「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12很久以前,人们需要一种简单的计数方法。They didn’t have pencils, but they always had the


【英语绘本故事】Number Twelve 数字12

「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

Number Twelve is everywhere. we use the number twelve to help us do things every day. it helps us to count things. measure length, and tell time.


「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

Did you ever wonder why a year has twelve months? a ruler has twelve inches? a clock has twelve hours?

how we learned to count

long ago, people needed an easy way to count things. how many goats did they have? how many bricks did they need?




「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

They didn’t have pencils, but they always had their fingers. how could their fingers help them count things? your hand has four fingers and one thumb. fingers bend into three parts. all of your finger parts add up to -twelve.


「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

To learn how people counted, use the thumb of your other hand. count the parts of each finger. one two three, four, five six… using their finger, people could count their farm animals. they might count six chickens, three sheep and three goats. they had twelve animals.


「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

when their animals had bobies. it was easy to count them, too. using count to twenty-four, twenty-four is two twelves. a ruler is twelve thumbs long fingers. and the number twelve, were also used to find length. an inch was the width of an adult man’s thumb. a foot was twelve thumbs long.


「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

Soon, people cut twelve marks for thumb widths on a stick. it was easy to carry the stick. that stick was the first kind of twelve inch ruler.

twelve hours in a day

people used the number twelve to divide their days into parts or hours, that they could count. in daylight, they watched the shadow of a stick or a sundial to know what hour it was.




「英语绘本故事」Number Twelve 数字12

Twelve things are also called a dozen. we buy a dozen pencils in a box. we buy a dozen doughnuts or a dozen eggs. the number twelve helps us to do a dozen things every day.



• END •

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