一些希腊词根派生的英语单词 很有用 得有英语基础才能看的懂

一些希腊词根派生的英语单词 很有用 得有英语基础才能看的懂synagogue:n,a building where Jewish people meet for religious worship an

大家好,欢迎来到IT知识分享网。一些希腊词根派生的英语单词 很有用 得有英语基础才能看的懂

  • adelphos-兄弟
    • philadelphia /,filə’delfjə; -fiə/:n, 兄弟般友爱的城市,费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市)
  • agogos-leading
    • synagogue:n,a building where Jewish people meet for religious worship and teaching
    • agog:a, very excited about something and wanting to find out more,not before noun
    • pedagogue/demagogue
  • agora-in ancient Greece, an open space used for markets and public meetings , pl. agorae/agoras
  • akros-highest
  • alogos-pain, 拼写为,algi,
    • neuralgia:n, 神经痛
    • cardialgia:n, 心脏痛
  • andros-man, 作形容词变为androus, 作名词前部分为andro, 后部分为andri
    • polyandrist; polyandry; polyandrous;
    • andromania;
    • gynandrous:a,;
    • misandrist:n,;
    • Anglomania:n,;
  • ant, anti-against
    • antagonist:n, opponent; adversary; foe in a struggle, fight or contest+main opponent of the principal character in a play, novel or story ; antagonism:n, ;antagonistic:a,; antagonise:n,;
    • antibiotic :n+a, substance obtained from tiny living organisms that works against harmful bacteria: The antibiotic penicillin stops the growth of bacteria causing pneumonia, tonsillitis and certain other diseases. 抗生素青霉素阻止了肺炎细菌、扁桃腺细菌还有其他某些疾病细菌的生长繁殖; antibody抗体; antibiotics:n, 抗生学
    • antidote:1 remedy that acts against the effects of a poison,2 anything that makes an unpleasant situation better ;antidotal:a,; antidotatium:n, 解毒药集
    • antiseptic:n+a, a medicine that you put onto a wound to stop it from becoming infected;
    • antitoxin: n, substance formed in the body as the result of the introduction of a toxin(poison) and capable of acting against that toxin, 抗毒素;antitoxic:a,;
  • anthropos-mankind
    • anthropology英 /,ænθrə’pɒlədʒɪ/美 /’ænθrə’pɑlədʒi/:n, science specializing mankind; anthropologist:n, 人类学家;anthropological:a,;
    • philanthropy /fɪ’lænθrəpi/ :n,the practice of helping the poor and those in need, especially by giving money; philanthropist:n,; philanthropic:a,;
    • misanthropy:n, /mɪ’sænθrəpi/厌世; misanthrope/’mɪsənθrop/ /misanthropist:n,;;misanthropic
    • anthropocentric:a, 以人类为中心的; anthropocentrism:n,= anthropocentricity:n,;
  • archein,archy, arch-to rule
    • monarchy /’mɑnɚki/ :n, 一个人统治,君主制,君主国家; monarch/’mɑnɚk/:n,; monarchess /’mɒnəkɪs/ :n, 女性
    • anarchy/’ænɚki/:n,; anarchist /’ænɚkɪst/=anarch:n,; anarchic/ən’ɑrkɪk/:a,; anarchism/’ænɚkɪzəm/:n,;
    • hierarchy /’haɪərɑrki/:n,等级制度; hierarch /’haɪə,rɑrk/:n,大主教,大祭司/(宗教僧侣等级中的)高僧; hierarchical:a, ;
    • hieroglyph/’haɪərəɡlɪf:n,古埃及象形文字,图画文字; hieroglyphic:a,
    • reign:n, 1the period when someone is king, queen, or emperor, the reign of sb, under sb’s reign; 2the period when someone is in charge of an organization, team, department, during zhao’s reign 3 literary, a period during which an idea, a feeling or an atmosphere is the most powerful or most important feature of a place; v, 1 reign(over) as a king; 2 an idea, a feeling or an atmosphere reigns; 3 reigning champion现任本届冠军
    • potentate n. ( literaryoften disapproving) a ruler who has a lot of power, especially when this is not restricted by a parliament, etc.
    • coercion/ko’ɝʒən/ n. [ U] ( formal ) the action of making sb do sth that they do not want to do, using force or threatening to use force,
  • aster, astr, astro,astron-star
    • aster: a, plant having small starlike flowers ,紫苑属植物 如翠菊
    • asterisk :n, star-shaped mark
    • astrophysics:n, 天文物理学; astrophysicist:n,;
    • disaster:n, ; disastrous:a, 在 古代人们相信星星决定人类的命运 , 因 而任何不幸和灾难之降临千某人皆 由 千星 星在作对的缘故
    • asteroid : very small planet resembling a star in appearance; starfish; asteroidal:a,;
    • astrologer /ə’strɑlədʒɚ/=astrologist: person who practices astrology/ə’strɑlədʒi/, the false science dealing with the influence of the stars and planets on human affairs
    • astronaut:traveler in outer space ; astronautics/,æstrə’nɔtɪks/:n,; astronautic:a,;
    • astronomer /ə’strɑnəmɚ/:expert in astronomy/ə’strɑnəmi/, 天文学science of the stars, planets, sun, moon and other heavenly bodies; astronomical:a, 常用于非天体意义
  • asketes-修道士或隐士敛心潜心研 艰苦奋作栖身陋室硬铺,严酷克 己 自 律以 达到 灵魂之净化,拼为ascet
    • ascetic: n+a; ascetism:n,; ascetical:a,;
  • auto-self
    • autobiography:自己书写自己的生命,story of a person’s life written by the person himself; autobiographer:n,; autobiographic=autobiographical:a,;
    • autocrat=despot, autocracy “crat”置千词尾,指“某种政府形态的支持者”、“某一集团的成员”;如果字母大写时,则指“某一政党的成员, autocratic,
    • autograph:vt+n,自己写的,签名; autography:n,笔迹亲笔; autographic:a,;
    • automaton n =robot
    • autonomy/ɔ’tɑnəmi/=,自己有自己的制度,right of self-government, n+a+v=autonomous/ɔ’tɑnəməs, Alumni /ə’lʌmnaɪ/ Association 校友会; autonomic /,ɔtə’nɑmɪk/:a, 自主的,自发的
    • autopsy= postmortem examination验尸; autopsia:n, 尸体解剖
    • authentic=genuine; real; reliable; trustworthy
  • bios-life
    biologist:n,; biology:n, 生物学;biological:a,;
    biopsy:n, 活体 检查, 生物组织切片检查法 通 常是 过显微镜来检查 活休组织 ,这常在怀疑有癌症时进行;
    biopsychology:n, 生物心理学
    symbiosis /,sɪmbaɪ’osɪs;,sɪmbɪ’osɪs/:n, 共生,合作关系,共栖 symbiosome:n, 共生体

  • botane-植物
    botanist/’bɑtənɪst/:n, 植物学家; botany/’bɑtəni/:n,; botanical

  • carnis-flesh肉体,肉
    carnivorore /’kɑrnɪvɔr/ :n, 肉食动物,食虫植物;carnivora kɑr’nɪvərə:n 食肉类; canivorous:a,;
    carnelian/kɑr’niljən/:a, 微红色,红色的肉的颜色
    carnival:n, 狂欢节

  • carnal:a,formal, relating to sex or someone’s body; Carnal pleasures或 carnal appetites, 肉体的; carnality /kɑː’nælɪtɪ/( 肉欲淫荡好色)
    sensual:a,relating to the feelings of your body rather than your mind, or making you think of physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, -mouth/woman, sensuality:n,; sensualism/’sɛnʃʊəlɪzəm/ :n,感性主义; sensualist:n,;
    lecherous:a, 好色的,shows his sexual desire for women in a way that is unpleasant or annoying; lecher:n,; lechery:n, 好色淫荡;
    lascivious /lə’sɪvɪəs/:a,( formal disapproving) feeling or showing strong sexual desire猥亵的,好色的, -person, – thought,
    lubricious:a, 光滑的; 淫荡的
    carnage:n, 大屠杀,生命(人肉体的)大破坏, 可见于战争和大规模的屠杀中
    reincarnation:n, 灵 魂 在脱离 肉体之后依然存在最终再现于一个新生 婴儿或动物身上 或以另一种形式 出 现; reincarnate:n, 赋予灵魂; 使再生;转世
    incarnate:a+v, 人体的化身的, the devil incarnate, evil incarnate; 动词意思是to embody赋予躯体,具体体现,give bodi ly form to; 或者 make real(实现)

  • cheir-hand, 拼写为chiro
    chirography:n, 用手写字,书法:chirographer:n, 书法家; graphologist:n, 笔相学家,笔迹学家;
    chiromancy:n, 手相术; chiromancer:n, chiromantic:a, ;

  • chondros-胸部软组织
    hypochondria /’haɪpə’kɑndrɪə/:n, 忧郁症;hypochondriac:n, 忧郁症患者; hypochondriacal:a,;
    chondrocyte/’kɒndrə(ʊ)saɪt/:n 软骨细胞;chondroitin/kən’drəʊɪtɪn/:n, 软骨素

  • chron, chrono-time
    chronology arrangement of data or events in order of time of occurrence 年代表年代学; chronological=chronologic; chronologist;
    anachronism: error in chronology or time order,时代错误,更早或更晚; anachronous=anachronistic
    incongruous:a, 与地点场合不相称的人或物; incongruity;
    chronicle/’krɑnɪkl/: historical account of events in the order of time编年史
    chronometer:/krə’nɑmɪtɚ/n, 精密记时表;高度精确的钟表;航海经线仪; chronometry/krə’nɑmətri/:n,计时; chronometric:a,;
    synchronize:vt,cause to agree in time; make simultaneous, -clocks; synchronous:a,; synchronization:n,;
    chronic:a, 1( especially, but not only of a disease ) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of 2 a problem that continues for a long time and can’t be easily be solved 3chronic alcoholic/gambler 4 informal, extremely bad;chronicity:n, ;
    chronograph=chronographic:n, 计时计,计秒表;chronography:n, 计时法;

  • cikon-religious image
    iconoclasm /aɪ’kɒnəklæz(ə)m/:n, the action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices;the rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical;the doctrine of iconoclasts 捣毁圣像;偶像打破主义。; iconoclast:n,反对偶像崇拜者;iconoclastic:a,;

  • cogo-驱赶到一起,迫使,强迫
    cogent:n, 令人信服的,具有褒义;congency:n, 展示敏锐的头脑, 清晰而有逻辑的思维, 暗含无法遏止的逻辑能力和智力上的敏锐性

  • cracy-government
    aristocracy:n, /,ærɪ’stɑkrəsi/:government or country governed by a small privileged upper class;ruling class of nobles, nobility,privileged class ;aristocrat:n,贵族; aristocratic:a,; aristocratism/ə’rɪstəkrætɪzəm/ :n,;
    bureaucracy:government by bureaus or groups of officials
    democracy:governed by the people; ruled by the majority
    plutocracy: governed by the rich
    technocracy: governed by technical experts
    gerontocracy:n, /,dʒɛrən’tɑkrəsi/

  • deipno-a meal
    deipnosophist; deipnosophistic;deipnosophism;

  • dem, demo-people
    demagogue: political leader who stirs up the people for personal advantage, rabble-rouser; demagoguery:n, 行为; demagogical
    demography:n, the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations人口统计学; demographer:n,; demographic:a,;
    epidemic:n+a, outbreak of a disease affecting many people at the same time / affecting many people in an area at the same time; widespread
    endemic:a, native to or confined to a certain region
    pandemic:a, epidemic over a wide geographical area

  • derm, dermato-skin
    dermatologist: physician specializing in dermatology /,dɝmə’tɑlədʒi/, the science dealing with the skin and its diseases; dematological:n,;
    dermis : inner layer of the skin 皮肤真皮
    epidermis : most outer layer of the skin, 表皮
    taxidermist : one who practices taxidermy, the art of preparing, stuffing填 and mounting the skins of animals in lifelike form;
    hypodermic/,haɪpə’dəmɪk/:a+n, beneath the skin,皮下注射器
    pachyderm/’pækɪdɝm/:n, 厚皮动物
    dermatitis/,dɝmə’taɪtɪs/:n, 皮炎 是 皮肤发炎 、 皮 肤过敏和皮肤感染等疾病的统称

  • dipso=thirst
    dipsomania:n, 饮酒狂; dipsomaniac:n,;
    dipsotherapy:n, 节饮疗法;
    dipsophobia:n, 饮酒恐惧症

  • dromos-a running
    syndrome:n, 同时跑出来,综合征;syndromic:a,;

  • endon-inner, within

  • ephemera-dayfly蜉蝣
    ephemeroptera:n 蜉蝣目
    ephemeral:a, existing or popular for only a short time
    ephemeris:n, table giving the future positions of a planet, comet, or satellite 星历
    ephemer:n, 短生植物, 短命
    ephemerality/ə,fɛmə’ræləti/ :n, 朝生暮死,短命的事物;无常的事物
    evanescent,后者也表示转瞬即逝触摸不到的,如feeling,evanescence:n,; evanesce:vi,(of smoke, mist, etc) to fade gradually from sight; vanish (烟、雾等)逐渐消散; 消失;

  • ergon-work
    synergism:n, 两种 或 两 种 以 上物质或 约 物放 在一 起 结合起来产生 比 它们各自 作用之和还要大的作用 的 过程=synergy; synergistic:a,; synergist:n, 增效剂

  • gamos-marriage
    monogamy /mə’nɑɡəmi/一夫一妻制; bigamy/’bɪɡəmi/重婚罪; polygamy/pə’lɪɡəmi多妻多夫
    monogamist/bigamist/polygamist; monogamous/bigamous/polygamous
    misogamist:n,; misogamism:n,;

  • ge/geo-地球
    geology:n地质学,; geologist:n,; geological:a,;
    geometry/dʒɪ’ɑmətri/:n, 测量地球,几何学; geometrician:n, 几何学家; geometric:
    geography:n, 描写地球,地理学;geographer:n,; 地理学家

  • gen, genea,genos-race
    genealogy: history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor; lineage pedigree; genealogical:n,; genealogist:n, 系谱学家
    homogenize/ho’mɑdʒə,naɪz/: make homogeneous /,homə’dʒinɪəs/ (of the same or similiar part); homogeneousness=homogeneity
    heterogeneous: consisting of parts or members that are very different from each other ,异种的;heterogeneity:n,;
    genocide /’dʒɛnəsaɪd/ :n, 杀整个人类或民族; genocidal:a,; genocidist/’dʒenəusaidist/ :n, 拥护种族灭绝政策的人

  • genesis-birth or origin
    genesis /’dʒɛnəsɪs/: n, origin, A has genesis in B, A以B为起源
    gene:n, 基因;genetics:n, 遗传学; geneticist:n, , 遗传学家; genetic:a,;
    Genital:n+a,=sexual organ=生殖器官;
    Genesis, 大写的出生是指宇宙的创生和起源
    congenital:a, 与出生一起的,与生俱来的,可用于直意,也可用于转意,,大大夸张某种特性的早期存在;
    hereditaryhə’rɛdə’tɛri/:a, 遗传的, 地位头衔世袭的; heredity/hə’rɛdəti/:n,;

  • geras-old age,派生出geron
    geriatrics:n, 老年病学; geriatrician :n, 医生; geriatric:a,;
    gerontologist:n, 老龄问题专家; gerontology:n, 老年学; gerontological:a,;

  • gnostos-known
    agnosticism/æg’nɑstə,sɪzəm/ :n, 不可知论:agnostic:a+n;
    agnosia/æg’nosɪə/ :n, loss or diminution of the power to recognize familiar objects or people, usually as a result of brain damage 认识不能; 辨别熟悉的物体或人的能力丧失或减弱,通常由于脑损伤造成

  • gnosis, gnor, gnos-knowledge
    gnosis/’nəʊsɪs/ :n, 真知
    diagnosis:n 彻底知道,诊断;diagnose: vt,; dignostic:a,-test, 诊断性测验;diagnotician:n, 诊断学家;
    prognosis:n, 对病程的推测,预后,预知,发展趋势; prognosticate:vt, 据症候和情状对问题的发展做出预告, 不管问题是身体的、 精神的、 政治的、 经济的、 心理的或其它方面的; prognostication:n,;
    ignorant:a, lacking basic knowledge / unaware or uninformed不知道消息不灵通; ignorance;
    nostrum n. 秘方药,万灵丹

  • gram, graph-letter, writting
    anagram: (false)word or phrase formed from another(right word) by transposing the letters,也有回文构词法之意; anagrammatic:n,;
    cartography:n, the science or art of map making; cartographic:a,; cartographer: n, ; cartogrph:n, 地图制图仪; cartogram:n, 统计图,
    cryptogram :密码; crytography:n, 密码术 ; cryptograph:n+v,编成密码
    electrocardiogram: tracing made by an electrocardiograph, an instrument that records the amount of electricity the heart muscles produce during the heartbeat; electrocardiographist:n,;
    epigram: right or witty thought concisely and cleverly expressed; epigrammtic:a,; epigrammatism:n, 警句文体; epigrammatize:vt,; epigrammatist:n,;
    graphite: soft black carbon used in lead pencils ;graphitic:a,;
    monogram/’mɑnəɡræm/ :two or more letters, usually the first letters of sb’s names, that are combined in a design and marked on items of clothing, etc. that they own
    monograph: n+v, a detailed written study of a single subject, usually in the form of a short book ; monographic:a,; monographer:n,;
    stenographer:person skilled on or employed to do, stenography,the art of writing in shorthand
    graphic: 1 written or told in a clear, lifelike manner, especially unpleasant ones,-unhappy childhood, -illness; 2 only befor noun, 绘画的;图样的;印刷的;平面造型设计的
    typography:n,排印,版面设计 ; typographer:n,; typographical:a,;

  • graphein-write
    grapholosit:n, 分析写的东西的科学的人, 笔相学家; graphology:n, 笔相学; graphological:n,
    calligraphy:n, 书法;calligrapher:n, ; calligraphic:a,;
    cacography:n, ; cacographer:n,书写糟糕难以辨认; cacographic:a,;
    photograph:n+vt+vi, ; photographer:n,; photography:n,摄影术;photographic:a,;
    phonograph:n+vt留声机,; phonographic:a,; phonographer:n, 声音描写者,表音速记专家
    telegraph:n+vi+vt电报机; telegram:n, 电报; telegraphy:n, 电报通讯术
    biography:n,传记作品; biographer:n,;

  • gyne-woman,词前部分为gyne, 后部分为gyni,
    gynecologist, physician specializing women; gynecology; gyneological
    misogynist人; misogyny行为; misogynous or misogynistic
    polygynist; polygyny;polygynous

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