【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】

【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】天体物理学的仪器和方法 arXiv 为研究人员提供了广泛的服务 文章提交 编译 制作 检索 搜索和发现 人类读者的网络分发 机器的 API 访问 以及内容管理和保存








      由于arXiv上的文章多半都会投稿到学术期刊,作者对文章多半保持严谨态度。少部分文章则一直保持预印本的形式,其中包括一些极具影响力的作品,例如格里戈里·佩雷尔曼对庞加莱猜想的证明。arXiv上的民间科学家作品为数不多,通常被归入诸如“一般数学”(General Mathematics)等项下。

        arXiv只是个提交论文预印本(preprint)的平台,而且里面的论文都没有经过同行评审(peer review),所以文章质量参差不齐。
        比较有名的计算机检索数据库DBLP数据库可以检索arXiv里的文章,DBLP把arXiv归类为非正式发表(informal publication)。



Physics 物理

Mathematics 数学

Computer Science 计算机科学

Quantitative Biology 定量生物学

Quantitative Finance 量化金融

Statistics 统计学

Electrical Engineering and Systems Science电气工程与系统科学

Economics 经济学

About arXiv 关于arXiv

About arXiv 


Submission Guidelines 投稿须知

Submission Preparation 投稿准备

Formats for text of submission提交文本的格式

Formats for figures 图形的格式

File names and case sensitivity文件名和区分大小写

Inclusion of ancillary files包含辅助文件

Title and abstract preparation标题和摘要准备

Verify and correct your submission验证并更正您的提交

Edit or replace your submission编辑或替换提交内容

Availability of submissions提交材料的可用性

Who We Are 我们是谁


Soft Actor-Critic: Off-Policy Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Stochastic Actor



arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for nearly 2.4 million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.

Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.
arXiv 是一项免费分发服务和开放获取档案库,收录了物理学、数学、计算机科学、定量生物学、定量金融学、统计学、电气工程和系统科学以及经济学领域的近 240 万篇学术文章。


【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】

Physics 物理

  • Astrophysics (astro-ph new, recent, search) Astrophysics of Galaxies; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics; Earth and Planetary Astrophysics; High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena; Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics; Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
    天体物理学 (astro-ph new, recent, search) 星系的天体物理学;宇宙学和非银河系天体物理学;地球和行星天体物理学;高能天体物理现象;天体物理学的仪器和方法;太阳和恒星天体物理学
  • Condensed Matter (cond-mat new, recent, search) Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Materials Science; Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics; Other Condensed Matter; Quantum Gases; Soft Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics; Strongly Correlated Electrons; Superconductivity
    凝聚态物质(cond-mat new、renew、search)无序系统和神经网络;材料科学;中尺度和纳米尺度物理学;其他凝聚态物质;量子气体;软凝聚态物质;统计力学;强相关电子;超导电性
  • General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc new, recent, search)
    广义相对论和量子宇宙学 (gr-qc new, recent, search)
  • High Energy Physics – Experiment (hep-ex new, recent, search)
    High Energy Physics – Experiment (hep-ex new, recent, search)
  • High Energy Physics – Lattice (hep-lat new, recent, search)
    High Energy Physics – Lattice (hep-lat new, recent, search)
  • High Energy Physics – Phenomenology (hep-ph new, recent, search)
    High Energy Physics – Phenomenology (hep-ph new, recent, search)
  • High Energy Physics – Theory (hep-th new, recent, search)
    High Energy Physics – Theory (hep-th new, recent, search)
  • Mathematical Physics (math-ph new, recent, search)
    数学物理(math-ph new、renew、search)
  • Nonlinear Sciences (nlin new, recent, search)
    非线性科学 (nlin new, recent, search)
    includes: Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems; Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases; Chaotic Dynamics; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Pattern Formation and Solitons
  • Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex new, recent, search)
    核实验 (nucl-ex new, recent, search)
  • Nuclear Theory (nucl-th new, recent, search)
    核理论 (nucl-th new, recent, search)
  • Physics (physics new, recent, search)
    includes: Accelerator Physics; Applied Physics; Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics; Atomic and Molecular Clusters; Atomic Physics; Biological Physics; Chemical Physics; Classical Physics; Computational Physics; Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability; Fluid Dynamics; General Physics; Geophysics; History and Philosophy of Physics; Instrumentation and Detectors; Medical Physics; Optics; Physics and Society; Physics Education; Plasma Physics; Popular Physics; Space Physics
  • Quantum Physics (quant-ph new, recent, search)
    量子物理学(quant-ph new, recent, search)

Mathematics 数学

  • Mathematics (math new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Algebraic Geometry; Algebraic Topology; Analysis of PDEs; Category Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs; Combinatorics; Commutative Algebra; Complex Variables; Differential Geometry; Dynamical Systems; Functional Analysis; General Mathematics; General Topology; Geometric Topology; Group Theory; History and Overview; Information Theory; K-Theory and Homology; Logic; Mathematical Physics; Metric Geometry; Number Theory; Numerical Analysis; Operator Algebras; Optimization and Control; Probability; Quantum Algebra; Representation Theory; Rings and Algebras; Spectral Theory; Statistics Theory; Symplectic Geometry

Computer Science 计算机科学

  • Computing Research Repository (CoRR new, recent, search)
    计算研究存储库(CoRR 新、最新、搜索)
    includes: (see detailed description): Artificial Intelligence; Computation and Language; Computational Complexity; Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science; Computational Geometry; Computer Science and Game Theory; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Computers and Society; Cryptography and Security; Data Structures and Algorithms; Databases; Digital Libraries; Discrete Mathematics; Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing; Emerging Technologies; Formal Languages and Automata Theory; General Literature; Graphics; Hardware Architecture; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Retrieval; Information Theory; Logic in Computer Science; Machine Learning; Mathematical Software; Multiagent Systems; Multimedia; Networking and Internet Architecture; Neural and Evolutionary Computing; Numerical Analysis; Operating Systems; Other Computer Science; Performance; Programming Languages; Robotics; Social and Information Networks; Software Engineering; Sound; Symbolic Computation; Systems and Control

Quantitative Biology 定量生物学

  • Quantitative Biology (q-bio new, recent, search)
    Quantitative Biology (q-bio new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Biomolecules; Cell Behavior; Genomics; Molecular Networks; Neurons and Cognition; Other Quantitative Biology; Populations and Evolution; Quantitative Methods; Subcellular Processes; Tissues and Organs

Quantitative Finance 量化金融

  • Quantitative Finance (q-fin new, recent, search)
    量化金融学(q-fin new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Computational Finance; Economics; General Finance; Mathematical Finance; Portfolio Management; Pricing of Securities; Risk Management; Statistical Finance; Trading and Market Microstructure

Statistics 统计学

  • Statistics (stat new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Applications; Computation; Machine Learning; Methodology; Other Statistics; Statistics Theory

Electrical Engineering and Systems Science

  • Electrical Engineering and Systems Science (eess new, recent, search)
    电气工程与系统科学 (eess new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Audio and Speech Processing; Image and Video Processing; Signal Processing; Systems and Control

Economics 经济学

  • Economics (econ new, recent, search)
    经济学 (econ new, recent, search)
    includes: (see detailed description): Econometrics; General Economics; Theoretical Economics

About arXiv 关于arXiv

  • General information 一般信息
  • How to Submit to arXiv如何提交到arXiv
  • Membership & Giving 会员和捐赠
  • Who We Are 我们是谁

About arXiv 


【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】

arXiv is a curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open access, arXiv.org now hosts more than two million scholarly articles in eight subject areas, curated by our strong community of volunteer moderators.
arXiv是一个精心策划的研究共享平台,向任何人开放。作为数字开放获取的先驱,arXiv.org 现在拥有八个学科领域的 200 多万篇学术文章,由我们强大的志愿者版主社区策划。

arXiv offers researchers a broad range of services: article submission, compilation, production, retrieval, search and discovery, web distribution for human readers, and API access for machines, together with content curation and preservation. Our emphasis on openness, collaboration, and scholarship provide the strong foundation on which arXiv thrives.

arXiv currently serves the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech.
arXiv目前服务于物理学、数学、计算机科学、定量生物学、定量金融学、统计学、电气工程和系统科学以及经济学等领域。arXiv由Paul Ginsparg于1991年创立,现在由康奈尔理工学院维护和运营。

Operations are maintained by the arXiv Leadership Team and arXiv staff at Cornell University. Governance of arXiv is led by the Leadership Team with guidance from the arXiv Editorial Advisory Council, Institutions Advisory Council, and Science Advisory Council. arXiv is a community-supported resource funded by Cornell University, the Simons Foundation, member institutions, and donors.
运营由康奈尔大学的arXiv领导团队和arXiv员工维护。arXiv的治理由领导团队领导,并由arXiv编辑咨询委员会、机构咨询委员会和科学咨询委员会提供指导。arXiv 是由康奈尔大学、西蒙斯基金会、成员机构和捐助者资助的社区支持资源。

Registered users may submit articles to be announced by arXiv. There are no fees or costs for article submission. Submissions to arXiv are subject to a moderation process that classifies material as topical to the subject area and checks for scholarly value. Material is not peer-reviewed by arXiv – the contents of arXiv submissions are wholly the responsibility of the submitter and are presented “as is” without any warranty or guarantee. By hosting works and other materials on this site, arXiv, Cornell University, and their agents do not in any way convey implied approval of the assumptions, methods, results, or conclusions of the work.
注册用户可以提交文章,由arXiv公布。文章提交不收取任何费用或成本。提交给arXiv的稿件要经过审核程序,将材料归类为主题领域的主题,并检查学术价值。材料未经arXiv同行评审 – arXiv提交的内容完全由提交者负责,并按“原样”呈现,没有任何保证或担保。通过在本网站上托管作品和其他材料,arXiv、康奈尔大学及其代理人不会以任何方式传达对作品的假设、方法、结果或结论的默示认可。

Submission Guidelines 投稿须知

While submission to arXiv is free for authors, we do ask authors to carefully prepare their work according to these guidelines. This will improve discoverability of the work and reduce the likelihood of delays before announcement.

Submissions to arXiv should be topical and refereeable scientific contributions that follow accepted standards of scholarly communication.

  • We only accept submissions from registered authors. If you are a new user or are submitting to a new category, you may be required to find endorsements.
  • All submissions are subject to a moderation process that verifies material is appropriate and topical. Material that contains offensive language, non-scientific content, or is plagiarized may be removed.
  • Authors must grant arXiv.org an irrevocable license to distribute the work.
    作者必须授予 arXiv.org 不可撤销的许可才能分发作品。
  • Authors must agree to the Submission Terms and Agreement.
  • Authors are expected to self-submit. Submissions by a third party are only accepted under limited conditions. See instructions for third-party submissions and index submissions for conference proceedings.
  • New submissions received by 14:00 (Eastern Daylight/Standard Time Zone) are generally made available at 20:00 (Eastern) based on the schedule for availability. Also see versions help pages.
    在 14:00(东部夏令时/标准时区)之前收到的新提交通常在 20:00(东部时间)提供,具体取决于可用性时间表。另请参阅版本帮助页面。

Submission Preparation 投稿准备

  • Formats for text submission文本提交格式
  • Formats for figures 图形的格式
  • Policies for format requirements格式要求策略
  • File names and case sensitivity文件名和区分大小写
  • Inclusion of data sets and ancillary files (data, programs, etc.)包含数据集和辅助文件(数据、程序等)
  • Title and abstract preparation标题和摘要准备
  • Verify and correct your submission验证并更正您的提交
  • Edit or replace your submission编辑或替换提交内容

To submit an article, use the submit form or select “START NEW SUBMISSION” from your user page.

Formats for text of submission

Accepted submission formats (in order of preference):

  • (La)TeX, AMS(La)TeX, PDFLaTeX(拉)TeX、AMS(La)TeX、PDFLaTeX
    • (La)TeX Markup Best Practices for Successful HTML Papers(拉)成功的 HTML 论文的 TeX 标记最佳实践
  • PDF PDF格式
  • HTML with JPEG/PNG/GIF images带有 JPEG/PNG/GIF 图像的 HTML

Our goal is to store articles in formats that are highly portable and stable over time. Currently, the best choice is TeX/LaTeX.
我们的目标是以高度可移植且随时间推移稳定的格式存储文章。目前,最好的选择是 TeX/LaTeX。

We do not accept dvi, PS, or PDF created from TeX/LaTeX source, and we do not accept scanned documents, regardless of format.
我们不接受从 TeX/LaTeX 源创建的 dvi、PS 或 PDF,也不接受扫描文档,无论格式如何。

Formats for figures 图形的格式

Accepted figure formats:

  • PostScript (PS, EPS) — requires LaTeX processing
    PostScript (PS, EPS) — 需要 LaTeX 处理
  • JPEG, GIF, PNG or PDF figures — requires PDFLaTeX processing
    JPEG、GIF、PNG 或 PDF 图形 — 需要 PDFLaTeX 处理

We do not accept submissions with omitted figures, even if you provide links to view figures externally.

If you submit figures with your (La)TeX source, use standard macro packages (e.g., the graphics and graphicx packages) to have figures appear in the document. arXiv administration cannot provide help with TeX-related issues.
如果您使用 (La)TeX 源提交图形,请使用标准宏包(例如,和 graphics graphicx 包)使图形出现在文档中。arXiv 管理部门无法提供与 TeX 相关的问题的帮助。

File names and case sensitivity

arXiv will accept only the following characters in file names:
arXiv 在文件名中只接受以下字符:

a-z A-Z 0-9 _ + - . , =

File names that contain other characters (e.g., spaces, question marks, asterisks) will be rejected. These restrictions ensure maximum portability of the stored files and minimize archival risk.

File names and extensions are also case sensitive on our system. The file names Figure1.PDF and figure1.pdf are not the same. Whether your local system is case sensitive (e.g., Unix) or not (e.g., Windows) you must ensure that internal file references, such as LaTeX figure inclusion commands, match case exactly.
在我们的系统上,文件名和扩展名也区分大小写。文件名 Figure1.PDF 和 figure1.pdf 不一样。无论您的本地系统是否区分大小写(例如,Unix),您都必须确保内部文件引用(例如 LaTeX 图形包含命令)与大小写完全匹配。

Inclusion of ancillary files

There are limited facilities for including data sets and ancillary files (data, programs, etc.) that are associated with articles submitted to arXiv. See separate instructions about including data sets and ancillary files.

Title and abstract preparation

See separate instructions for preparing the title and abstract for inclusion in metadata. This information is used on the abstract pages, in announcements, in RSS feeds, and to support searching.
请参阅有关准备标题和摘要以包含在元数据中的单独说明。此信息用于摘要页面、公告、RSS 提要以及支持搜索。

Verify and correct your submission

Before you make the final “Submit Article” step in the submission process, be sure to carefully check the title and abstract (metadata) and the processed files, and correct any errors. Contact arXiv administrators for help.
在提交过程中进行最后的“提交文章”步骤之前,请务必仔细检查标题和摘要(元数据)以及处理后的文件,并更正任何错误。请联系 arXiv 管理员寻求帮助。

If you discover an error after submission but before public announcement, select the “Unsubmit” (

unsubmit icon

) icon next to the submission on your user page. This will return it to incomplete status and allow you to modify your files and resubmit.

unsubmit icon

 ) 图标。这将使它返回到未完成状态,并允许您修改文件并重新提交。

Unsubmitting an article takes the article out of the processing queue, and announcement will be scheduled based on the later resubmission time. See the schedule of availability.

Edit or replace your submission

No additional versions are generated when edits are done before the submission is publicly announced.

The date stamp associated with the submission will be the time that the final “Submit Article” step is completed. Edits and final submission before 14:00 US Eastern Time (EDT/EST) Monday through Friday will not delay announcement. You may wish to check current local time.
与提交相关的日期戳将是完成最后一个“提交文章”步骤的时间。美国东部时间周一至周五 14:00 (EDT/EST) 之前的编辑和最终提交不会延迟公告。您可能希望查看当前的当地时间。

We encourage authors to update and to make corrections to their articles. DO NOT make a new submission for a corrected article or for an erratum. Instead, replace the original submission.

Availability of submissions

For more information see our public submission availability page.

Who We Are 我们是谁

arXiv is a community of volunteer authors, readers, moderators, advisory board members, supporting members, donors, and third-party collaborators that are supported by our staff at Cornell University.
arXiv 是一个由志愿者作者、读者、版主、顾问委员会成员、支持成员、捐助者和第三方合作者组成的社区,由我们在康奈尔大学的工作人员提供支持。


【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】

Soft Actor-Critic: Off-Policy Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Stochastic Actor

T Haarnoja, A Zhou, P Abbeel, S Levine – arxiv preprint arxiv:1801.01290, 2018 – arxiv.org

【论文库】【康奈尔大学】【Cornell University】【arxiv是什么?】【arxiv是什么级别的论文?】

Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning

M Hessel, J Modayil, H van Hasselt, T Schaul… – arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2017 – arxiv.org

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