figure 21.
作者分析。选择“Author”后,点击“go”.如图 22。
Author analysis. After selecting “Author”, click “go”. As shown in Figure 22.
然后得到了关于作者的聚类分析。如图 23。
Then got the cluster analysis about the author. As shown in Figure 23.
同理,点击“institution”,可以得到作者所属机构的聚类分析。如图 24、图 25。
Similarly, click “institution” to get the cluster analysis of the author’s institution. See Figure 24 and Figure 25.
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