
高中三年,最抓狂的宾语从句,这个知识总结让我分明了!6, 由疑问代词和副词引导的从句和that的从句并列时,I am sure who he is and that he is from Beij




1, 宾语从句的各种连接词:

例如: I believe that you are right 我相信你是对的。

I want to know whether you can come here 我想要知道你是否能来这里。

I believe whatever you say 你说什么,我都相信

其他连接词:who,which,when ,where, wherever ,whoever,however ,whatever,

2, 动宾形式的宾语从句:

例如: I expect that you can give me a hand 我期待你能帮助我 (及物动词)

I worry (about省略)how much you know about the news 我担心你对这个消息知道多少。(不及物动词的介词常省略)

We must point out what he has done about the work 我们必须指出他对这个工作做了什么(动词加副词的短语)

Make sure that you are right 你 必须确定是对的。

I think it necessary that you must study English every day 我认为你每天必须学习英语是有必要的。

We all considered what you said to be believed 我们都认为你所说的是可信的。(有to do 的不定式,前面不能有it 做形式 主语。)

I hate it that they speak English in front of me 我讨厌他们在我的面前说英语。

(不能直接跟宾语从句的词语:hate 讨厌,take 认为,see to 负责,owe 欠债)

3, 介宾结构的宾语从句:

1,I want to know about whether you will be here or not 我想要知道你是否在这里。

(出现介词时,后面不能用that 和if)

2,You may depend on it that I will always help you 你要相信我会一直帮助你的

3,I didn’t tell him anything except that I want to borrow his books 我什么也没有告诉他,只是说我想要借他的书(except ,but,besides ,in 的后面可以跟that的宾语从句)

4, I am happy that you can help me 我很开心你能帮助我(系表结构后面通常被称作宾语从句。)

4, 只用whether 不用if 做连接词的宾语从句

1, 有介词在前面

Your good grades depend on how you study in your daily life 你的好成绩取决于你在日常生活中如何学习。

2, 宾语从句句首

Whether you can come here ,I don’t know我不知道你是否会来这里。

3, 有 or not 的句子

I want to know whether you are right or not 我想要知道你是否是对的。

4, 有不定式连用时

I don’t know whether to accept your gift 我不知道是否应该去接受你的礼物


1, 有插入语时,

It says here ,on this card ,that it was used in plays卡片上写着,它是戏剧中用过的。

2, 从句位于主句前,并且从句是主从复合句

He told me that if he can get the book ,he could be a top student


3, it做形式宾语的宾语从句

We have made it clear that we will learn to deal with various difficult problems 我们已经表明,我们将学会处理各种难题。

4, that或者this 做主语时的,宾语从句

He said that this is his task 他说这是他的任务

5, 多个that 引导的宾语从句,只能省略第一个that

He said (that)the book was excellent and that he wanted to see it once again 他说这本书很好看,他想再看一次。

6, 由疑问代词和副词引导的从句和that的从句并列时,

I am sure who he is and that he is from Beijing我知道他是谁,并且知道他来自哪里

7, that 引导的宾语从句位于句首的时候

That you can finish your work early I don’t know 我不知道你能很早的完成你的工作。

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